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  • Game of Thrones – Of course it has Spoilers
  • scruff
    Free Member

    I’ve just watched episode 3, thought Vin Diesel might appear at the end and do some donuts. The hair wind was obviously from his exhaust.

    Free Member

    This is more Rock territory. Next up, Scorpion King.

    Free Member

    Has anyone else noticed how Bran sounds like any member of Pink Floyd in any interview from the early 60’s. Vocal tone and facial expression. Perhaps they are working plans to build another wall?

    Free Member

    Perhaps they are working plans to build another wall?

    The unsullied would probably make good cheap labour. All in all, they’ve got no dick and no balls.

    Full Member

    I don’t think there are many unsullied left – most of them died defending “the trench that wouldn’t light”

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Has no one watched it yet?!

    Didn’t see that dragon getting offed!!!

    First half was verging on slapstick, then classic GoT shenanigans at the end. We absolutely loved it!

    Free Member

    Didn’t see that dragon getting offed!!!

    Saw this coming a mile off. The Lannisters has a bloody big crossbow when she last fought them. If anything the military ineptitude of team Daeny is getting on my nerves. Firstly the send their entire mounted cavalry (looked like a few thousand) in on the walkers without a clue what they were facing and got trounced then this week she sends her ships and two dragons right up to kings landing without even a hint of a recce to see if there was a trap waiting…. FFS. She could have flow just one of her Dragons really high over kings landing a viewed the enemy and known exactly where the ships were waiting. But no… just pile right in and get another beating.
    She’s bloody useless and so are her commanders and got what she deserves.

    Full Member

    Aye they’ve had those crossbows for ages I guess Daeny missed that episode.

    Wasn’t too bad but again like the first 2 dragged out. Still there seems to a Starbucks there which is nice.

    Free Member

    That was boring. The hostage thing was ridiculous. The accuracy of the anti-aircraft fire was a joke – first dragon got three direct hits. Has anyone involved in the writing actually tried shooting a moving target?

    Full Member

    Are dragons difficult to hit. I found pigeons quite easy and dragons seem a bit bigger so can’t be too bad.

    Free Member

    I found pigeons quite easy

    With a crossbow when they’re flying?

    Free Member

    They were over dragonstone when the dragon got hit. Not kings landing.

    Rhaegal,the dragon that was hit, was the one that was injured in the last episode. Would have been a slower target.

    No one commanded the dothraki cavalry to charge when they all died. They were hyped up after Mel set their weapons on fire and went for it on their own.

    But they definitely could have done a recce first with the dragons flying out really high out of range.

    Free Member

    Would have been a slower target.

    They were flying in formation, so going at the same speed.

    Full Member

    With a crossbow when they’re flying?

    Pssst! It’s not real.

    Free Member

    Well that was meh.

    The feast at the start was great to see all the characters interacting, but where did they all come from given that it appeared 99% of Winterfell was munched on in the last episode? And they all appear fine that the night before they’d just fought an overwhelming horde of zombies from their worst nightmares and seen most of their friends and family die, and then be resurrected and try to kill them.

    Then Dany failing to spot an entire fleet until her dragon was killed by 3 surface to air missiles..

    And then the parley at kings landing was just stupid and out of character. Cersei could have happily killed Dany and her leadership on the spot, along with the dragon that was just chilling in front on a bunch of balistas and ended the war there and then, it’s not like she would pass up an opportunity to do that..

    Free Member

    The writing this season is awful. So many plot holes and time jumps, main character armour etc. Still going to see it until the last episode , but it really feels like they are just rushing it to get it wrapped up.

    Free Member

    Tough crowd! I think what some folk really need to remember……it’s not real!

    Full Member

    As long as you remember it’s “not” a true story you’ll enjoy it more 😉

    Free Member

    I enjoyed it, not as much as last week, but still great.

    Hell of a time hop at the break though, one min they’re all half drowning on the beach, next they’re having a conflab with Cersi.

    2 episodes left, Cersi falls next week, then the in-fighting to see who gets the throne?

    Free Member

    So cool that there are so many dragon fighting military experts on here, I’m mega impressed.

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    Full Member

    Dragon queen will die next week and leave Jon snow to avenge her for the throne in the last episode.

    Full Member

    Nope, Dragon Queen will go full mad Targaryen and obliterate King’s Landing next week. Jon arrives afterwards and is reluctantly forced to compete with her for the throne.

    Full Member

    Heavy handed foreshadowing of Jon’s death as he left Winterfell? Or just the fact that as king he’ll stay in the south?

    Lots of people being given reasons to want to kill Cersi face to face. All going a bit Line Of Duty…

    Agree the pacing is just weird. Lots of time wasted talking, etc. and then sudden time jumps to move the narrative on.

    Still watching though.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Tormund and Ghost, i’d watch the crap out of that

    Full Member

    Drac… Funny you should post that…

    Free Member

    I reckon it’s a fake pic.

    Free Member

    Next week will definitely be the mad Queen firing up the King’s Landing BBQ, but which Queen will Eggon be facing off against in the final episode?

    Full Member

    Little to disagree with in the criticisms above. There was ample opportunity for death this episode, and we saw only one. In earlier series these opportunities would have been gloriously taken!

    Free Member

    Daenerys and Jon are too obvious, I think it might be Arya who will be queen, there were a few hints seeded tonight

    Full Member

    And why no close up of the be-heading? They’ve gone soft.

    Full Member

    And why no close up of the be-heading? They’ve gone soft.

    they wanted to show Greyworms reaction – got a feeling he’ll have a big part to play in the last few eps… just gutted we didnt get to see her bristols again!!

    i really hope that slimey prick who is cersei’s hand meets a particularly violent demise!!

    Full Member

    Wasn’t too bad as an episode, the dragon died a bit easily but probably better than Euron having a dragon horn and taking control of them.

    I like that Varys finally has a speaking part again and it’s setting things up for a big rift at the end but with only a couple of episodes left and presumably at least one of them having a big battle I wish they’d have had more episodes otherwise they’re bound to rush a lot of stuff.

    The whole castle ramparts thing was a bit lame, pretty sure the Cersei of old would have made Tyrion a porcupine at the end to

    Free Member

    haha yeah Drac funny you should post that. Wooooosh!

    Free Member

    GoT do have a history of making errors

    The starbucks cup wasn’t the first time they messed up from freefolk

    Full Member


    Full Member

    The whole castle ramparts thing was a bit lame, pretty sure the Cersei of old would have made Tyrion a porcupine at the end to

    yeah, she looked very smug/confident so maybe felt she didn’t have to, but a volley from the ballistas would’ve finished it there & then!!

    It’s not looking like it’ll end well between Jon & Dani now!

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