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  • iPad 5
  • cybicle
    Free Member

    a) They announced it ages ago


    b) It’s a pretty high-cost niche product that’s really only designed for media professionals

    I can still use it for surfing and FB and stuff though, right?

    I’d love one but realistically I can’t justify/afford it.

    Cost is supposedly ‘from’ £2500. It would need a lot of justifying!

    It does look cool though.

    It’s tiny! A real powerful workstation computer that’s genuinely ‘portable’. I love the design of it, but it appears to use proprietary parts, so probably astronomically expensive to upgrade and/or maintain. Question is, whether or not other manufacturers will follow suit in terms of design, or is it just another Cube?

    Free Member

    I don’t want a keyboard.

    I never use one.

    The beauty of Android is that you get that choice 🙂

    Free Member

    You get that choice with Apple too – via bluetooth

    I can still use it for surfing and FB and stuff though, right?

    Go for it!

    Full Member

    It’s also got 32GB of storage, so costs just £20 more than the equivalent iPad but you get a keyboard

    Which you can add to the iPad for £8 (if you really want one).

    The beauty of Android is that you get that choice

    So with the iPad I don’t get a keyboard but I can easily add one if I really wanted to.

    How is that not a choice?

    Free Member

    miketually – Member
    £1 pad (paper) and 50p pencil or £700 iPad.
    Which is it to be?
    Is the homework task distributed and handed in on the school’s VLE? I find paper rubbish for upload speed.

    I think you’re missing the irony.
    Enjoy your iPad.

    Free Member

    You could add the keyboard to a cheaper non-iOS tablet too. For less overall cost.

    Free Member

    I think you’re missing the iRony.

    An AndroidRony would be better than an iRony.

    Free Member

    iPads are great devices, but they’re not the be all and end all of tablets, though they’re often presented as such. I like letting people know that there’s an alternative, and that they can get pretty much all the functionality that they need for a fraction of the price.

    So, if someone wants a tablet for their kids then, generally, they can spend far less for the same functionality if they don’t go for an iPad. Obviously, they’re welcome to spend more if they wish.

    Our friends bought an iPad for the family to use. Only one of them can use the Facebook app and the others have to log in through the browser. They’re worried that their son might buy things through iTunes, because everything’s linked to the one account. On a Jelly Bean tablet, they could have separate accounts.

    And they dropped it and the screen cracked.

    Full Member

    I like letting people know that there’s an alternative, and that they can get pretty much all the functionality that they need for a fraction of the price. trying to troll people with iPads


    Only one of them can use the Facebook app and the others have to log in through the browser.

    Couldn’t they just press the “Log Out” button in the app?

    They’re worried that their son might buy things through iTunes, because everything’s linked to the one account.

    So they use the Restrictions to lock that out yeah?

    On a Jelly Bean tablet, they could have separate accounts.

    Yeah it does annoy me that iOS expects there to only ever be one user. Multiple user accounts would be nice.

    And they dropped it and the screen cracked.

    Well clearly that wouldn’t have happened with Android as the Android OS has a special app that hardens glass to the strength of diamonds.

    Free Member

    I like letting people know that there’s an alternative, and that they can get pretty much all the functionality that they need for a fraction of the price. trying to troll people with iPads

    I though I’d made that pretty obvious, didn’t I?

    Well clearly that wouldn’t have happened with Android as the Android OS has a special app that hardens glass to the strength of diamonds.

    They’d have had a slab of plastic covered in broken glass that cost them £200, instead of £300.

    Full Member

    They’d have had a slab of plastic covered in broken glass that cost them £200, instead of £300.

    Just as well they didn’t buy a £600 Android then…

    Free Member

    Multiple user accounts would be nice.

    There’s this icon too, which I don’t think iOS has:

    Full Member

    Supramolecular chemistry? Or just normal molecular chemistry?

    I like this one better:

    Caffeine: (C8H10N4O2)

    Free Member

    It allows sharing of data between apps. Something Apple would never allow.

    Full Member

    Ah. A virus and malware button. That’s handy.

    Do you also get free copies of these with it?
    AVG Anti Virus for Android
    MalwareBytes for Android[/url]

    Odd those aren’t available for iOS eh? I wonder why 😀

    Full Member

    Meaning you always pay for Bluetooth, regardless of need – a downside of Apple products.

