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  • EU Referendum – are you in or out?
  • Cougar
    Full Member



    Campaigners have officially ended a crowdfunding appeal which was raising money to make Big Ben’s bell ring to mark Brexit day.

    The StandUp4Brexit group says the £272,000 raised will instead go to veterans’ charity Help for Heroes.

    They say efforts to persuade House of Commons authorities to accept the donation have been “unsuccessful”.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t think Help for Heroes accepted political donations? So isn’t this going to blow up in their faces too?

    Full Member

    There are no benefits of brexit

    There is one major benefit: Nigel Farage, Ann Widdecombe, Annunwhats-er-face Rees-Mogg and the rest of the scumbag Brexit MEPs are all out of a job. Bet the EU will be glad to see the back of the useless argumentative thickos and they can get on with having proper constructive debates rather than listening to another 20-minute Farage monologue.

    Free Member

    So what are you saying? That daffy took the advantages his family gave him, used them for his own betterment and then failed to give anything back? That could be a metaphor for the whole country.

    I think what he, and Daffy, were saying is that they all started in the same shithole, Daffy took some action and put in some effort that paid off; the rest of his family didn’t.

    Therefore, in their minds, he’s a ****, and they voted for Brexit to try to get even with him for making a go of his life.

    Full Member

    I apologise for this.

    Jesus H Christ.

    This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.

    Full Member

    I am defo getting one of those mugs!

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    We might see some actual positive change when people stop believing everything they read of the front page of the gutter press and redirect their ire at the people in Westminster who are actually responsible for all their ills.

    If the last 50 years has taught us anything it’s that the blame game/scapegoating rolls on no matter what. It’s a human foible that is far too profitable for scumbags not to exploit. Populism is just heating up. When the social and economic privation **really** cuts in then the scapegoating shall of course rise to meet it.

    Full Member

    Remember when Britain was seen as cool to much of the outside world? That merchandise is such a deliberate closing of that book.

    Full Member

    A brexit bonus?


    There will be no change to the rights and status of EU citizens currently living in the UK until 30 June 2021.

    … and then what?

    Full Member

    Just seen that none of that ‘got Brexit done’ merch is being sent out in time for the great Brexit Day. Just perfect.

    Full Member

    There is one major benefit: Nigel Farage, Ann Widdecombe, Annunwhats-er-face Rees-Mogg and the rest of the scumbag Brexit MEPs are all out of a job.

    I hate to piss on your cornflakes, but it looks like they’ll still be at the trough…


    Having served as an MEP since 1999, Mr Farage would be eligible to a maximum of €179,000 (£152,000) before tax.

    He will also qualify for a pension worth 70 per cent of his MEP salary, the highest permitted under EU rules.

    Full Member

    At the trough, and no doubt on your TV & radio, for quite some time to come… unlike any ex or soon to be ex MEPs who actually did their job for us.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Daffy nailed it….

    I have had the same chucked at me, “your alright” with your big house and business!

    So my response is normally along the lines of ” well if you weren’t a feckless lazy **** you could have that””sorry i apologise someone should have just given it to you”

    I think Daffy has actually raised the best Brexit observation to date.

    Full Member

    I am defo getting one of those mugs!


    Full Member

    Be interesting to see where all the ‘merch’ is made…

    Full Member

    Be interesting to see where all the ‘merch’ is made…

    That is an astonishingly good question.

    Full Member

    Please let it be France!

    Full Member

    Some (but not all) have the description “PROUDLY printed in the UK”, make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    I think Daffy has actually raised the best Brexit observation to date.

    Well, petty jealousy was certainly ‘up there’ as an underlying cause.

    Full Member

    I thought the merch was a spoof, surely it is?

    Full Member

    Naff UK.

    I want my country back.

    Full Member

    That Irish post article is bang on

    Free Member

    That Irish Post article really struck a chord. The themes are almost exactly the same ones discussed with friends this evening. Another topic of conversation was the referendum(s) in Novelle-Calédonie and its fate if ever it cuts ties with France, because other islands that have done so have suffered economic collapse and or become puppet states of Australia.

    Full Member

    I thought the merch was a spoof, surely it is?

    No. It’s on the Tory website.

    On top of that …. My favourite bit is “Proudly printed in the UK.”

    Which rounds up nicely the unfettered bogosity of everything going on here.

    Full Member

    Maybe the Tories are banking all the success from a tea-towel to be main opportunity of Brexit?

    Carry-on Brexit.

