Home Forums Chat Forum It's been a while – Small things that grind your gears

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  • It's been a while – Small things that grind your gears
  • everyone
    Free Member

    Something that I see on this forum and it annoys me no end.

    You are using pedals and are pedalling

    You are not going to Peddle, nor are you peddling.
    In a much similar vein, breaks and brakes.

    Full Member

    Men wearing gloves while shopping. That’s what pockets are for.

    Free Member

    Below the line comments on local news pages that begin: “Speaking as a Cyclist”.

    What you mean is you own a bike, a hi-viz and a CTC membership and want to lump us all together like “the drivers”.

    Free Member

    Full Member

    In queueing traffic: People who have to get within two feet of the car in front. Then stop, then jerk forward and stop again two feet from the car in front Why?

    Why not leave a gap in front of you that you can speed up and slow down in without having to stop, the car behind you might try doing the same and so and so on. Then we might not all be sat around in a big jam every morning for quite so long.

    Full Member

    People who are:
    Dick heads
    or a mixture of the above.

    Full Member

    Olive oil and salt works and you get nicely moisturised hands as a bonus


    Free Member

    Can I get? Guilty
    LOVE letters Guilty
    Check my balance before getting cash and get receipt. Guilty
    Wandering about on the pavement like a drunk? Guilty
    Scarf no coat. guilty

    Free Member

    People who don’t update their fanfics

    I don’t care if you’ve got a life, write the next chapter of your story!!! Grrrr

    Full Member

    In queueing traffic: People who have to get within two feet of the car in front.

    … and start beeping their horn in standing traffic if they’re behind you and you’ve had the audacity not to move forward a whole yard and then stop again.

    Full Member

    People* who get to the till in a shop, hand over the goods and then seem surprised when they’re asked to pay for them, resulting in a frantic search for a purse in their handbag.

    * when I say people, I definately do NOT mean women**, because the last time I made such a point I was rightly banned as a bad sexist man

    ** I do though.

    Full Member

    Men wearing gloves while shopping. That’s what pockets are for.

    Probably can’t fit hands in as pockets already full of purses

    Free Member

    Men with their hands in their pockets = fiddling with their bits

    Free Member

    People who don’t update their fanfics

    People who read fanfics, instead of books, and then have the audacity to complain about them being amateurish.

    Full Member

    People who wait until they are at the cash machine before looking for their card, rather than using the time spent in the queue to do this. Then, when at the cash point, they take ages only to print off a mini statement to decide if they can afford to withdraw cash. After studying the statement they then put their card back in the machine before slowly working their way through the buttons to take out £10.

    Then, once this is completed, they carry on standing at the cash machine whist they diligently put the card and money back in their purse. I’m still bloody queuing!

    I silently scream.

    Free Member

    Men with their hands in their pockets = fiddling with their bits

    Sometimes, the bits, they need adjusting. C’est la vie.

    Full Member

    Men with their hands in their pockets = fiddling with their bits

    Is that and annoyance or just an observation?

    You are only jealous as your bits are not so fiddlyable

    Free Member

    Pretty much the same as IHN, but Underground/Train ticket barriers.

    Free Member

    I tire of peoples inability to use the word tyre when talking about them things that shod your rims.

    Full Member

    franksinatra – by ‘people’ do you definately NOT mean women too? 😉

    Full Member

    franksinatra – by ‘people’ do you definately NOT mean women too?

    Definitely not meaning older women. Absolutely not. I do not like to stereotype, particularly about old women at cash points. Absolutely not.

    Free Member

    You are only jealous as your bits are not so fiddlyable

    You reckon?

    Free Member

    People who read fanfics, instead of books, and then have the audacity to complain about them being amateurish.

    Instead of? You really haven’t seen my bookshelves huh? TBF some of them are barely better than Fanfics, and some of them are actually pretty good.

    Full Member

    You reckon?

    She’s right, you know.

    Full Member

    these may have already been said but …

    People who walk/ride along with headphones with music turned up too loud to hear you shouting to say you’re behind them, but then shout at you for startling them when you overtake.

    People who comment on a forum before reading the rest of it to check if it’s already been said! 🙄

    Full Member

    People who are unable to aim at (or even near) the bowl in a shared loo, and I’m not just talking number 1s – number 2s and even paper can be liberally scattered around the place. Disgusting filthy people.

    Full Member

    People who are unable to aim at (or even near) the bowl in a shared loo

    Is that some sort of public school ritual?

    Full Member

    These wooden signs/ornaments/wall stencils for the home that tell you what to do

    We were given some of these for Christmas and aren’t my sort of thing at all. Didn’t take long to realise an anagram of LOVE is VELO. Swiftly rearranged.

    Full Member

    Good work.

    Do Yorkie bars still have YORKIE stamped one letter per chunk on them? When I was younger I took great delight in discovering that, with the careful application of a sharp knife on the ‘O’, one could rearrange the chunks to create your own CRIKEY bar.

    Full Member

    one could rearrange the chunks to create your own CRIKEY bar.

    people who use inconsistent references to themselves and/or the third person.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    What’s wrong with raspberries? They’re lovely.

    Free Member

    You reckon?

    I think explanation and pictures is needed 😉

    Full Member

    If you haven’t worked it out by now, I expect an explanation won’t help.

    Free Member


    I think explanation and pictures is needed

    Free Member

    Mine are commute / train related..

    1. People who lean against the middle pole on the tube preventing everyone else from holding on.

    2. People who use your chair (on a train – backrest) as a means of lowering themselves into their chair or to help them stand when getting off. Get off my chair and use your leg muscles you lazy brsds!

    Full Member

    What Shermar75 said x 1 million!

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