No 10’s cycling tsar
Yep. A ‘tsar’ no less 🤣
But in real world Britain, as it has been since 1930s – just forget cycle infrastructure. Not going to happen. It’s simply a political game for the Right. If you want to ride a bike safely on the road then probably best to live somewhere else other than the UK. Of course, that has just been made 1000 times more difficult to achieve and could take half a lifetime to afford. But at least you’ll be committed.
I’ll be cycling to the supermarket later, dodging traffic, getting squeezed, eyes on stalks. I most likely shan’t see another adult on bicycle en route, as has been the case all of my life in various Mid-Western Shires and counties. I wonder what all of the fuss is? The British ‘war’ on cycling as transport was ‘won’ around 1960? Even us cyclists drive cars – which is conveniently forgotten about in that ‘survey’ of ‘cyclists vs motorists’