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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • zilog6128
    Full Member

    I think Daenerys is too self-absorbed to suspect the truth about John. I mean, she’d love it if he were some kind of minor Targaryen (what with the whole historic incest thing) but how will she react when she finds out he outranks her? Hopefully not well!! 😀

    Full Member

    I enjoyed the Princess Bride reference.

    Free Member

    I enjoyed the Princess Bride reference.

    I missed that; what was it?

    I totally got pulled out of the moment by pondering the practicalities of bareback dragon-riding. I mean, quite apart from the difficulty of holding on, you’d be hypothermic in minutes. They could be doing with some goggles too.

    Free Member

    I think Daenerys is too self-absorbed to suspect the truth about John. I mean, she’d love it if he were some kind of minor Targaryen (what with the whole historic incest thing) but how will she react when she finds out he outranks her? Hopefully not well!! 😀

    They’ve certainly signposted a fall out between Danny and John, or whatever his real name is.

    I think everyone saw that killing Dickon and his Dad was going to come back to bite her and she’s certainly showed none of her previous empty for the ‘common man’ when she bluntly told Sam he’d killed his Dad and Brother. No explanation other than they didn’t ‘bend the knee’.

    She might turn out to be as mad as her Dad.

    Full Member

    I missed that; what was it?

    When Ayra was talking to the blacksmith about her weapon etc… he responded ‘As you wish’ just like Wesley.

    Free Member

    When Ayra was talking to the blacksmith about her weapon etc… he responded ‘As you wish’ just like Wesley

    Ah, hopefully they’ll do a new one every episode, getting steadily more blatant each time. Shame Wun-Wun isn’t still around to announce that he can only do the doggy-paddle.

    Free Member

    Never get involved in a land war in Asshai?

    Free Member

    Tormund was excellent, the rest of episode 2 was boring.

    Full Member

    Agreed. Best bit was that crackpot story about how he got his name, followed by pouring beer all down his front.

    Can’t imagine how Brianne can get on her knees for Jamie’s Valerian Steel sword but not Tormunds pork one. 😂

    Full Member

    Still building…Tormund bits were excellent, also Jon dropping the news on Dany…looks like it could kick off next episode…

    Full Member

    Next weeks had better be really **** good

    Free Member

    end scene …. SPOILER of sort…. shows the walker generals but no night king.. hmmm.. me thinks he’s flying down to Kings Landing to flame everyone and then resurrect them all for when his northern army get beaten in next weeks big rumble. This should make an interesting show down when danny and John march down there to take the throne only to find the night king and a tonne of new undead plus cercei (also undead). Reckon this may end with young Aiya killing the night king with her new fangled spear thing that she has had specially made. still no clue on who gets the throne mind.

    Full Member

    Aaya and the black smith chappies kid!!

    Free Member

    Enjoyed that, but even I think there needs to be a major rumble next week!

    The Arya sex scene was a bit of a shock, but I guess she’s not a kid anymore.

    If I had to pick, I reckon it’s Jon who gets the throne, or the night king.

    Full Member

    Lots of plot building.

    Ep3 has been trailed as the massive battle for a while now.

    Full Member

    Can’t wait for undead Ned Stark to create havoc in the crypt!

    Full Member

    Dear me more standing around on battlements playing catch up with mates, this is why never got the hype of GOT.

    Full Member

    Aye I’m just wanting carnage now 2 filler episodes is plenty !!

    Full Member

    Ep3 has been trailed as the massive battle for a while now.

    First of the feature length ones, so always likely to have plenty going on

    Free Member

    Y’all have the patience of a bunch of mewling toddlers. I’m enjoying the slow burn settling of accounts before the big rumble. Shame the quality of the dialogue can’t always keep up.

    Right then: time to play Spot the Stiff. Who gets it next week? My money’s on:

    1. The newly knighted Ser Brienne. By getting knighted, especially by Jaime, she’s got pretty much all she wanted, thus bringing her character arc to an end.

    2. Tormund. Likely to go down swinging beside Brienne.

    3. Podrick Payne. Less sure about this one, but becomes a bit redundant when Brienne gets it.

    4. Theon. Again, feels like he’s reached the end of his character arc by returning to fight for Winterfell and saving Yara last week. I predict death by Night King.

    5. Saddest of all for me: Dolorous Ed. I reckon it’s the end of the road for the smart-arse everyman.

    6. Beric Dondarrion. The Hound’s reference to Thoros’s absence seems a bit of a Chekov’s Gun.

    I’m not putting her on the list, but I also worry a bit for Arya.

