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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • perchypanther
    Free Member

    Surely that’s just foreshadowing him shooting his old man on the shitter.

    He didn’t.

    He shot him on the tummy.

    Twice. 😉

    Full Member

    The dark scenes made me wish Id stuck with my old plasma TV, handled black colour so much better than LED or OLED

    No complaints with my 12 year old Panasonic plasma!!

    Full Member

    Would have liked Arya of many faces disguise herself as Bran and surprise the night king jumping out of the wheelchair to stab him, then pulling her Bran mask off – that would have been a better twist than pouncing from the bushes.

    Erm, she has to kill em before she can take their faces – not sure Bran would have been up for that.

    Brad still alive (otherwise the night king may have sensed his death) but behind the tree zoned out with his face cut off. That would have been more GoT than the actual ending!

    Full Member

    Yeah they’ve been building up Arya for ages, obvious she had a big part to play so not really surprised.

    I did think maybe the NK fight would be a little more drawn out with possibly some of the other WW getting involved somewhere along the way.

    On the whole though I was gripped for the entire episode, glad some of the bigger characters have made in through to finish the story off gradually over the remaining episodes – rather than most of them getting cut-down within a few minutes.

    Looking forward to what’s left…

    Free Member

    I did think maybe the NK fight would be a little more drawn out with possibly some of the other WW getting involved somewhere along the way.

    To be fair, every fight to date with a WW has been really short. I don’t think they’re particularly skilled fighters .

    Other than Jon at Hardhome, every other encounter has been either steel sword shatters followed by a fatal stab by WW or living person delivers fatal stab with dragonglass or valyrian steel.

    Free Member

    Looked good on my Panasonic Plasma/Sky HD (though still hard to work out what was going on) but the dark scenes have been a great demonstration of just how bad overcompressed SD content can look

    The Night King was always going to be a bit of a let down – the interesting story is the battle for the thone. Unkillable enemies have to die somehow and his army did take out most of the Northern forces (even if sparing far more of the main characters than expected).

    I’m still at a bit of a loss over the Night King/Bran story. Bran didn’t actually seem to present him any real danger, nor did it seem he would have gained a load more power. What was the point of Bran warging into the Ravens? He didn’t bring back any info, that wasnt what drew the Night King to him?

    Also, what happened to the wolf? They made a big thing in the last episode of showing it was back and with Jon on the battlefield but nothing of it in the actual battle…

    Free Member

    Also, what happened to the wolf?

    Charged with the Dothraki. Never came back.

    It was spotted in the preview for next week though.

    Full Member

    Well I thought hat was epic! But the best thing about it was the score, and I’m surprised it’s not been mentioned yet, Ramin Djawadi is a genius.

    The first 45 mins was pretty much as expected, although the Dothraki’s lights going out was particularly chilling. The last 30 mins absolutely flew by, helped by that score setting it up, I couldn’t believe the time. Great ending and hopefully an episode to take stock then another battle for KL and the throne. Brilliant telly!! 😀

    Free Member

    Bran is a bit annoying now. I hope they explain why he took the crow joyride? Are we going to see the wolf pack coming into play?

    Full Member

    So will Arya be the one to kill Cersei?
    The Red Which talked about eye colour – Arya twigged she needed to off the NK when see said blue eyes, but whose are the green eyes?
    Cersei is supposed to have green eyes, has she killed anyone else with green eyes?
    What happened to Tormund? We didn’t see much of him.
    Good to see Theon redeem himself too.

    Full Member

    Ramin Djawadi is a genius.

    Yup – loved his Westworld work…

    Free Member

    What happened to Tormund? We didn’t see much of him.

    I couldn’t see him but could hear him grunting occationally.

    Full Member

    Good grief what is going on with that image above that’s terrible?

    Free Member

    Bran isn’t Bran anymore, he’s the Three Eyed Raven and has all the memories of humankind. The Night King wants to wipe out humanity and all those memories. That’s why his mission was to get Bran. Everything else was just a sideshow to him.

    Full Member

    There is a difference between a Zombie plot line and a major character who comes back – not as a Zombie – after being killed off at the end of a season.

    Yeah, I believed it all until that happened.

