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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • mrmonkfinger
    Free Member

    Aunt and Nephew but yeah not such a shocking thing in the GoT world

    And perhaps more importantly, already the living result of the big north and south houses coming together.

    Free Member

    Everyone all partime fans in here I take it? 😆 All-sorts of awesome!

    Full Member

    Nope – got up at 2 ! Not the outcome I expected!! Got to love a bit of Valyrian steel! I hope you all have a decent tv with true blacks!!!

    Full Member

    Nope – got up at 2 ! Not the outcome I expected!! Got to love a bit of Valyrian steel! I hope you all have a decent tv with true blacks!!!

    I watched it on the bedroom TV at 5.30 this morning. Will have to rewatch it this evening on the OLED downstairs. Epic, but couldn’t help thinking that it needed to be watched on a decent screen!

    Free Member

    edit that out dc2.0. Leave the spoilers till tomorrow.

    Full Member

    Although you’d need to be mad reading this thread today if you haven’t watched it!

    Full Member

    Well, where do we go from here then? That can’t be it…

    Free Member


    Well, where do we go from here then? That can’t be it…

    well the show is called game of thrones… 😆

    4 hours left.

    Full Member

    Cor, that was intense!

    Free Member

    It was pretty good, the usual dubious tactical decisions notwithstanding! I’m not commenting more for now, I see someone’s already driven past the cinema queue shouting “Snape kills Dumbledore”.

    Free Member

    Does anybody else think this show has jumped the shark a bit ?

    There is a fine line between palace intigue and Mexican Soap Opera and I think we have found it.

    Now that Jon Snow has come back from the dead and it turns out he is whatserface’s nephew, it can’t be long before we find out that it was all a dream Dr Drake Ramorez’ evil identical twin brother Stryker had in the shower.

    Free Member

    “Snape kills Dumbledore”.

    Hey is this a crossover episode?

    I’ve a different attitude to GoT spoilers. I don’t read fantasy bollocks but after seeing an episode bought the first book and as a fast reader, easily addicted and with zero self-control, read the rest (in private, obviously). So as the series has been pretty faithful I’ve always had a good idea who’s going to get offed, when and how. I think this has if anything made me enjoy watching along even more. But then I never did like mild peril.

    (Just watched Band of Brothers – ‘Bob’ in our house and probably many others – for the first time, not spoiled by knowing the Americans win. Singlehandedly.)

    Free Member

    So as the series has been pretty faithful I’ve always had a good idea who’s going to get offed, when and how.

    Nah. Well, up until about Season 4 or maybe bits of 5. The TV series has long outstripped the timeline in the books so it’s been spoilerable for a few years even for readers. And there are a lot of people who’re watching GoT who’ve never opened one of the books.

    Of course, anyone reading one of these threads is being a bit unwise.

    Free Member


    Does anybody else think this show has jumped the shark a bit ?


    Free Member

    I’ve just watched it and I’m none the wiser as to what actually happened.

    It was so bloody dark all the time that I couldn’t see what the hell was going on.

    I’m going to have to go and get spoilers from t’internet to see what the hell it was that I just witnessed. ☹️

    I’ll watch it again tonight in a darkened room with night vision goggles

    Full Member

    Well that was an improvement at first I thought ‘oh here we have go predictable dragons swoop in’ but then it gets pretty **** up, intense in places for my night shift brain to take in. Then the good old not entirely unexpected but epicly presented end, it’s more like the earlier series episode closing scene.

    Yeah pity anyone with a poor TV though I ended up closing the curtains as it’s blue skies today and the sun was bouncing of things onto the TV.

    Free Member

    Does anybody else think this show has jumped the shark a bit ?

    Recently, or back when they started resurrecting the dead, etc?

    Full Member

    Recently, or back when they started resurrecting the dead, etc?

    Pretty much a key tenet of the plot from the get-go, not so much a water skiing Fonzee.

    Free Member

    There is a difference between a Zombie plot line and a major character who comes back – not as a Zombie – after being killed off at the end of a season. That smacks of contract negotiations, and is the (to labour the reference) equivalent of a fall down a lift shaft for actros who got above themselves.