    Full Member

    **** me – there are lapel badges too!

    Full Member

    **** me – there are lapel badges too!

    They’ve really nailed their target audience with that one haven’t they, just shows how in-tune they are with their voters.

    Mind you, at least they could sell four to Jacob Rees-Mogg…

    Free Member


    Met Office only has Westminster as ‘overcast’ on Friday evening rather that ‘bible-level inundation’.

    Still, forecasts can change. Fingers crossed.

    Now, where is my raindance mask and outfit?

    Full Member

    Daffy, was that your family’s thoughts going into the referendum or is it the stance they’ve taken subsequently?

    Full Member



    A brexit bonus?


    There will be no change to the rights and status of EU citizens currently living in the UK until 30 June 2021.

    … and then what?

    Well, considering the Home Office say they “hope” the new system will be in place by 2023, I guess they’re all going to be thrown into some sort of void in space and time.

    Free Member

    When I received the letter confirming I had been granting the right to stay, I did notice it basically said Until we change our mind.

    Full Member

    Premier Icon

    Daffy, was that your family’s thoughts going into the referendum or is it the stance they’ve taken subsequently?

    Afterwards. They’ve always been pro-brexit, but it’s been a gradual shift from migrants>remainers>well, me I suppose…

    Full Member

    To be honest Daffy, I regret having asked. That is a terrible situation. You have my complete sympathy. What a situation the country to get into. I hope to hell it doesn’t turn out to be the disaster I imagine.

    this is possibly an odd post. I’ve been following this thread since the beginning. I’m British, no longer resident, voted to remain. Won’t be going back to live in the uk. What I’m trying to say is, I hope all of you guys and girls get through this with the minimum of hurt that you can.

    Free Member

    So, the US trade deal that had been mooted at, is this likely to go ahead with the 5G plans being made with Huawei, or have the loons shot themselves in the foot?

    Full Member

    Remember when Britain was seen as cool to much of the outside world? That merchandise is such a deliberate closing of that book.

    I’m going to have a news blackout on Friday and over the weekend, in anticipation of wincing in toe-curling embarrassment at the cringe-inducing antics of the Brexiteers with their flag-waving, petty, backward-gazing nationalism

    ‘Cool Brittania’ is officially a lifetime ago and its rotting corpse is spinning in its grave

    Full Member

    this bit from the Irish Post article

    And yet I remember visiting London in the summer of 2012, for a very Irish evening, and thinking, the Olympics going on around us, that England had truly become a great, culturally rich, gloriously mixed, forward looking country.

    That’s been in my thoughts a lot over the last few months. Thinking back to 2012 and the optimism and excitement around the Olympics. The whole place seemed to be happy and united. Fast forward to 2020 and it’s quite staggering how broken we are as a union.

    Free Member

    Therefore, in their minds, he’s a ****, and they voted for Brexit to try to get even with him for making a go of his life.

    I doubt that was the case, I’m sure they were brexit supporters irrespective of Daffy. More likely the comments made were an angry reaction to what they felt was Daffy’s patronising lectures about the negatives of the choice they were making.
    People can be sensitive, you say something they believe in is stupid it’s hard to not to also imply that they are stupid as well (even if they are) hence the reaction.

    Full Member

    More likely the comments made were an angry reaction to what they felt was Daffy’s patronising lectures

    Woah – you’ve got Daffy’s place bugged?  Do you work for Huawei? 😉

    Or in other words, how do you know what went on between Daffy and his family to generate those comments?

    Free Member

    Or in other words, how do you know what went on between Daffy and his family to generate those comments?

    I don’t, no more than anyone who comments on anything their not directly involved with. But if someone posts something on an open forum it invites discussion. Isn’t that the whole point of this place ??

    Full Member

    I don’t, no more than anyone who comments on anything their not directly involved with. But if someone posts something on an open forum it invites discussion. Isn’t that the whole point of this place ??

    It’s a fair point, but I don’t. I’m not active on social media, have never belittled their reasons for leaving, have never lectured. I’ve engaged in discussion, have pointed out where things weren’t true, but have never lectured. Some reasons for leaving were valid, if a little myopic. One family members was that they don’t want to be forced into a unified, European armed forces – fair enough. Another was that Europe is a mess – also fair, but another was that he wanted to see what our government would do when they no longer had Europe to blame for their woes…that’s not a great reason for flushing your economy down the toilet. I mentioned this, but they highlighted future trade deals, etc, which I also don’t really agree with, so left it there.

    It doesn’t make me angry, not at all, just a little sad.

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