Right folks, here’s how it’s going to work. Rest assured, it’s not being cancelled – this is just a plea for your help!
I started the Pootles about four years back to establish a properly inclusive ride. Over the years I think we’ve managed that and the Pootles have been fantastic for getting forumites who perhaps were a little nervous about joining a group ride involved and out with others. As a result, and as you can see, the word has spread and we have this mad (but amusingly) massive group ride going on. It gives me a few concerns…
– I can only count to 20 so keeping track of everyone is going to be a nightmare
– the probability of mechanicals happening has gone through the roof
– 70 riders trundling past is going to seriously annoy walkers
– while the route I’ve picked is very hard wearing there’ll still be some impact on the trails
So I ask for your help in a number of ways
– if others of you would like to splinter off and do other routes I can plan some for you happily (the alternative Pootle routes)
– please be entirely self sufficient with spares and repairs
– we are going to annoy walkers. Please, smother them with kindness; big smiles, cheery hellos, give them plenty of room and act as an ambassador for mountain biking. If we need to bribe them, share cake!
– let me get to the bar first when we’ve done!
– if you know you can comfortably ride a bit quicker – please see the plan below….
For those pootling we’re going to do it slightly differently.
– there will be two groups; fast-Pootle and slow-Pootle. Both groups will still be at Pootle-pace but with the fast-Pootle slightly less pootley than the slow Pootle.
– fast Pootlers will have a head start. Same route, led by one of the Pootle regulars.
– depending on how we are doing, we can build in a couple of extra loops – the two groups will be in touch with each other via walkie-talkie so we can coordinate 10-4 roger tango. Basically, the fast group will have an extension if needed
I know I can trust you all to help me out – it’s going to be a laugh I know.
Looking forward to it as always.