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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • schrickvr6
    Free Member

    The baristas could have ended it even sooner.

    Full Member

    Ah yes Sir Americano of house Barista, think he died at the red wedding actually.

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    Who’s going to survive for the money making a spin offs

    Free Member

    ^^^ The first spin off is set back in the past, before even the first dragons

    Full Member

    Yeah I guess Bran is trying to get himself into a spin off by saying he lives mostly in the past now. Seriously though if he doesn’t do anything important in the last couple of episodes wtf was the point in him as a character? Even Sam discovered the big R+L=J revelation on his own. Imagine if he could warg into crows and scout ahead of the fleet/army and help prevent ambushes pfft, I expect he’s too busy being a teenage boy going into the past and perving on people.

    Free Member

    First half, good bantz innit.


    The weapons grade military ineptitude is requiring just a little too much suspension of disbelief now. Weak point of the series for me.

    Also, I just typed “how far can a ballista shoot” into google, and the top result – wiki – says 450m (with an effective accurate range of less), so that really doesn’t make it very useful to take out a flying thing which can easily get beyond cloud base. I appreciate that physics in general kind of ceases to apply with flying things the size of an elephant from which breathe fire, but, the rest of the world seems to operate on normal sorts of weights and measures.

    Cersei being capricious and deciding to make a show of the execution, can believe, but, struggle to credit her character wouldn’t follow it up by sticking the remaining dragon with pointy sticks though, thus guaranteeing an easier fight.

    Disappointed in Bran, who sees everything, not being able to see anything particularly helpful. If he’s so bladdy useless, why was the Night King so interested in him?

    Full Member

    Disappointed in Bran, who sees everything, not being able to see anything particularly helpful. If he’s so bladdy useless, why was the Night King so interested in him?

    I don’t think he’s useless… he could do his warging thing & scout out the enemy etc, he just doesn’t as he’s disinterested. Maybe he’s seen the future, is satisfied with how things pan out, so is just letting events take their course. He’s explained how he doesn’t really have feelings/emotions any more so it doesn’t really matter to him who lives/dies as long as the end result is OK.

    That said, he has (attempted) to alter the past on a few occasions – young Hodor, young Ned etc. Maybe that was while he was still a bit “Bran” though before he went full 3ER.

    It would be pretty weak though if they don’t do something else with his character!

    Free Member

    The weapons grade military ineptitude is requiring just a little too much suspension of disbelief now. Weak point of the series for me.

    Without it it would have been be a very short and fiery episode indeed.

    The dragons need to be neutralised to allow for a final battle with some genuine peril for the main characters.

    If they weren’t then there’d be no need to have anyone other than Daenerys go south.

    Dragons burn soldiers and ships and eat Cersei

    Game Over

    It’d be a shite ending.

    Full Member

    Dragons burn soldiers and ships and eat Cersei

    Notice how the ships only have ballistas at the front…

    Free Member

    Notice how the ships only have ballistas at the front…

    Also notice that they were mounted on turntables and that there are multiple ships which are capable of pointing in different directions simultaneously.

    Where do you draw the line between making it “real” and servicing the plot?

    For example, did you also notice that they were right next to Dragonstone, a rocky island?

    What was to stop Drogon from picking  up a huge boulder and dropping it from a great height onto a ship?

    Nothing…. other than it wasn’t in the script.

    Free Member

    Perchy, I guess that’s the danger of introducing a story element so massive and overpowering – you can’t suddenly remove it without having a plot hole large enough for the Brexit Bus to squeeze its way into.

    Pitching dragon x2 against zombie dragon and undead wizard king, ok, kind of stacks up.

    Two dragons vs a few big crossbows, not so stacking up, at least, as you point out, without some spoon bending dumb funkery from Team Danny Jon Snow.

    Medieval military reality* would likely be some kind of extended yawn fest of an entrenched siege. I guess that wasn’t an option for a climactic 90 minute episode though.

    * yeah, ok, I know, it’s TV with dragons, etc.

    Full Member

    The dragons, whilst powerful, have always been shown as vulnerable though. In the loot train battle, a volley of normal arrows caused Drogon to turn away, and Bron almost got him with a single ballista. Also I think he almost came a cropper during the attack in the fighting pit just through shear weight of numbers.

    Full Member

    haha yeah Drac funny you should post that. Wooooosh!

    The dragon would have been safe if it had gone that high over them.

    Free Member

    Anyone else unhappy with Bron’s change of tact/character?
    I for one would appreciate a few genuine relationships to stay in tact come the story ending.

