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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • martinhutch
    Full Member

    Varys seems to have been just about written out of the show now- wondering whether he has any part to play in what’s to come- considering the impact of his manipulation in the early days.

    Was thinking that. I imagine he’ll hotfoot it to the overseas bank and get them to switch sides so the Golden Company army is no longer available to Cersei. So it will come down to the Lannister forces and Euron (who will run away and be killed by Yara) vs the rest.

    Free Member

    We’ve still three shows to go, I reckon there’s going to be a few deaths by assassination and a fair bit of politics and skullduggery

    Don’t hold your breath…

    One episode of getting to KL, maybe some actual plot if lucky.
    One episode of Eliminate Cersei.
    One episode of snooze fest wrap up.

    No-one makes telly like this anymore

    Ben & Holly is exactly like that.

    Arya takes Qyburns face

    Question is, does the zombie mountain remain animated after Qyburn croaks?

    Full Member

    Ben & Holly is exactly like that.

    True, planning on a Ben & Holly binge to help get over the lack of GoT

    Full Member

    like a medieval A-team. No-one makes telly like this anymore, it’s all got to be massive story arcs now etc.

    I agree – I like ‘monster of the week’ shows too. I’m hoping that the new Judge Dredd Megacity show can do it, but I bet the big money men always insist on cliffhangers and big story arcs.
    I preferred Fringe when it was monster of the week, same with X-Files.

    Full Member

    Just rewatched this weeks episode for the 3rd time, in the scene were the NK is looking down on Bran, it switches to Jon hiding from the ice dragon and then to Wight who’s hair moves like its blown in the wind, any thoughts on what moves his hair? the next clip is Ayra jumping and being caught, is it Ayra speeding past or a throw away clip?

    Full Member

    Guy at work has an interesting theory that when Bran popped off to fly about a bit, he actually went off to make a deal with the NK. So that when they actually faced off, there was some sort of transference or handing over, hence the NK didn’t mind being offed so easily by Arya. Means there’s more NK antics to come.

    Free Member

    is it Ayra speeding past or a throw away clip?

    It’s Arya doing her ninja death leap.

    First sign that she was even there because of, like, stealth and that as previously established in the library creeping scene

    Full Member

    Yup Arya that’s how I knew she was there.

    It’s details like that I spot in films and TV which is why you’ll see me comment on a film being predictable.

    Full Member

    I liked that the zombies stayed quiet because they were in the library

    Full Member

    It’s details like that I spot in films and TV which is why you’ll see me comment on a film being predictable.

    that is not a prediction, that is you noticing something which you are intended to see. I bet you’re great at “predicting” the lottery too after you’ve seen what the numbers are 😂😂😂

    Free Member

    The real question is, why didn’t she just throw the Catspaw Dagger from her place of concealment.

    She’d already demonstrated her super accurate blade throwing skills to Gendry using unbalanced dragonglass knives.

    Full Member

    that is not a prediction, that is you noticing something which you are intended to see. I bet you’re great at “predicting” the lottery too after you’ve seen what the numbers are

    Errrrr! Exactly films and TV are full of them which allows you to predict what is going to happen. I’m not sure you’ve grasped what prediction means.

    Full Member

    Night Kings reflexes too quick. Knew chucking the dagger wouldnt work

    Full Member

    It’s details like that I spot in films and TV

    Makes you sound proper awesome innit

    Full Member

    Wow ,Drac is a see everything three eyed raven 😉 🙂

    Full Member

    Makes you sound proper awesome innit

    No not really I can only speak for myself but I’m sure I won’t be the only one.

    Full Member

    Wow ,Drac is a see everything three eyed raven

    3 eyed bat.

    Full Member

    Bat gif

    Free Member

    Well done to Drac for seeing it coming a second before it happened.

    Meanwhile, on page 3 of this thread, a week ago, someone said this…..😉

    she’s setting herself up for a stealth suicide mission  to off the Night King.

