Lets once again examine labour’s options:
1. They campaign for a new referendum – They don’t have the support of MPs in leave voting constituencies even if enough tories would vote for it, and enough shadow cabinet members have declared they will resign if this happens. Result: A split in the party.
2. They do a deal with May. – The remainer wing of the party have already declared they won’t support this and some have said they will resign the whip. Result: Party split
3. They propose to cancel brexit. – See above about labour MPs in leave constituencies, and add the tagline ‘enemy of democracy/people’ on the next tory election billboard poster. Result: Losing the next election and probably splitting the party
4. Campaign the for the softest brexit possible by proposing customs union membership to ensure continuity of trade and industry, and regulatory alignment to protect jobs and workers rights. Result: They’ll take a hit from both sides, but probably hold the party together. They might take a hit at the next election from both remainer and leave voters but at least they’ll still be in the game.
Anyone got any other brigth ideas as to what they should do? I mean, this is an internet forum, I’m sure the assembled experience of MPs with decades of experience, trades unionists and their respectful advisors haven’t thought about it as much as we have and are just basing policy on a hunch, but is it at all possible they are doing the only thing open to them that averts certain doom?