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  • How to sort this one out?
  • mboy
    Free Member

    Looks to me like you’re in love, so no amount of advice or logic is going to sink too far into your brain.

    I’m sensitive, I’m not a total bloody sap! I’ve met her 3 times and whilst I admit Iike her quite a bit, love takes a long time to grow. Took probably 3-4 months with my ex before I realised I was in love, it takes its time…

    I do like this girl quite a bit though, I know from what I’ve seen so far my feelings could grow very strong for her.

    If she really hasn’t slept with the married man for 6 months, then a night of passion with a god like MTB stud muffin should finally eradicate him completely from her memory and you could live happily ever after. Good luck

    Ahem… Yeah well, you see the problem there is she’s kinda separated emotion and sex from what I can tell. Dunno, that might be a good thing for me, possibly not. All I know is that I like spending time with her, she makes me laugh, and I don’t think it needs to be any more complicated than that… But then I’m a bloke!

    you just want the best tactic to win her – No offence buts he is probably a better “game ” player than you and really why play games over your feelings I have never understood this.

    Undoubtedly. And I think she knows it, and doesn’t like it, but she’s emotionally tied.

    she aint that into you tbh but she may well like the attention

    Is what I really need to find out ASAP… She’s given me all the signals she really does like me, then thrown that one in there! Confused doesn’t begin to describe how I feel.

    Free Member

    Ok but rather an unfortunate typo 😆

    The question really is whether she is playing a game at all, or is just mixed up. Only time will tell, and unlike molgrips, I would never claim to understand women. In fact most women I know don’t understand women, so what chance do us poor simple chaps have 😉

    Free Member

    Ahem… Yeah well, you see the problem there is she’s kinda separated emotion and sex from what I can tell.

    Unlike you it appears as per….

    Confused doesn’t begin to describe how I feel.

    The more I read of this, the more convinced I am that you need to give it your best shot. Worst that can happen is that it all ends in tears but surely that is worth it compared to forever wondering, what if……………………????

    Free Member

    Its not women its relationships …do you think everything would be fine and dandy and without any issue if you were gay?

    She’s given me all the signals she really does like me

    was it the bit where she told she loved a married man that convinced you of this? 😯

    Seriously have a think …IMHO she is either messed up , amoral or a player.. if this sort of emotional baggage floats your boat then you may be able to have an emotional roller coaster together.
    Its your life

    WOODY personally I think he wants us to tell him to go for it. Some folk never learn [ you say you like them mad] you need to find some balance between your rational mind, your cock and your heart so far two out to f the three seem keen

    Free Member

    The affair with the married man is not a normal relationship that a couple would enjoy. Doing things together when the mood takes you, planning holidays together,spontaneous sex, not having to worry about others, being open with friends & family ….

    Does she want this, has she had this with other boyfriends? 6 months on he’s not left his wife, what’s stopping him. He will undoubtably have excuses but she should call his bluff and just end it.

    I think you should take your mates advice and have a physical relationship with her. Whilst she’s in the bathroom pinch her phone and text the married man and end it for her. Then using another phone (or if you want to live dangerously her phone again, send him some photos of the 2 of you (you and her obviously, ideally in a compromising position) and threaten to tell his wife.

    Free Member

    Whilst she’s in the bathroom pinch her phone and text the married man and end it for her

    This sounds like a very dangerous bit of advice to me!

    Free Member

    This sounds like a very dangerous bit of advice to me!

    If she is keeping this alleged affair from her friends, then she is unlikely to take the phone which he calls her and texts her on with her when she goes out.

    In fact the reluctance of someone to have their mobile with them, or have it switched on, is often a good indicator to whether they are having an affair. For that reason affairees often have a second mobile to deal with their illicit activities.

    Free Member

    If she is keeping this alleged affair from her friends, then she is unlikely to take the phone which he calls her and texts her on with her when she goes out.

    Yeah, but even with all that in mind, pinching someone’s phone and texting on it is stalkerishly weird behaviour no matter what the circumstances.

    Free Member

    The point I was trying to make was that the possibility is unlikely to arise. I probably quoted the wrong sentence and should have quoted the sentence which you did.

    Free Member

    PMSL @ those taking tykes advice to heart.

    Puzzled though that anyone would think she wouldn’t take her phone out. After all, she is single and why would her friends get to read any texts?

    Free Member

    Puzzled though that anyone would think she wouldn’t take her phone out. After all, she is single and why would her friends get to read any texts?

    Someone else who has never been involved in, or experienced the effects of, an affair. Good for you mate.

    Free Member

    Don’t make stupid assumptions ernie, otherwise you’ll look even more daft than taking the texting suggestion seriously 🙄

    Free Member

    Well that told me ! 😀

    And of course your assumption that I took the texting suggestion seriously isn’t daft……

    Free Member

    Well, being ‘married’ 3 times and having seen it both ways, does tend to make one’s tolerance a little tight at times 😆

    Free Member

    3 times you say ? Well perhaps you’ll now start to appreciate the undesirability of suspiciously ignoring your mobile when it rings, or the equally suspicious act of having it switched off. Having an affair is an art form which very few people can truly master.

    Free Member

    True ernie. Life was so much less complicated before mobile phones………

    Free Member

    Mboy, if you weren’t so ‘sensitive’ i’d suggest you pair have a bit of fun and don’t take it too seriously. I get the impression that’s not your style, so walk away.

    In biking terms – you’re standing at the edge of a 10′ drop. You should have a quick look see at the run in + run out, then do it. If you spend ages looking over the edge, umm-ing and ahh-ing, you’ll think yourself out of it.

    The chance was there was there for a lusty scrimmage – you missed it fella.

    Free Member

    If it was mountain biking he’d ride many trails get proper filthy and ride others the next week.

    Free Member

    Mboy, if you weren’t so ‘sensitive’ i’d suggest you pair have a bit of fun and don’t take it too seriously. I get the impression that’s not your style, so walk away.

    Hahaha. I may have overplayed the sensitive thing a touch to be fair. I’m not a player like some people, but I’m also not averse to just having a bit of fun. Just think I actually quite like this girl, and would grow to like her more the more time I spent with her.

    Anyway… No Dice. At least not right now anyway… Messaged her earlier asking if she fancies MIB3 or Prometheus at the cinema at any point in the next week or so, response came that she was sorry, she’s really busy and she’s got too many personal issues she feels she needs to sort out before anything were to happen. Fair enough, I can deal with that. Hope for her sake she actually does sort out her “personal issues” (that being this married man) cos clearly they’re really affecting her.

    By the way, spoke to my housemate briefly about her tonight. I asked her if she knew much about her privately (they are very good mates) and she said that the girl hasn’t been involved with any blokes since splitting from her ex more than 2 years ago when he really screwed her over, and I don’t think she really trusts men any more… Understandable, especially given the married bloke stringing her along too, but doesn’t help me though other than understanding her a bit more. Also shows just how much she doesn’t share with any of her friends by all accounts!

    C’est la vie. Sent her a final message back saying I hope she gets things sorted, she knows how to get hold of me if she wants to…

    Free Member

    She sounds like my mate…where does she come from?

    Free Member

    The more I read of this, some of it is a bit dull, the more I come to the conclusion that MBoy is her gay friend.


    Free Member

    Damn, double post


    Full Member

    Head wrecking manipulator. Walk away.

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