    Full Member

    watching Arya getting her hands on the blacksmith’s tool made me feel queasy. She’s like our little sister!

    MOTM – Tormund, again.

    Free Member

    So awesome. Great episode. It’s gonna be Gendry chasing Arya round the crypt i reckons.

    Full Member

    Which one is Ser Woy?

    Wor-hamm-er. Wormer!

    Bunch of pricks.

    Full Member

    Happy enough with ep2, OK not a lot actually happened but the story line still developed a fair bit and Tormund’s scenes were great. Could have maybe done with a major character being killed off whilst off scouting or something but certainly didn’t need a big battle, that’s for next week.

    Full Member

    time to play Spot the Stiff. Who gets it next week?

    I think you’re right about Theon, sadly. His final redemption, saving Sansa again, or more likely Bran.

    I reckon Ser Jorah’s time has come. He’s a bit of a spare part these days. As is Ser Davos, and Varys.

    Plus hopefully annoying Greyworm and his missus.

    Let the Helm’s Deep tribute act begin!

    Free Member

    Great episode, building nicely for the battle by bringing a few story lines some closure.

    I like a bit of action too, but some of you lots patience is mind boglingly thin

    Full Member

    Dany didn’t seem to take it to well did she? I predict a riot :D

    I also thought it was a great episode. Jeez, back in the first few seasons we’d have to wait until episode nine for it to kick off!! :lol:

    Full Member

    I like a bit of action too, but some of you lots patience is mind boglingly thin

    2 hours now of people wandering around a castle.

    Free Member

    Of course, the safest place in Winterfell is the crypts.

    I always find that it’s best to hide from a guy who can raise  the dead in an enclosed space full of corpses with swords.

    Full Member

    My wife has long thought Arya and Gendry were destined to get together and rule ever since Robert told Ned in the first series that his son would mary Ned’ daughter (Sansa and Jofery, obvs).

    Agree with the big woman going down in a blaze of glory along with plenty of those around her, possibly to include Jamie.

    Hadn’t put two and two together regarding Arya’s spear thing. It’s going to down the undead dragon, ain’t it?

    Full Member

    2 hours now of people wandering around a castle.

    I know – it’s superb!

    Full Member

    They were playing up the tension between Deny and the others – especially the “I’m only here because Jon” bit). It would be a good twist if she’d left with her dragons by the time the battle starts.

    Full Member

    They are making sure how much the viewer has invested in all these characters before they start killing them. I’ve loved both of the episodes so far, particularly the last one, but I can see how the instant gratification crew might want a bit more.

    What it does mean is that the budget for the remaining four episodes is epic!

    Free Member

    Hadn’t put two and two together regarding Arya’s spear thing. It’s going to down the undead dragon, ain’t it?

    More likely that she’s setting herself up for a stealth suicide mission  to off the Night King.

    A girl would like to kill the walking embodiment of a god of death.

    Full Member

    I still want Arya to kill Cersei though and leave the way for Jon to claim the throne, that’s what I’d like to see happen, however this is Game of Thrones and I just don’t see it being a happy ending.

    Full Member

    the instant gratification crew might want a bit more

    I signed up for boobs bums and dragons not this sitting around yapping malarkey 😁🐲🐲

    Full Member

    the instant gratification crew might want a bit more

    this is the first series I’ve had to wait a week for the next one. i’m finding it difficult…

    Free Member

    What it does mean is that the budget for the remaining four episodes is epic!

    What it also means is that, after the big battle between the living and the dead in Episode 3 there are still three more episodes to fill so either the first battle is inconclusive and there needs to be a second, bigger battle or the living win and there needs to be a less exciting battle against the Golden Company to decide the fate of the Iron Throne

    Either way, expect one more fight and lots more talking in castles.

    Full Member

    I think they will win at Winterfell but with heavy losses. Quite like the theory that the Night King won’t even be there. I don’t think he’ll be defeated in a pitched battle, it’ll be something else.

    Free Member

    I always find that it’s best to hide from a guy who can raise  the dead in an enclosed space full of corpses with swords.

    Oh man, you’re right. It’s going to go full Jason-and-the-Argonauts, isn’t it?

    I reckon Jaime’s going to get through this one, as he’s got storylines to tie up with Bron and Cersei.

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