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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • teamhurtmore
    Free Member

    SOD – we are a divided nation. I for one had no idea that we are as xenophobic and racist (and ignorant) as events have shown. But that’s the reality. Live with it – or move!!

    Thank you captain, as I said before, I do try to fit in. 😉

    Free Member

    “People did not vote on June 23rd to become poorer or less secure.”


    Full Member

    Live with it – or move!!

    1) the rise of what you describe is occurring in many countries, you can not move to escape it

    2) seeking to change the path we are on is what democracy is for, no need to just quietly accept things

    3) which countries do I have the right to move to, and stay in, after we leave the EU?

    Free Member

    No thm, she didn’t have to insist that this was “the will of the people” and that we have to leave the EU at any cost. She could have done her job and realised that 52/48 (with the 52 hopelessly divided about what they actually want) isn’t much of a mandate for such a ridiculously damaging policy. But she seems determined to march the country off a cliff…for what? Some ideological point or other? TO pacify the tory extremists? Nothing to do with trying to find the best outcome for the country, that’s for sure.

    Free Member

    SOD – we are a divided nation. I for one had no idea that we are as xenophobic and racist (and ignorant) as events have shown. But that’s the reality. Live with it – or move!!

    You can add homophobic to that. Problem is all countries are the same and offer a mix of open minded and narrow minded people.

    Having a referendum allows the narrow minded to have a say (based on prejudice and ignorance) which is exactly why we should never have referendums…

    Full Member

    Live with it – or move!!

    Well OK. On the basis that these divisions seem to be in place throughout Europe maybe we need some sort of Indian Subcontinent partition. Stick a border in place and those of us who wish to work with our European neighbours can live on one side and all the insular xenophobes can carve up the rest into their independent fiefdoms. On that basis I would move.

    Free Member

    On that basis I would move.

    So would I. Imagine there would soon be problems as once all the idiots are on their own they would soon realise the problem wasn’t what they thought.

    Free Member

    maybe we need some sort of Indian Subcontinent partition.

    Good Idea, we need form of physical border in place between the fledgling Independent Britain and the EU

    Maybe dig some form of moat or ‘channel’ and fill it with water?

    Free Member

    No Ninfan but I think it requires you to move to Hartlepool.

    Free Member

    Will I still be able to get Guacamole?

    (gratuitous Peter Mandelson reference for the uninitiated)

    Free Member

    Not sure – nearest Waitrose some 30 miles away.

    Full Member

    ninfan – Member
    Will I still be able to get Guacamole?

    (gratuitous Peter Mandelson reference for the uninitiated)

    youll have to explain that for those of us that dont follow him quite so avidly

    Free Member

    Captian – read the question. Is was quite clear

    Free Member

    Mandeleson allegedly mistook mushy peas in chip shop for Guacamole.

    Free Member

    …in Hartlepool

    (though its probably apocryphal and Mandelson reckons it was a actually an american researcher/intern. theres an alternative theory it was really him mistaking it with pease pudding in a sandwich shop rather than mushy peas in a chip shop that has improved with the retelling)

    Free Member

    wrong kind of chips

    Free Member

    But she seems determined to march the country off a cliff…for what?

    She might be using Cameron’s technique of proposing an extreme policy which draws strong opposition, then rolling it back to what was originally planned, thereby appearing all moderate and inclusive whilst doing what you wanted all along.

    Full Member

    Good Idea, we need form of physical border in place between the fledgling Independent Britain and the EU
    Maybe dig some form of moat or ‘channel’ and fill it with water?

    You’re going to need an area bigger than the UK to house the 50% of Europe who want to be insular.

    Free Member

    How long do we have to put up with Chewkw’s non stop verbal diarrhoea? It’s so transparent and tiresome.[/I]

    Careful ‘cos last time I suggested that he’d better going back to whatever basket-case of a country he came from I was censured – but the thought still stands, at not just for me it seems.

    Full Member

    Unfortunately the internet is available globally. We will never be safe.

    Free Member

    Are you sure? I note that JC also campaigned on the Remain side…

    Free Member

    The reality of the next 10-20 years (interesting piece on BBC news website today) is the bottom 25% of our society is going to sacrificed completely and utterly deprived of any opportunity unless they can educate themselves to degree level. Semi skilled/manual factory work is going to disappear. As I have said before this group of people have no political power (even if they all voted UKIP) so Brexit or no Brexit they are ****ed and destined for minimum wage/slumlords/reduced welfare and health care – for life. Please stop responding to Chewkw (troll)

    Free Member

    A few edits TMH. Those of us which raised these issues over the past few years have been called all the names you use and more.

    SOD – we are a divided nation. I for one had no idea that we are as xenophobic and racist (and ignorant) not been paying attention as events have shown. But that’s the reality. Live with it – or move!! It’s now time to address these issues, starting by reading this


    Binners has posted before about the realities of life “on the ground” in the North, totally segregated and divided communities. As immigrant numbers grow there is actually less integration as people chose to live in the same area and create a “mini home town” environment and our notion of equality means they are entitied to request dedicated schooling etc.

    It has been a serious and worsening situation for a very long time. One which most politicians just chose to ignore.