    Another bonkers good episode though. It’s so strange having so much development over each episode now, when we’ve been waiting years for the paths to cross.

    I was critical of GoT at first, but now I suspend as much disbelief as possible and enjoy it. Plus some of the acting is first class right now and several character moments have blown dust into my eye. Honest.

    Watched the knighting of Brianne again yesterday, marvellous scene. Dusty eyes.

    Free Member

    Anyone else unhappy with Bron’s change of tact/character?

    What, the bit where he changed sides to whoever promised him the biggest reward and had the best chance of delivering it?

    Entirely consistent with his character all the way through, pretty much.

    Free Member

    Bronn’s just hedging his bets, entirely within character I think.

    battle royale – cersei wins (A) or Team Snow wins (B)
    options – kill them (1) now, (2) not at all, or (3) decide later

    (1) & (2) – Bronn has to predict the fight
    (3) – Bronn wins whatever side sits on the throne

    Full Member

    Entirely consistent with his character all the way through, pretty much.

    It is, I was hoping he would become a goodie though, as he seemed to genuinely like/respect both Tyrion & Jamie. Now I’m hoping he gets eaten by a dragon 😂

    Free Member


    The accuracy of the anti-aircraft fire was a joke – first dragon got three direct hits.

    … whilst fired around the island out of sight. But to be fair – the next hundred arrows they fired whilst able to aim clearly at the remaining dragon all missed.

    Theres lots of gaping big holes in the story now that you would not have expected them to have written in earlier seasons; some of the characters they spent a long time in earlier seasons developing are now so out of character – and the storyline of the last two seasons has shown real lack of clever twists as before. It does seem they are rushing to tie things up. But it is still the best thing on TV at moment – and I can`t wait for the last two episodes.

    I am still unsure who gets to sit on the crown at the end.

    Free Member

    After watching that yesterday i cant help think Denny is going to end up the same as Cersi .. they both seem a little un hinged at the moment. Aria will be closing a pair of green eyes

    Full Member

    Using the remaining dragons(one injured) as front line attack cannon fodder with no recon is just stupid. Also deny is getting a bit precious, I can’t see her living.

    They’d work far better as recon units with the ability to torch the crap out of anything once it’s established there’s no ranged weapons.

    And yes I know it’s only make belive, but those crossboe/barrista bolts would have lost so much momentum by the time they hit the dragon they would have just bounced off..

    … And that’s assuming they could rotate them, and elevate them (from a bobbing ship) fast enough to even get close to target.

    I’m disappointed.. The story seems rushed for no other reason other than to bring the saga to a quick end.

    I’ve heard budgets mentioned from other places, but it’s probs one of the most successful series of all time, so you’d think budget wouldn’t really be an issue within reason.

    Full Member

    I’m disappointed.. The story seems rushed for no other reason other than to bring the saga to a quick end.

    Rushed, yet at the same time interminably long – the first hour was so dull. Another soap opera episode like the first two this season. And while I’m no expert, even I can see the complete lack of anything like coherent military tactics, both in this episode and the previous one.

    Think I’ll spend my time on the turbo next week in the garage rather than wasting it watching GoT and just getting disappointed again.

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    @mogrim you are Bran AICMFP

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    I’m not sure why it hadn’t ‘Dorned’ on me earlier but Jaime to slay Danny the mad queen, then maybe Arya to kill him steal his face and polish off Cersei.

    Full Member

    Quality of writing went noticeably downhill after they overtook the source material.

    Free Member

    Arya to kill Dany, take her face and rule in her place. Her bastard child with the blacksmith will then become the next monarch.

    Free Member

    Anyone else unhappy with Bron’s change of tact/character?

    A little. Yes he’s a ruthless sell-sword, but the usual charm and whit had gone.

    For me, it seemed like either, he’ll be back to ‘redeem’ himself later, or just a case of having a lot of support characters they need to conclude the story on in a few hours of screen time. the character was plunked from obscurity of last series, plonked on screen for a bit and left again, perhaps never to be seen again.

    Maybe the writers were handicapped, they say that Lena Headley and Jerome Flynn hate each other IRL and wont be on the same set at the same time, with the last 2 eps likely to very Cersi centric they may have not been able to include him.

    Free Member

    Cersei takes Danny.
    Arya takes Cersei.
    Hound takes Mountain, incurs fatal wound.
    Jamie attempts to take Arya but Jon takes Jamie.
    Jon takes throne.

    Losses along the way
    Grey Worm
    Captain Jack Sparrow Eugene Greybeard Ernie Wise whatever his name is with the magic fleet of instant ships.