    Free Member

    Great representation of a Singletrack thread. Game of thrones discussion, let’s talk about the telly, surprised no one has mentioned the chair they watched it on 😀

    Free Member

    I watched it in a massive chair made from hundreds of bike frames of my defeated enemies.

    Full Member

    surprised no one has mentioned the chair they watched it on

    I watched it on a comfy settee with the window open as it was a nice day, it was just like being outside.

    Free Member

    Good grief what is going on with that image above that’s terrible?

    I would guess either:

    1) It’s a photo of someone’s telly.

    2) The owner of said telly turned the brightness allllll the way up to try to see, what they weren’t supposed to be able to see.

    For what it’s worth, I watched it on NowTV (1080p via an LG 42″ 4K LCD TV fans) and it was very good, apart from being dark, which it was supposed to be, especially at the point in the story above when the audience was supposed to be shocked at the mighty dothraki (I’m not sure of the spelling) each represented by a light in the darkness of night, all being extinguished one-by-one by a scary, unseen enemy.

    Full Member

    The owner of said telly turned the brightness allllll the way up to try to see, what they weren’t supposed to be able to see.

    Seems that way that is terrible.

    Free Member

    I have an achy back so I watched it on a computer monitor lying flat on my back in bed. It has the benefit that I’m already in bed if the episode turns out to be a snoozefest. Couldn’t see much of what was going on though. Anyone else notice that it was really dark and hard to make out?

    Free Member

    Anyone else notice that it was really dark and hard to make out?

    I think it’s your laptop mate, no one else has mentioned anything like that. In fact I was only saying to the wife this morning that, about half way through I wanted to grab my Sunnies to try to block out some of the glare.

    Full Member

    For what it’s worth, I watched it on NowTV (1080p via an LG 42″ 4K LCD TV fans)

    NowTV will have presented your telly with 720p – they don’t broadcast in 1080.

    Full Member

    The Night King was always going to be a bit of a let down – the interesting story is the battle for the thone. Unkillable enemies have to die somehow and his army did take out most of the Northern forces (even if sparing far more of the main characters than expected).

    I disagree, OK granted the show is called Game of Thrones and it’s really about who sits on the Iron throne which I don’t think the NK ever cared about but the NK was the aspect that could have stopped the usual merry-go-round of Westeros kings & queens. Apart from the NK being defeated nothing’s happened that hasn’t happened many times before with different characters.

    The whole Winter is Coming thing now just seems like a minor side-story, could have cut out a season or two and just wrapped it up early if it’s all just going to be about Cersei vs Jon/Dany. I’m hoping it’s more complicated than that and there will be some interesting twist in the final few episodes but I’m losing faith.

    Full Member

    Its even better 2nd time around with the room set up darker 🙂

    Full Member

    let’s talk about the telly, surprised no one has mentioned the chair they watched it on 😀

    I’m surprised nobody has gone for full STW points and come into the thread just to say they don’t even own a TV

    Free Member

    The whole Winter is Coming thing now just seems like a minor side-story, could have cut out a season or two and just wrapped it up early if it’s all just going to be about Cersei vs Jon/Dany.

    Winter is still coming. Just because the NK is dead doesn’t mean that the long winter isn’t going to happen. It could be more portentous as to mean that the Starks are coming. As is always convenient I’m sure they’ll find some more troops to march South.

    As for missing a couple of seasons it’s always been about the journey though the destination promises to be a doozy too. I’m curious did you binge watch or watched as broadcast? I’ve watched it all as broadcast but started boxset watching again. Does take a different perspective I reckon.

    Full Member

    Its even better 2nd time around with the room set up darker

    The crappy stream quality hasn’t helped – kept getting distracted by visual artefacts in the dark scenes. Will have to decide if I actually want to fork out for a Blu Ray copy when it gets released…

    Full Member

    haters gonna hate, but this one is a bit more tongue in cheek…

    Free Member

    surprised no one has mentioned the chair they watched it on

    I watched on the throne.

    Has the added benefit that I’m already in position to take a massive dump if I need to express my opinion of a poor episode.

    Free Member

    I watched on the throne.

    Whilst doing the ironing?