    Funny, I had Bluetooth on a Nokia N95, a SonyEricsson K750i, and an O2 XDA Mini, and only used it with the N95, for linking a GPS unit, due to the crap onboard version. How is BT on Apple products a downside, when it’s quite clearly not a downside on those from many, many other manufacturers? It’s comes built into the radio chips, you pay for it, regardless of what label the front of the device has on it, meaning you always pay for it.

    Full Member

    It’s comes built into the radio chips, you pay for it, regardless of what label the front of the device has on it, meaning you always pay for it.

    That’s not strictly speaking true.

    Adding Bluetooth may well cost $0.01 as footflaps suggested earlier, but that only relates to the hardware cost. It doesn’t cover the cost in development effort, testing, radio standards compliance, license fees etc.

    Free Member

    I have an iPad1 – its used daily and I will be upgrading it to an iPad Air as I want the improved performance and the Retina. The iPad1 is stuck on iOS5 (only from 2 onwards can you run iOS7) and I can sell it and make 30% of purchase price of a new iPad Air (to poster who asked why you’d pay a premium for an Apple product this is part of the answer of 3.5years of constant use I can sell it for a reasonable price).

    I just took the free Mavericks upgrade so new iPad will synch that much better with my 4S and computer.

    As for keyboards I have an Apple wireless keyboard (£60) for my Mac Mini which I can use wit the iPad although I rarely do, if you really want a keyboard then that’s a route you can take.

    Numbers – fine for smaller stuff, as yet it’s not going to replace major Excel sheets with embedded macros etc
    Pages – pretty good, my choice for creating and editing documents

    To the poster who’s just bought an iPad4, if you can get it switched I would the danger is that you won’t be able to get your hands on an iPad Air in time for Christmas as demand will be too great

    I very much doubt there’ll be too many bargain iPad 3/4’s – more available I’d suggest as people upgrade but “a bargain”, I doubt it.

    Free Member

    b) It’s a pretty high-cost niche product that’s really only designed for media professionals

    And even then they are well served by their other products. I use a retina MBP and can edit native HD footage (no proxies) with no issue and work on 2-8gb photoshop files without having to wait to do anything. It’s very fast processing 22, 36, 50, 60 megapixel files in 16bit. If it was hooked up to an external ssd scratch disk it would be even faster (waiting for the sonnet echo15 to come in stock)
    Unless I worked on big video projects and in 4k I wouldn’t feel the need for a new mac-pro and even the you are still having to expand with the same thunderbolt peripherals that you would use with a MBP.

    Free Member

    You could add the keyboard to a cheaper non-iOS tablet too. For less overall cost.

    But it’s not an iPad. 😕

    Full Member

    It doesn’t cover the cost in development effort, testing, radio standards compliance, license fees etc.

    Amortised over the 170 million iPads they’ve sold, it might bump the cost up to $0.015 😉

    Full Member

    Yeah fine for big selling iPads – but I think the point was more like “why don’t all tablets have Bluetooth cos it is really cheap”

    If you’re knocking out a tablet as cheap as you can that’ll maybe only sell in the tens of thousands then you don’t get those nice economies of scale that let you spread out your development costs.

    Full Member

    Ah you’re talking about the rubbish ones no one buys……

    Free Member

    People who buy Apple must be clueless mugs who know nothing about computers.

    I don’t think I’m a mug, but I do know nothing about computers. I’m on my third iPhone, I have a 27in iMac and an iPad mini and 2 Airport Expresses
    I bought them because I like nice things that work well. I know full well I could buy something to do the same job for cheaper, but I work hard to earn my money and like to treat myself to something now and again. I don’t buy designer clothes, expensive cars, or piss my money up the wall, so I don’t feel the need to justify my choices to anyone, or slag off other systems. It seems to me only Andriod fans do that.
    To me, Apple stuff is very, very well made, delightfully simple to use and backed by warranty and customer service that most other brands can only dream of: I dropped my 3 week only iPhone 5 and cracked the screen. I took it to an apple store and told them the truth, fully expecting to pay to get it repaired. I was given a brand new one for free. Tonight I’m downloading the new OSX Mavericks for free. When my iMac keyboard developed a fault, I got a new one for free, without even showing a receipt, with a smile and a thank you.
    Thanks Apple, you marketing works, your products work, they last a long time and have good resale value. Your staff are helpful and your stores pleasurable to visit. And I LOVE how you piss people off 😀

    Full Member

    Ah you’re talking about the rubbish ones no one buys……

    Yes, Android.

