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  • Is STW a mountain bike site?
  • oldgit
    Free Member

    @ m1kea
    Too much crossover. For example some people train on the road to race off it.
    Then there’s things like cyclocross, in it’s pure form which would be in a road section. And cyclocross trail and enduro riding which wouldn’t.

    Full Member

    However what would be good would be sub sections for various topics as opposed to dumping everything in to one giant topic section. I think this is the only forum I know that is like this?

    Indeed. Not exactly dying on it’s feet though, is it?

    Free Member

    Would anyone like to see a picture of my 26″ bell end?

    Free Member

    If you want more mountain bike posts then put them up. The posts are formed by the users and represent what they want. I think they’d be nuts to try and ban any mention of road bikes as a very large number of people don’t class them selves as mountainbikers but cyclists. I find it bizarre that someone could claim to like mountain bikes but never even be curious about any other form of cycling.

    Free Member

    kudos100, yep agreed. I just can’t quite get my head around why some people are so vociferously anti one type of cycling or another when actually they’re all so interchangeable. Unless it’s just about the bike or the image, and not the riding, which I suspect in some cases it may be.

    doesn’t make any sense to me either. as long as people are riding and having fun i don’t care what the bike is.

    the image/fashion thing does annoy me a bit, if you don’t have the right jeans, lycra, bike, then you can’t be part of our gang. i’ve threatened to go out with a mate and his roadie group on my hack bike with flats and baggies 😀

    Free Member

    This forum being different, without sub sections, mixing it all up is a major draw. There are plenty of other forums with sub sections and they’re a PITA. As a noobie, you registered for a reason, if you don’t like the layout, do you mind me asking what the reason was?

    Free Member

    Have you haters read the forum rules?

    Free Member

    discussions about bikes

    ie. not discussions about discussions?

    Free Member

    @ oldgit

    I was meaning more generic sections such as rides, kit, how to, and so on.

    Hell if you look at the TT forum, that’s nicely segregated out and Testers are complete weirdos 😉 who do all their racing at sparrows fart o’ clock of a morning

    Free Member

    bikes are bikes, take out the roadbike stuff and all that will be left is the middle class angst.

    FWIW i like the lack of sub forums, and the general mix of topics, there is stuff I dont go near, but I can spot that from the title

    Free Member

    kudos100, yep agreed. I just can’t quite get my head around why some people are so vociferously anti one type of cycling or another when actually they’re all so interchangeable.

    Is anyone actually that anti road biking though? It’s just that many people don’t necessarily come to a mountain bike forum for that. I watch the tour highlights sometimes, but the level of obsession about it on here is a bit weird imo.

    I don’t think it should be banned, or that they should split the forums up, but it should probably go in chat rather than the bike forum. It’s not something that I lose sleep over however.

    First few threads on the bike forum as of a few minutes ago:

    Assos for girls too ? 33 simonfbarnes 27 seconds
    El Mariachi Titanium 29er now all finished 🙂 20 gee 44 seconds
    TdF Stage 10 Thread (possible spoiler) 24 CaptJon 1 minute
    Is STW a mountain bike site? – 2 50 JonR 2 minutes
    The first naughty boy of le tour 13 steve_b77 5 minutes
    What’s the road equivalent of a geared inbred? 31 imnotamused 6 minutes
    1×10 CX

    So……. Arse cream, titanium 29ers, TDF, STW road obsession, TDF, road bikes, CX bikes….

    Sums it up pretty well imo.

    Free Member

    but it should probably go in chat rather than the bike forum

    how would this make a difference to anything?

    Full Member

    but the level of obsession about it on here is a bit weird imo.

    Why wierd? Its cycling, on TV, every night! We should be singing from the rooftops. If DH or MTB were on TV every night, and they managed to present it as well as the TdF, I’d be watching that as well, or both.

    Its a forum, naturally we’re here to discuss things as you can’t actually ride on a forum. There’s a lot to discuss about the TdF, therefor there’s lots of discussions about it.

    Free Member

    Is anyone actually that anti road biking though?

    Yep, know of a few.

    I sensed some vitriol on here towards roadies and was packing my bags to leave, but just had a short holiday and came back. There is at least one guy that frequents STW that does get under my skin far to easilly.

    Free Member

    Yes he is a div but it’s a matter of time before he gets a ban. Again.

    Free Member

    13thfloormonk – Member

    but the level of obsession about it on here is a bit weird imo.

    Why wierd? Its cycling, on TV, every night! We should be singing from the rooftops. If DH or MTB were on TV every night, and they managed to present it as well as the TdF, I’d be watching that as well, or both.

    Its a forum, naturally we’re here to discuss things as you can’t actually ride on a forum. There’s a lot to discuss about the TdF, therefor there’s lots of discussions about it.


    It would be ‘weird’ if it was January and there was a daily thread talking about the TdF.

    It would be ‘weird’ (and really rather sad) if any general cycling forum didn’t have a daily TdF thread during the Tour.

    Has anyone complained about the number of football/rugby threads that spring up during the winter?

    Free Member

    I don’t open threads with titles which hold no interest to me.

    Free Member

    It would be ‘weird’ (and really rather sad) if any general cycling forum didn’t have a daily TdF thread during the Tour.

    But then I suppose it depends whether you see it as a ‘general cycling forum’. I agree that the title and description kind of implies that, but Singletrack is a mountain bike magazine.

