Home Forums Chat Forum It's been a while – Small things that grind your gears

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  • It's been a while – Small things that grind your gears
  • Houns
    Full Member

    We all like a whinge so knock yourselves out on a Friday afternoon.


    Toast crumbs in the butter/spread gargghhhhh!

    Full Member

    Men who use purses.

    Full Member

    Posting your own thread in the wrong forum 😡

    Free Member

    Those extending dog leads and the pillocks that don’t know how to use them! Grrrrrrr.

    Full Member

    Mine is butter related. The wife hacks at it like she is removing the hands and teeth of one of her victims.

    What a mess.

    Full Member

    People who use the spoon in the sugar to stir their tea.

    Full Member

    The WORST however is leaving cardboard packaging in the fridge once the contents are gone, or close to going.

    If there are less than 4 probiotics left then the packaging should be removed. This is The Law.

    Free Member

    People who say “can i get” instead of “can I have” 👿

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    Full Member

    Toast crumbs in the butter/spread gargghhhhh!

    In reference to your other recent thread, do you really want to decommission your bollocks for somebody who has such little respect for the Anchor Spreadable?

    Free Member

    Muller corners or milk based desserts of any description.
    Unnecessary shouting.
    Hats worn indoors.

    Full Member

    😆 @ HtS

    No it’s been a lifetime irritation for me

    Full Member

    The person at work who when tapping at the keyboard, performs a flamboyant swing of the arm like a pianist.

    The phrase ‘grinds my gears’

    Free Member

    Men who use purses.

    YES. Or men that fish coins out of a little pocket in their wallet. Otherwise known as A PURSE.

    Men who sign off texts with a kiss. Some of my mates do this and it drives me nuts. While we’re at it: men who have smartphones, men who use facebook… christ, you can understand why everyone’s missus is running off with Kirk from sales.



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    Free Member

    Smileys and any form of text speak. Only OK if you are a teenage girl.

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    Free Member

    What’s a haitch?

    I’ve got a vest on as well 🙁

    Full Member

    Or men that fish coins out of a little pocket in their wallet. Otherwise known as A PURSE.

    So where exactly are you supposed to keep your coins, then? 😕

    Free Member

    Drivers who stop at roundabouts when there’s nothing coming from the right.

    Free Member

    People who say “can i get” instead of “can I have”

    That seems to be virtually everyone now.

    Full Member

    Drivers who stop at roundabouts when there’s nothing coming from the right.

    And/or don’t indicate.

    Full Member

    Surely it’s “May I have”?


    Free Member

    Or men that fish coins out of a little pocket in their wallet. Otherwise known as A PURSE.

    So where exactly are you supposed to keep your coins, then?

    In your trouser pocket. Like a man. Instead of standing at the bar hunched up like a rodent squinting into your purse.


    Free Member

    People who use “edit” instead of video

    Full Member

    In a pocket they jangle around and fall out when you sit, I keep my change in a Oakley sunglasses cleaning bag

    Haitch = How numpties say H

    Free Member

    Bags of dogs mess hanging off trees or fences – if you have taken the time to bag it, bin it.

    General littering – there seems to be a growing ‘someone is paid to clean it up’ attitude.

    Driving whilst on the phone and this strange seatbelt set up where people have it going under their armpit rather than across their shoulder – whats that about?

    Free Member

    Chickens, the way they walk and the way they peck at stuff..

    They scare me.

    Full Member

    In your trouser pocket. Like a man. Instead of standing at the bar hunched up like a rodent squinting into your purse.

    Instead you end up squinting like a rodent into your hand. Bah. And for those of us that like to change clothes regularly it’s even more of a pain.

    Free Member

    …and your trouser pockets wear out.

    So that’s pretty much everybody apart from me

    Full Member

    Some posh trousers have a little pocket inside the main pocket and jeans have a little coin pocket…..

    Free Member

    Yeah, I was perhaps being a bit ranty about that. As I found out last time my contract came round for renewal, it’s actually quite hard to not have a smartphone. I’ll narrow it down to those that are always dicking about with them/being precious/showing others their new apps etc etc. Just keep it in a case in your pocket on silent, and only get it out when you’re on your way out of the building to make a call.

    Full Member

    Stop buying pants with crap pockets.

    Christ, do I have to think of everything? I can count the number of times I’ve had coins fall out of my pocket on the fingers of one foot.

    As for a drama when you change trousers? Fish it out, change, put it back. The only time you’d have a problem is if you had too much change, maybe if you spent less time fannying about with a girlie purse you’d actually get chance to spend it occasionally instead.

    Come the revolution, I tell you.

    Free Member

    lucien – Member
    Some posh trousers have a little pocket inside the main pocket and jeans have a little coin pocket…..

    sorry but this is rubbish – i can never fit my fingers in these to get anything out.. tried it and hated it.

    if that sums up for you what is a man, wow..what a pathetic bunch you are!

    eidt: cougar i thought better of you..

    edit edit: i use a wallet made for notes and cards. it has a v small compartement for coins, which i use as here is switzerland they use cash alot..hence lots of change.. im never however hunched at the bar like a rodent as its put up there..^^

    keyboard warriors the lot of you

    Free Member

    The one or two on seemingly every flight who insist on carrying on multiple items of luggage, the largest of which clearly wouldnt fit in the maximum size checker thingy, then tut loudly wandering up and down the aisle looking for an empty overhead bin and throw a hissy fit when the poor stewardess asks them why they didnt check it in.

    Full Member


    I like a good haitch – shame to loose it. A simple an easy sign that the person you are talking to can henceforth be safely ignored as irrelevant.

    Full Member

    As for a drama when you change trousers? Fish it out, change, put it back. The only time you’d have a problem is if you had too much change, maybe if you spent less time fannying about with a girlie purse you’d actually get chance to spend it occasionally instead.

    Come the revolution, I tell you.

    I don’t have a girlie purse, it’s an Integrated Wallet Solution ™. And I always have it with me, a lot easier than fannying about moving coins from one pocket to another.

    Full Member

    Bags on seats on trains – in particular my morning train as I get on at the last stop. I always ask someone who is avoiding eye contact to move their bag so I can sit down.

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