    Full Member

    All we need are food, water and shelter.

    Have you not seen the latest version of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs?

    Full Member

    And I LOVE how you piss people off

    If you really want to see pissed off people, STW is very tame. However, take a look at the comments section on any Charles Arthur article in the Guardian tech section. He doesn’t even need to be writing about phones let alone mention Apple and about 200 die hard posters pop up and add comments about blatant Apple bias on, for example, a review of a Sony DVD player. Apple haterz seem to attract very disturbed people..

    Free Member

    Footflaps. Really? Wow….

    Free Member

    People who buy Apple must be clueless mugs who know nothing about computers.

    I would have to disagree. I still use a mid 2007 iMac, now running Mavericks beautifully. It hasn’t missed a beat. Not one clean install, not one virus. It just keeps on working. I use it for work, photo/video editing etc so I give it some stick. I plan to upgrade soon but I know I can sell it for at least £400 (cost me 1200). I’m not sure that could be said for a PC (same spec) that is 6 years old.

    Full Member

    In case it’s not obvious without the context, I don’t think “People who buy Apple must be clueless mugs who know nothing about computers.” – I was saying that this seems to be what a lot of Apple-haterz think for some reason.

    I followed it up by saying that I use Apple and I’m a Comp Sci degree holding software engineer with 16 years in the job, specialising in embedded systems.

    Free Member

    EDIT: @Graham – just seen your clarification, but I’d already typed and posted my long rant so I’m not deleting it 😳

    People who buy Apple must be clueless mugs who know nothing about computers.

    I had to build my first computer with a soldering iron from a box of bits and programme it in hexadecimal machine code as pc’s didn’t exist. I studied counter science to post grad and worked in software development for a few years. Point being I know more than “nothing about computers”. I’ve been delighted to make the switch over the last 5 years to Apple after years of being locked into to Microsoft by the genious of Gates getting someone at IBM to sign an exclusive agreement with Microsoft. Their products have always been poor, but you had to have them. Apple thrives of being innovative, having products people want to own and by the fact that they actually work. IME Apple products are actually cheaper than their alternatives as they keep working longer and have strong resale value of you want to upgrade.

    In my household (including 3 now grown up kids) we had windows desktop computers and laptops, Nokia and Blackberry phones and iPods. Now we have only Apple computers, tablets and phones.

    Trying to argue that only the uniformed buy Apple products is like King Canute telling the tide not to come in.

    Free Member

    People who buy Apple must be clueless mugs who know nothing about computers.

    Exactly. They just want to get on with their everyday lives or making money using apple computers in their business without being the nerdy ‘ I.T. Guy’ and getting excited about Linux.

    Full Member

    That’s okay. I agree with your long rant anyway. It was just misdirected 😀

    Free Member

    In case it’s not obvious without the context, I don’t think “People who buy Apple must be clueless mugs who know nothing about computers.” – I was saying that this seems to be what a lot of Apple-haterz think for some reason.

    I wasn’t having a dig at you, I missed the context on page 3! My apologies!

    Full Member

    Exactly. They just want to get on with their everyday lives or making money using apple computers in their business without being the nerdy ‘ I.T. Guy’ and getting excited about Linux.

    It’s exactly the opposite motivation for me. I spend all my day dicking about with computers and “getting excited about Linux”. 🙂

    So when I get home I just want a tablet that works with no fuss.

    Full Member


    Yeah turns out when you overhaul an operating system sometimes you need to put out a couple of patches afterwards to fix up minor issues. Software company issue minor patch. It’s a complete non-story. No software is perfect, but compare that to Microsoft who put out a patch Every Single Month!

    Incidentally I’ve not had any issues with iMessage, level calibration or “motion sickness” (really? how sensitive are these people? walking about must be a real strain for them!)

    Free Member


    Hence the 😉

    It was more of a comment on the products “just working”. It may have been true(ish) in the past, but most devices “just work” nowadays; I can’t remember when I last had to mess about at home with hardware or software to get it to work. Despite using MS products 🙂

    (I know quite a few people who has iMessage problems. The motion sickness does sound bollocks though.)

    Free Member

    but compare that to Microsoft who put out a patch Every Single Month!

    who also support the OS for 5-10 years 🙂 and don’t charge for updates

    Free Member

    Do you two really have nothing better to do with your time than troll Apple threads? It’s a bit sad really. 😕

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