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  • just been assaulted
  • philconsequence
    Free Member

    was on a train up in scotland and this old ticket guy wouldn’t leave me alone, kept accusing me of having the wrong ticket but his eyesight must’ve been failing him as i definitely had a return despite him accusing me of having a single. to make it even worse he didnt ask any other people on the train to check the ticket, just kept accusing me… so worse case scenario i should get a fine that i could then argue against by providing the right ticket yeah? nope, no following of the official policies or procedures! some fat guy got up from a few seats away and assaulted me, actually threw me off the train!!! in the struggle i dropped my ticket so no chance of me being able to prove i had the right one 🙁

    instead of trying to protect me from being assaulted the other passengers actually applauded the guy who assaulted me.

    i’m furious, what should i do??

    EDIT – why are public transport users so quick to blame anybody younger than them and always assume we’re up to something? i was on the train to visit my nan in hospital and i didnt exactly kick up a fuss about the smelly old homeless guy 2 seats away…. i wasnt hurting anybody, i wasn’t in the wrong, so why should i be hurt?!

    Free Member

    Read this thread, I reckon:



    Fred’s stirring up the usual suspects

    Free Member

    Possibly get the coach back home ??

    Free Member

    You should have stabbed him in the face.

    Free Member

    i was tempted to use my mate stanley i must admit, but being a considerate young man i decided to not escalate it from the already unnecessary escalation to violence from the fat guy! what kinda example was he setting for everyone else on the train?? physically assault people and get a round of applause?

    Free Member

    All about the tattoo, innit?
    I think I saw some crim who was tattooed and now I think that all tattooed people are criminals or fare dodgers or baby robin killers, made even worse if they’re younger.
    I fought in the war to maintain freedoms you the right to…………

    Free Member

    Nice bit of perspective shown there PhilC

    Free Member

    maybe if youd have had tried to explain your situation without swearing all the time and generally being a tool there might have been a different outcome 😉

    Free Member

    Your mistake was to get on the train in the first place. You should have been a good little consumer and bought an audi, then brimmed it with the tears or iraqi children.

    Full Member

    And they have closed the other thread ???

    Free Member

    LOL @ the usual muppets on the original thread getting it closed.

    Reminds me of the Rock’em Sock’em robots in Toy Story.

    Except I think they have better social skills 😉

    Free Member

    its not swearing, i was in scotland…. there’s no such thing as swearing in scotland. did you not noticed we named our weather system after a scrotum?

    Free Member

    Would you have been so agreable if you’d been disabled phil? I hear they can get pretty aggro…

    Free Member

    Offer to pay for the ticket instead of lying though your pathetic little face?

    Free Member

    Would you have been so agreable if you’d been disabled phil? I hear they can get pretty aggro…

    I see you have yet to demonstrate the ability to put together a well-constructed argument.

    Full Member

    Your mistake Phil was to shout and swear at the old bloke and adopt a “whit ye gonnae dae abit it” line that is a very common lead up to a fight (thus allowing the fat bloke to use reasonable force to eject you and protect the fellow passengers).

    If you’d just kept it civil and argued your case politely and calmy then it would have all been sorted out and you would have got to see your nan.


    Free Member

    i’ve got a childs face…. care to revise your comment dezzy? 😈 careful now 😛

    Free Member

    So it could have been a CHILD’S FACE 😯 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Reading the closed thread – it amazes me how people get so passionate about a little internet debate! 😯

    Free Member

    “never in the field of internet fora have so many threads been closed by the argumentative nature of so few.”

    Winston Churchill, 2011

    Free Member

    ransos – Member

    Would you have been so agreable if you’d been disabled phil? I hear they can get pretty aggro…

    I see you have yet to demonstrate the ability to put together a well-constructed argument.
    Now who’s making insults. Have a laugh, please. 🙄

    Free Member

    my nan fought (in the war) and died (whilst i was being held down by a fat scottish bloke) for your right to say that GrahamS

    Free Member

    Is there a problem here?

    Free Member

    Reading the closed thread – it amazes me how people get so passionate about a little internet debate!

    I’m amazed people claim to care so much about petty fare dodging. The same people are no doubt quite happy to habitually break the speed limit, or jump the lights.

    Free Member

    It’s not a little internet debate, it’s their opportunity to show the whole world how great they are.

    “never in the field of internet fora have so many quotes been made up by so few.”

    Michael Jackson, 2011

    Free Member

    Now who’s making insults. Have a laugh, please

    It’s not an insult, it’s an observation. When you have learned the difference between the two, you may be closer to making a well-constructed argument. 😉

    Free Member

    Wouldn’t it’d’ve been great if Scottish Dappy had smacked him in the nuts?

    Free Member

    Of Phil, forgot to say, Nice Hat!

    Free Member

    just been assaulted

    Call that being assaulted, I’ve seen rougher treatment from Grandparents to children, you soft wee shite 😉

    Seriously, if you call that assault, you have led a very sheltered life, as that was closer to being touched up, than beaten up.

    Free Member

    ransos – Do you really not understand why the other thread was closed? 🙄

    Free Member

    Just to pull it back to the OP for a moment:

    i’m furious, what should i do??

    Think of a better strategy in case it happens again. Move on. Possibly to Swinley, where I will see you if it’s on a Saturday…

    Free Member

    no fighting on my thread.

    Rich – hope you dont think i’m being serious? its still technically assault but you’re correct, its not exactly being picked up by your neck and thrown over a table.

    ohh what time saturday mr whoppy?

    Free Member

    I wish i had never posted that bloody video!!

    Free Member

    I wish i had never posted that bloody video!

    Are you new here?

    Free Member

    ransos – Member

    Now who’s making insults. Have a laugh, please

    It’s not an insult, it’s an observation. When you have learned the difference between the two, you may be closer to making a well-constructed argument.
    Of course the winking smily makes it ok to say what you like doen’t it.

    Taken from the East Midlands Trains website “Fare evasion costs the rail industry £200 million a year”
    How much would our train tickets cost us if that figure was reduced? Perhaps next time scum will think twice about not buying a ticket? Also why should ordinary fare paying passengers be forced to subsidise the non payers?
    Your previous argument about speeding isn’t really relevant, as I cant see that if I sped by 1mph that it costs other road users anything?

    Free Member

    ransos – Do you really not understand why the other thread was closed?

    Yes: some people got very angry when asked some perfectly civil questions.

    Free Member

    its still technically assault

    is fare dodging a crime? if so it’s not assault due to the fact that as a member of the public you have a duty to make an attempt to stop a crime if you see it in progress this includes using reasonable force. you could actually be prosecuted if you do nothing – similar to aiding and abetting.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Yes: some people got very angry when asked some perfectly civil questions.

    Like where’s your ticket sonny?

    Free Member

    i’m furious, what should i do??

    Hope someone has posted the incident on youtube, find it, then get the big man arrested for assault.

    I’m with Elfin and TJ on this one! Why was the other thread closed then?

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