    Has anyone complained about the number of football/rugby threads that spring up during the winter?

    They’re in the chat forum though.

    Again, it’s really not something that bothers me that much – it just seems like there’s a lot of people who frequent this forum who only have a passing interest in mountain biking if that – which strikes me as a bit odd for the forum of a mountain bike magazine.

    Free Member

    Would anyone like to see a picture of my 26″ bell end?

    If you show it to me I’ll show you my 700c one 😉

    Free Member


    It’s all cycling, it’s all good. Get back under your bridge / flyover.

    Re the comment about STWs ‘core audience’, we’ve done numerous polls before, most of us ride both road and off-road, we’re the core audience. Not those who make a special effort to exclude either.

    Full Member

    I haven’t ridden a mountain bike in 2011. I ride my road bike or fixed bike most days though. There are loads like me, if we all went – I’m sure the forum would be less lively.

    To be honest though, I can’t see what you cry babies are on about.

    Free Member

    I get fed up of people whinging about the subjects of the forum.

    If you dont like the subject, don’t open the post.

    One of the reasons I have been coming here so long is the huge variety of subjects covered, mixed in with some really helpful bike stuff. I have both road and mountain bikes. I dont want to have to log into some other less interesting forum if I want road bike advice. I want to read about peoples fitted kitchen problems or when to rotate thier car tyres. I have learned a lot from this forum about all sort of things that are both handy and interesting. The format of mixing it all in is great – the photographic forums I use divide topics so I end up looking in the ‘posted today’ section rather than toil all through numerous and sometimes fruitless subsections. The less relevent conversations reveal a lot about people, make it a community, make it personal. Thats just as important in many ways as just getting narrow info on mountain bikes.

    Its fun here, leave it alone! 🙂

    Free Member

    II haven’t ridden a mountain bike in 2011. I ride my road bike or fixed bike most days though. There are loads like me, if we all went – I’m sure the forum would be less lively.

    I guess STW might regret the loss of advertising revenue, but I just find this a bit weird – why not use a road bike forum if you’re not into mountain biking?

    Free Member

    +1 for exactly what midnighthour put. I have learnt so much about life from STW, some of it concerning bicycles. It’s what keeps me coming back here rather than a more ‘specific’ or ‘organised’ forum.

    why not use a road bike forum if you’re not into mountain biking?

    I can answer that: because they’re dead boring.

    Free Member

    Well said midnighthour. Its a people forum, if you don’t like how its done or whats in the threads, there is always elsewhere.

    Free Member

    I can answer that: because they’re dead boring.

    So you come to a mountain bike forum and make that boring too? 😛

    Full Member


    1) I have been around a long time
    2) I have met and ridden with a lot of people here
    3) I don’t see it as a mountain biking forum. Tell all the people who posted nearly 55,000 threads in chat that they should **** off as well
    4) I pay my premier subs. Not because I particularly like the mag, but because I love, and want to support the forum
    5) (and most importantly) because I can visit whichever forum I like. It’s the people, not the topics, that make this place special.

    Free Member

    3) I don’t see it as a mountain biking forum. Tell all the people who posted nearly 55,000 threads in chat that they should **** off as well

    I never said anyone should **** off did I – why so defensive? I just said I find it a bit odd. Jeez…….

    Funny how all the people saying ‘if you don’t like the thread don’t open it’ have all come in here and whinged about this one. 😉

    Full Member

    There should be more talk of cake.
    What pre-ride cake, which post ride cake, Can cake aid skills?

    You know, and lots of pictures of cake.

    Full Member

    That pic of the plastic bloke on top of the Beetle (page 1) is surely the answer to molgrips aerodynamic dilemma…..!?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I’m quite happy to ignore roadie stuff (if it’s identified in the title) . . . but the forum is so busy that you have to scroll through several pages each day to find the interesting MTB stuff.

    Splitting the Bike Forum into “MTB plus Other” or “Bike plus Roadie” would help me find the posts I’m interested in.

    Free Member

    I don’t see it as a mountain biking forum.

    Despite the fact that it actually is a mountain biking forum?

    Full Member

    For compromise, after all it’s a Bike forum.

    Full Member

    Despite the fact that it actually is a mountain biking forum?

    Have you read the forum description?

    Free Member

    Despite the fact that it actually is a mountain biking forum?

    It’s a forum for mtbers. Lots of us mtbers are broad minded enough to enjoy all sorts of bikes so I don’t see the issue. There are plenty of threads on mtbing that have no interest to me. I just don’t read them.

    Full Member

    Splitting the Bike Forum into “MTB plus Other” or “Bike plus Roadie” would help me find the posts I’m interested in.

    Here you go. Pigeonhole away![/url]

    Free Member

    but the forum is so busy that you have to scroll through several pages each day to find the interesting MTB stuff

    If there were no road threads, you would still need to do the same.

    Free Member

    So according to the forum description motorbike chat is ok in the bike forum too, it doesn’t specify push bikes – presumably no-one would mind if half the threads in there were about motorbiking? 😉

    Full Member

    but the forum is so busy that you have to scroll through several pages each day to find the interesting MTB stuff.

    Splitting the Bike Forum into “MTB plus Other” or “Bike plus Roadie” would help me find the posts I’m interested in.

    Click Bike forum above and count up how many actual road threads there is and then try to tell me they out number MTB threads.

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