    A girl would like to kill the walking embodiment of a god of death.

    Full Member

    Well done to Drac for seeing it coming a second before it happened.

    Meanwhile, on page 3 of this thread, a week ago, someone said this


    Full Member

    If Arya takes a face, does she also take the body. Because Cersei might see through the jamie disguise given it’s his body as much as his face that she’s interested in.

    Theon she might manage as long as word’s not out yet?

    Free Member

    How come the NK didn’t crisp up when burnt by the dragon? Is he a Targaryen?
    I thought that Aryra could only take the faces of those she killed? If so it would be great if she could turn up at Kings Landing as the NK.

    Free Member

    How come the NK didn’t crisp up when burnt by the dragon? Is he a Targaryen?

    The theory that Targaryens are immune to fire is somewhat  undermined by the Tragedy at Summerhall during which King Aegon V Targaryen and Prince Duncan Targaryen both died.

    In a fire.

    Full Member

    Because he’s magic or something well was.

    Arya will need a set of stilts to impersonate most other characters.

    Full Member

    How come the NK didn’t crisp up when burnt by the dragon?

    because; magic. See also: Battle of hardholme.

    Full Member

    <p class=”p1″>Granny: Do Targaryens become immune to fire once they “bond” to their dragons?</p>
    <p class=”p1″>George_RR_Martin: Granny, thanks for asking that. It gives me a chance to clear up a common misconception. TARGARYENS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO FIRE! The birth of Dany’s dragons was unique, magical, wonderous, a miracle. She is called The Unburnt because she walked into the flames and lived. But her brother sure as hell wasn’t immune to that molten gold.</p>

    Free Member

    I’m going to have to watch this epic fight thingy. After the comments about Endgame’s battle I’ll be pleased to see how the pros do it.
    Disclosure: I’ve only seen the first 2o minutes of the first episode of GoT Season 1. I was promised tits and dragons and got neither.

    Full Member

    Fire ImmunityJust as with the White Walkers under his control, the Night King was immune to fire due to the extreme cold he radiated. During the Wight Hunt, he was seen walking through a wall of dragon fire unharmed, his mere presence causing it to flicker and go out.  He was also completely unharmed by direct dragon fire, as he showed no signs of damage or weakness after being completely engulfed in Drogon’s flames during the Battle of Ice and Fire.

    Full Member

    Well thanks for mentioning End Game I’ll cancel my tickets for later now. 😂

    Full Member

    I’m hoping it’ll be Ed Sheeran the Shyte King on the throne at the end – especially if the iron throne has it’s swords sharpened.

    Full Member

    Just watched it again and what they’ve done with the score, particularly in the final scenes, is utter genius!

    Free Member

    I’ve only seen the first 2o minutes of the first episode of GoT Season 1. I was promised tits and dragons and got neither.

    Shoulda stuck it out for another 9 minutes and 44 seconds Eddie.

    Full Member

    Drac. For being a non fan your very well versed in all things G.o.t 😉

    Free Member

    Shoulda stuck it out for another 9 minutes and 44 seconds Eddie.

    It’s that lack of commitment my exes always talk about. Or lack of staying power. They get conflated…

    Full Member

    Anyway I am still waiting for Catelyn Stark to re-appear and also Arya’s dire wolf to come along with its adopted pack.

    Any other character due to re-appear?

    Full Member

    Dragon fire doesn’t work, reckon I would have told my dragon to eat him. Doubt he was teethproof.

    Full Member

    reckon I would have told my dragon to eat him. Doubt he was teethproof.

    Worst brain-freeze ever.

    Full Member

    He’d have stuck the Dragon with his magic spear and then they’d have been really ****!!

    Full Member

    I am still waiting for Catelyn Stark to re-appear

    Well in the books she is staggering around a bit worst for the wear John Snow style!

    Full Member

    Not a super fan Plus One I enjoy it and recall some info. I had now idea why he was fireproof.

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