    Political Correctness has lead to some here, eg those wishing to stay in the EU for example, paying a high price

    Free Member

    educate themselves to degree level

    I was thinking of starting a thread about the recent decison that ALL police recruits must have a degree. Firstly, I think being a good policeman needs a skill set which many inclined or able to do a degree don’t have and secondly such people need good quality jobs and careers, we should be providing more not less such quality non-degree carrers (to our own citizens as a priority of course)

    Free Member

    It has been a serious and worsening situation for a very long time. One which most politicians just chose to ignore.

    Indeed. Politicians have been ignoring such problems for ages. However leaving the EU is not the solution.

    Free Member

    Reminds me of the Golgafrinchians in whichever Hitchhiker’s book it was. They adopted the leaf as their currency, which led to runaway inflation. So they decided to combat that by burning down all the forests.

    That’s about the level we are at.

    Free Member

    is the bottom 25% of our society is going to sacrificed completely and utterly deprived of any opportunity unless they can educate themselves to degree level.

    If they set the target low enough.

    Full Member

    are entitied to request dedicated schooling

    i’m not sure they are entitled to it as you put it, but the formation of academy schools, some of which are dedicated to specific religions, should never have been allowed. this fosters an ‘us and them’ attitude early in life that is not only inappropriate but fundamentally destructive to the ideal of an integrated society.

    Full Member

    we should be providing more not less such quality non-degree carrers

    care to elaborate? i’m intrigued what these ‘quality non-degree carrers’ (sic) are/could be?

    Free Member

    Remain voter fraud in Hackney, quite an amusing 1:20 radio clip. I wonder if there was a Remain bias for such fraud ? Would be interesting to see the electoral wards selected for upcoming ID requirement experiment and see how they voted on June 23


    Free Member

    Reminds me of the Golgafrinchians in whichever Hitchhiker’s book it was. They adopted the leaf as their currency, which led to runaway inflation. So they decided to combat that by burning down all the forests.

    Where is Douglas when he’s needed.

    A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

    quite nicely describes the Brexit process to date.

    Or perhaps better:

    “Let’s think the unthinkable, let’s do the undoable. Let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable itself, and see if we may not eff it after all.”

    Free Member

    @ Del nursing was a good example of a non-degree career. The law also used to have a non-graduate path to my profession as a solicitor.

    On my last stay in hospital I did actually hear a youngish nurse say when presented with an older patient who had been sick on himself ‘I have a degree – I don’t do vomit.’

    Free Member

    care to elaborate? i’m intrigued what these ‘quality non-degree carrers’ (sic) are/could be?

    computer game artist used to be entirely non degree, less so now but if your work is good enough they’ll hire you degree or not.

    Full Member

    Remain voter fraud in Hackney, quite an amusing 1:20 radio clip. I wonder if there was a Remain bias for such fraud ?

    Man admits voter fraud. Other man infers behaviour of millions from actions of one man. Both dishonest, in their own way.

    Free Member

    Remain voter fraud in Hackney, quite an amusing 1:20 radio clip. I wonder if there was a Remain bias for such fraud ? Would be interesting to see the electoral wards selected for upcoming ID requirement experiment and see how they voted on June 23

    I’d be more than happy that everyone has to use an ID card to identify themsleves.
    I’d go so far as introducing a weighting determined upon how much time the registered voter spends in the UK too.
    As for using a Hopkins radio show, I’ve told you before about using biased media for examples, it ain’t going to wash.

    Free Member

    Man admits voter fraud. Other man infers behaviour of millions from actions of one man. Both dishonest, in their own way.

    Still trolling at full volume I see, I just asked a question. FWIW voter fraud via postal or otherwise is pretty focused, the demographics aren’t hard to see.

    Yes me too Captain, no one thinks twice about showing ID before voting in France. Not rocket science. I’d not bother with a trial I would just change the law for 2020 GE onwards. Compulsory everywhere.

    Free Member

    Binners has posted before about the realities of life “on the ground” in the North, totally segregated and divided communities. As immigrant numbers grow there is actually less integration as people chose to live in the same area and create a “mini home town” environment and our notion of equality means they are entitied to request dedicated schooling etc.

    yes BUT we do know which communities consider immigration to be an issue – not those you describe

    All five Brexshit arguments were LIES as was immigration, but the latter swung it. We should be embarrassed not proud of what was revealed in 2016.

    Full Member

    I just asked a question.

    Yes, you just asked an entirely innocent question. No other agenda.


    Free Member

    Yes me too Captain, no one thinks twice about showing ID before voting in France. Not rocket science. I’d not bother with a trial I would just change the law for 2020 GE onwards. Compulsory everywhere.

    Good to see that you agree it has to be an all or nothing argument. Getting back to immigration. 😀

    Binners has posted before about the realities of life “on the ground” in the North, totally segregated and divided communities.

    I used to live just about over the hill from Binners, this image you paint using Binners is not one that I recognise. Totally segregated and divided? Where the hell do you get this from? My local newsagent was a t+++ because he was a Liverpool fan, not because of his religion.
    It really is this type of bullcrap where your unbridled ignorance shines through.

    Free Member

    Yeah, but what would you know – clearly jamba is an expert on communities in the North.

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