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  • grown up kids ….. What age should they be out the family home ?
  • Elfinsafety
    Free Member

    Ah, really sorry to hear that Yunki. 🙁

    Free Member

    What i am incline to be doing when our Daughter is older is to either buy another
    place and keep this one or buy a larger house with a good size of land and have
    a house built on that for herself.
    No one gave me a chance in life parents had zero money so now as a parent
    and through hard work I can.

    Free Member

    Well mine are 15, 18, 19 & 23 and all still at home, although the older one is buying a house – but it’s going to take some time to sort as it needs a lot of work

    TBH, they’re welcome to stay as long they want, I have no desire to push them out at all
    Our home is big enough to allow us all space without living in each others pockets
    So why not? they’re good kids, unlike me, I was evicted at 16 and deserved it 🙂

    Free Member

    I’m 22 and my “main” home is still the family home, though I’m not living there at the minute (I’m in canada for a few months!) and I lived away at uni for 3 years, but then moved back in for a year before coming out here. With the job market being how it is and the general low pay of media-type jobs, I can’t see how I’d be able to afford to move out any time soon, either. Most of my mates are in a similar position, only a couple have landed well paid enough jobs to be able to move out. Quite depressing really!

    Free Member

    I moved out with my girlfriend (now wife) and bought a house (no financial assistance) when we were 18 and 19 😯
    seems crazy now, so lucky we did it when we did.
    got a 100% mortgage with 10% cash back which covered the fees, our first house recently sold again for over 3 times what we bought it for 13 years ago

    It is way harder for kids nowadays, some need a nudge though and some just never will

    I work with a 36 year old stereotypical IT Geek! who still lives with his mum, he’s absolutely no intention of moving.

    There’s a woman who I work with who mothers her 18 year old so much I don’t think he could actually cope on his own. She phones him up about midday everyday to wake him up tell him what she’s made him for lunch and to remind him to let the dog out, she makes and deals with all Dr’s and Dentist appointments and takes him to them too. Yesterday she was on the phone sorting out his Gym membership for him. FFS he’s 18!!! not 12!
    He had a job working at Asda for a few weeks, only a few shifts, a friend of his recommended it to him apparently. But she got him to quit as she didn’t think is was right while he was at college 👿
    If you hadn’t guessed everybody in the office knows all about her son’s life

    There’s good reason why some will never move out, other than the country work and housing situations we have in the UK

    OP not saying you mother yours daughter btw

    as and when we have kids they’ll be given a deadline too 😈

    Free Member

    I moved out at 21 to go to University. I moved back for a bit when I was between houses, I’ve got friends who are my age, 30, who are now back at home to save up deposits. One family has all ‘children’ 34,32,30 all back at home saving for deposits.

    Free Member

    be warned, my uncle is 62 and still lives with his mum

    Free Member

    I can relate to alot of this at the moment. Im 23 and just finished university last year. My parent moved abroad whilst I was at uni so I stayed in my student digs for the summer and had a part time job there. Now ive graduated both myself and my girlfriend have been lucky enough to get jobs that arent too far apart so we rent a house together.

    The problem is that between rent and bills and travelling to work costs (the jobs arent still a few miles apart so involves a bit of commuting) and the way jobs are at the moment its really tricky to save towards anywhere near the kind of deposit you need to ever buy somewhere.

    Her parents have offered that we could move in with them for a bit too save money but id feel slightly awkward about this, despite how well I get on with them.

    I know a lot of friends from uni who have struggled to find jobs and have therefore moved home. They all say it takes a lot of adjusting and would rather not be there.

    Free Member

    I love my son to bits, he’s my best pal, can’t really see a point where I’d ever tell him to leave, he’s bursting with energy, full of fun, a great talker, the house would feel very empy without him.

    I kno the dayu will come he’ll want to leave but I won’t be pushing him out the door.

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