    Free Member

    Lena Headley and Jerome Flynn hate each other IRL and wont be on the same set at the same time

    Must be so tempting to decapitate/impale/burn/melt/drown awkward actors, er, characters. Especially in this series.

    Free Member

    The entire “Bron to assassinate Tyrion and Jamie” thread seems a bit pointless. He’s ended up near the Lannister boys and theoretically on their side – though as it’s Bron we know he could turn if the money was right.
    That’s pretty much how it would have been if Bron had simply travelled north with Jamie, so I don’t understand why this storyline was included in the first place.

    Apart from that I’m still enjoying it. It’s a bit daft, but then it’s always been a bit daft. Lots of episodes don’t have much action but that’s ok – it’s always been the case.

    Full Member

    I don’t get the Bron thing. He’s not killed them like he was asked, so if the way continues and Cersei wins, she’ll want to know why he didn’t kill them. Or they win, then just kill Bron. Either way he’s a loser.

    I get he’s supposed to be a despicable character, but I also thought he’d shown some comradery with them along the way and would act differently than shown.

    Full Member

    I reckon:

    Mountain kills Hound

    Arya kills Mountain

    Euron kills Cersei (baby lies)

    Jamie kills Euron

    Varys kills Dany (indirectly)

    Jon takes the Iron Throne (I hope not though, it’s too happily ever after)

    Bran does **** all

    Free Member

    Okay. I’ve not thought about this a tiny bit but alternate version with less killing:

    ‘Rocky’ Mountain – silent Bob, basically, begins to talk about his feelings. Won’t shut up. No one asks him to stop.

    ‘Avoidthe’ Arya – sorry, got nothing, all effort went into the name. Probably does kill someone, possibly…

    Euron ‘Rnnie’ Pickering – chokes to death having chewed on one bit too much of the scenery.

    Jamie ‘Get’ – kills his hair stylist (who amazingly had survived having committed Xavier Bardem’s pudding bowl in no country for old men). Though to be fair it’s the hairstyle did plausibly narrow Jamie’s shagging options to the aussie tempstress and that’s it.

    ‘Yourmilagemay’ Varys – opens teashop. Is fully occupied by all the baking and long hours, and pissed off after a couple of years. Shame really as I liked him.

    “sittingonthe” Jon – Northern accent intensifies as he lives happily in King’s Landing/Highgate sorry grove. Never goes north again.

    ‘All’ Bran – saves his energy for the prequel. And his finals.

    Free Member

    Qyburn invents acid.

    Last episode goes all Yellow Submarine.

    Free Member

    I don’t get the Bron thing. He’s not killed them like he was asked, so if the way continues and Cersei wins, she’ll want to know why he didn’t kill them. Or they win, then just kill Bron. Either way he’s a loser.

    He explained it in the short scene – he weighed up both sides of the fight and bet on them winning, but it was close enough for the balance to shift if he took out both the Lanister boys and maybe a few more key members of the leadership team quietly one-by-one at night (which he’s more than capable of doing).

    Effectively he was plausibly able to prove he could influence the fight enough that he wins either way, so if they offered him a better castle than Cersi he’d let them go.

    Jamie asked him to join them in fighting to ensure he’d be paid, to which he said “Nah, my fighting day are over, but I’ve got plenty of killing days left in me” to further prove his point.

    Free Member

    Although, all told, that was a bit of a sappy move, because now when Team Snow wins, he doesn’t have many allies. Just a castle and some peasants.

    Full Member

    I don’t know why Jamie didn’t just knife Bron in the back of the neck as he turned to leave.

    Free Member

    I don’t know why Jamie didn’t just knife Bron in the back of the neck as he turned to leave.

    I think mostly because Bron is “flipping nails” but partly I’d say because he carefully walked out the door backwards pointing a vicious looking surprisingly easy to reload cross-bow at them the whole time.

    Full Member

    polish off Cersei


    Free Member

    For those who don’t know the final script has been leaked !=

    Big battle, enraged dragon queen attacks the red keep killing civilians sealing her own fate, subsequently falls off to be captured. Rescue mission ensues, Jamie somehow sacrifices himself to save Brienne from the Mountain, Cersei kills Daenerys during the melee, John kills Cersei, but is so heartbroken immediately exiles himself to Hadrian’s wall.

    Sansa takes the 7 kingdoms throne and falls for a dapper young musician at Brienne and Aria’s wedding, Ed Shearon becomes King thus winning the game of thrones.

    Also this:

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