    I guess we will have to wait and see who killed JR until the end.

    Full Member

    There is a difference between a Zombie plot line and a major character who comes back –

    He’s not the only one who’s been resurrected by a red cleric and isn’t a zombie. And, if I recall correctly, that all happened before Snow got got.

    Free Member

    There is a difference between a Zombie plot line and a major character who comes back – not as a Zombie – after being killed off at the end of a season.

    Except for the fact that they had been resurrecting characters in the novels more than a decade before the pilot episode of the TV show?

    Full Member

    I must say, I wasn’t expecting the end we got, but it does hopefully at least get us back to the plotting and intrigue, the reason I love the show so much. I so much more enjoyed watching the demise of Littlefinger, than the preceding BotB.

    Full Member

    That smacks of contract negotiations

    I’m no super fan as do think it’s massively overrated but I’m sure I read or heard that this is one show that never had contracts that required both parties to agree to bumping off a character.

    Full Member

    I’ve just watched it and I’m none the wiser as to what actually happened.

    It was so bloody dark all the time that I couldn’t see what the hell was going on.

    This for me, although the demise of the Night King seemed a little “easy” for me.  I mean, one minute Arya’s struggle to move around Winterfell, the next she’s able to go through it, out sneak through many zombies and attack him, killing him with a single stab wound shortly after he’d been engulfed by Dragon Fire and survived.  I appreciate it was a magic knife.

    Full Member

    Lol at the folks finding it hard to believe some of the plot lines. It’s all made up fantasy 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve just watched it and now I’ve got a headache! I think it was all that time peering into the darkness!

    Unexpectedly good ending gets the series back on track for more Cersei! 😋

    Free Member

    That was utterly epic and I loved every second of it. The start was fantastic, with the waiting and the tension. My heart!

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Well that hurt my eyes way to much … but im convinced more than ever were going to see the end as we did in the start the two main houses sitting upon`t throne

    Free Member

    Well, that was **** bloody. Didn’t get the charge of the light brigade at the beginning, should have kept the horses hidden in the trees with Bran.

    Bran guided dagger crows would have been funny.

    Full Member

    Just sat through that, god it was dull. Once again what seems like 5 hours of filler for 5 good minutes at the end.

    Free Member

    Must sit, still think LOTR and its use of actual people in heavy makeup had better shot and better looking battle scenes and that is almost 20 years old. The CGI fast zombies were a bit naff.

    Free Member

    Meh, got 3 out of 6 in Spot the Stiff.

    Enjoyed the Dothraki charge – creepy.

    Best death goes to Lyanna Mormont.

    Did anyone see what happened to Gendry?

    Full Member

    Only got 2, but in correct circumstances.

    Fairly intense and atmospheric stuff.

    Free Member

    Well I really enjoyed that, gripped start to finish! Great scene with Arya in the library.

    I must admit I was disappointed with the dark scenes at the start though despite having a nearly new OLED telly (and closing the blinds and curtains!). I played around with various settings but concluded they made it really dark to save money on CGI?

    Full Member

    but concluded they made it really dark to save money on CGI?

    It’s the booming Belfast economy. All the extras look too healthy. If they’d filmed it in Halifax there would be an unending supply of emaciated zombiefolk to employ.

    Full Member

    I mean, one minute Arya’s struggle to move around Winterfell, the next she’s able to go through it

    She’s a trained Assassin there’s a tiny hint she’s nearby and coming just be she appears.

    Free Member

    That was awesome! I see some people can’t be pleased…

    I was a little gutted this morning I had the big bit at the end spoiled by foolhardy opening Yahoo homepage for my personal emails only for them to broadcast it all. ****.

    Still I cheered when it actually happened.

    My wife had to call an intermission mid-way to break the tension.

    Free Member

    concluded they made it really dark to save money on CGI?

    I think this is perhaps a tough concept to take as it’s rarely been used in the past but. They made it dark to make it hard for the audience to see to give us the idea that they were fighting at night.

    It made the “pointless charge of the light Brigade” more dramatic as you saw the lights go out one by one to an invisible enemy.

    Free Member

    What about Ghost? 🐺 He never came back.

    Disappointed there was no zombie Hodor.

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