    Full Member

    As for missing a couple of seasons it’s always been about the journey though the destination promises to be a doozy too. I’m curious did you binge watch or watched as broadcast? I’ve watched it all as broadcast but started boxset watching again. Does take a different perspective I reckon

    Broadcast apart from re-watching a few episodes as they’re on Sky all the time :p

    I think so far GoT has been one of the best things on TV and certainly don’t wish it was shorter, it’s just as the pace of the show has picked up and the story condensed as the characters come together it’s now starting to feel rushed and what could have been much longer wrap-ups are being done in a couple of hours. Unless I’m wrong and ep 4 starts with Jon in the shower having dreamt ep 3 and the NK’s actually still alive we’re talking about a being that’s existed for thousands of years (although it’s not clear how many NK’s there have been), with an undead dragon at his disposal (which he’s probably not had in previous historic battles with the first men etc.) and he only lasts a couple of hours in the first major battle since coming south of the wall. If the NK was only ever a plot device to thin down the Northern forces before a final battle for the Iron throne then it all seems a bit meh building up the mystery and seeming importance of the character.

    I’m hoping I’m proven wrong and there’s more to it left in the series, if not I still think the NK going south to defeat Cersei whilst the WW + wights took on Winterfell would have been a better plot. We could have them thinking they’d almost defeated the undead army at Winterfell (killing WW’s etc.) only for the NK to show up with the risen golden company for a big last battle with some proper main characters getting offed and Arya doing her thing just as all hope is lost.

    Full Member

    Well, I honestly thought it was all a bit underwhelming.

    Free Member

    he only lasts a couple of hours in the first major battle

    Well that was his problem. In his first major battle he ponced in giving it the big I am, but crucially overlooked the fact that Team Living had about a gazillion fancy black dragonglass blades able to pop him with single poke. You don’t go far in today’s harsh economic climate with that kind of attitude. Night King? Seen one, seen em all.

    Free Member

    The best thing about it was the score, and I’m surprised it’s not been mentioned yet, Ramin Djawadi is a genius.

    Disagree, the score was way too loud and way too prevalent. The battle scenes would’ve been much more terrifying and tense with minimal score work.

    I hate it when they attempt to add tension with music, it’s a lazy method.

    Full Member

    NowTV will have presented your telly with 720p – they don’t broadcast in 1080.

    They sent it to mine at 352×288 I reckon.
    I thought my lad was playing minecraft.

    Full Member

    I disagree, OK granted the show is called Game of Thrones and it’s really about who sits on the Iron throne which I don’t think the NK ever cared about but the NK was the aspect that could have stopped the usual merry-go-round of Westeros kings & queens. Apart from the NK being defeated nothing’s happened that hasn’t happened many times before with different characters.

    Yes. The very first scene in ep1 was of WW so it’s clearly pivotal to the whole plot. “Game of Thrones” is only the title of the first book and not the series as a whole – at this point most of the characters do not understand the full extent of the threat from the NK. The title of the series “A Song of Ice & Fire” alludes to Starks/Targaryens and/or The NK/dragons.

    IMO of course. Hopefully there’ll be something more to come with the Bran storyline, would be disappointing if not!

    Full Member

    Hopefully there’ll be something more to come with the Bran storyline, would be disappointing if not!

    Yeah, cos he’s been riveting to watch so far. At one point I thought their secret plan was to get Bran to drone on to the Night King that much that he killed himself.

    Full Member

    I agree with :-

    Cor, that was intense!


    That was utterly epic and I loved every second of it. The start was fantastic, with the waiting and the tension. My heart!


    Epic 😀 One of the most intense things I’ve seen on telly or film, due to the fact I’m ridiculously emotionally invested in it after all these years of build-up

    and last but not least:-

    Bloody hell! There’s just no pleasing some people! Is there anything in your life that isn’t disappointing?

    It was an epic piece of telly! I felt exhausted after watching it, it was so tense.

    Roll on next week for the full body count. 🙂

    Full Member

    The battle scenes would’ve been much more terrifying and tense with minimal score work.

    Like the silence they used during the initial slaughter? Can’t really blame Djawadi for the sound mixing, the music used as things seemed to be going from bad to worse pretty much nailed it imo (even if it did sound suspiciously like stuff he’d done for Westworld)

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