was on a train up in scotland and this old ticket guy wouldn’t leave me alone, kept accusing me of having the wrong ticket but his eyesight must’ve been failing him as i definitely had a return despite him accusing me of having a single. to make it even worse he didnt ask any other people on the train to check the ticket, just kept accusing me… so worse case scenario i should get a fine that i could then argue against by providing the right ticket yeah? nope, no following of the official policies or procedures! some fat guy got up from a few seats away and assaulted me, actually threw me off the train!!! in the struggle i dropped my ticket so no chance of me being able to prove i had the right one 🙁
instead of trying to protect me from being assaulted the other passengers actually applauded the guy who assaulted me.
i’m furious, what should i do??
EDIT – why are public transport users so quick to blame anybody younger than them and always assume we’re up to something? i was on the train to visit my nan in hospital and i didnt exactly kick up a fuss about the smelly old homeless guy 2 seats away…. i wasnt hurting anybody, i wasn’t in the wrong, so why should i be hurt?!