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  • Donald! Trump!
  • CountZero
    Full Member


    Trump’s communications strategy of repeating false accusations while also shifting his position from a stance that he held just moments before, is an exercise in Orwellian doublethink. Witness a statement issued by the Sun after the press conference, in which the paper denied that Trump had branded its interview “fake news”.

    Here’s what Trump said on Friday about the Sun’s interview: “Unfortunately, there was a story that was done which was, you know, generally fine, but it didn’t put in what I said about the prime minister, and I said tremendous things, and fortunately we tend to record stories now, so we have it for your enjoyment if you’d like it, but we record when we deal with reporters. It’s called fake news.”

    Here’s the Sun’s statement: “We stand by our reporting and the quotes we used – including those where the president was positive about the prime minister, in both the paper and in our audio – and we’re delighted that the president essentially retracted his original charge against the paper later in the press conference.

    “To say the president called us ‘fake news’ with any serious intent is, well … fake news.”

    One of the maddening features of Trump’s communications technique is that even as he masquerades as a factchecker, he simultaneously tells towering, easily debunked lies. The May press conference offered up a gem of the genre, when Trump went on a riff he has used before about how he had predicted Britain’s decision to exit the European Union when he opened his golf course at Turnberry in Scotland.

    That visit came on 24 June 2016, the day after the British referendum, when the leave victory was already confirmed. One cannot predict something that has already happened.

    Free Member

    Take a look at the documentary on the Iplayer


    In episode 3 he directs his anger at the press covering one of his ego rallies/fund raisers lies to the crowd and tells them to get angry at the press in the room who look visibly shaken with no security.

    Those who follow him seem to just go with it, any fact checking is just the establishment who hate them anyway. It’s a shameless process really and nobody remembers the retraction.

    Full Member

    Enjoyed the protest photos!

    Free Member

    Yeah, was good to see the effort that went into them, lots of kids and young people there too, I wonder if we have created another protesting generation here

    Free Member

    What mike , you mean another liberal left snowflake generation, That takes no responsibility for their own actions? I think we know that’s already been determined by the previous generation.

    Free Member

    sorry yer what???

    Who tweeted that for you to parrot out?

    Which generation sold everything off, which one stripped the planet? which ones polluted it?

    Where as these people are standing up to discrimination, inequality, racism, sexism and more.

    Full Member

    “We have a recording that proves it’s fake news. No you can’t hear it.”

    Free Member
    Full Member

    There is a lengthy article about the “death of truth” on the Grauniad:


    With regard to the current visit, Trump has told a number of massive lies, including:

    1. the Sun omitted his praise of May. Clearly a lie as a reading of the article or a listen to the recording will tell

    2. he predicted Brexit whe he visited Turnberry the day before the vote. It is a matter of public record that he was in Turnberry AFTER the vote, but he repeats it and Melania’s press secretary agrees and claims to have photos to back him up

    3. his claim that Germany will get 60-70% of its energy needs from the gas pipeline from Russia. This has hardly been challenged, despite being totally false. May agreed that she would raise the issue with EU leaders. I assume that Merkel will send her off with a flea in her ear.

    Free Member

    Walking towards and then waving at the protesters!

    Class 😄

    Free Member

    So. Total disaster of a visit by a ludicrous nitwit who can’t keep a straight line of thought in his head from one interview to the next.

    Add them to the list if his other failures.

    I see ninpoop is back with us.  I’m sure he’ll explain how it all went wrong just like he did the other ones.

    Oh, wait…

    Free Member

    his claim that Germany will get 60-70% of its energy needs from the gas pipeline from Russia.

    No he didn’t.

    Full Member

    President Donald Trump repeated a highly misleading claim on Friday that Germany will soon depend on Russia for 50 percent to 70 percent of its energy needs.

    • President Donald Trump claimed Germany could soon rely on Russia for up to 70 percent of its energy.
    • While Germany gets about half of its natural gas from Russia, the claim is highly misleading.
    • Natural gas is a significant fuel source in Germany, but it only accounts for about 20 percent of Germany’s energy supply and consumption.
    Full Member

    yes he did, fake trolling.

    Free Member

    yes he did, fake trolling.

    No, he didnt

    go back and listen again, he said:

    “Germany is totally controlled by Russia because they’re getting between 60 to 70% of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline,”


    Germany will get 60-70% of its energy needs from the gas pipeline from Russia

    “They are getting” (not will get)

    “Russia and a new pipeline” (not “from the gas pipeline from Russia”)

    Entirely different claims, you are saying he is lying but can’t even be bothered to quote him accurately enough to analyse the statement.

    • Natural gas is a significant fuel source in Germany, but it only accounts for about 20 percent of Germany’s energy supply and consumption.

    Who claimed otherwise? What about Coal and Oil? 40-50% of German oil Imports are from Russia, as is about 30% of their coal

    What timescale are you talking about – if the annual consumption is in the region of 40-50% then what do you think is the proportion of energy imported from Russia in winter months, how about nighttime? (No solar)

    what happened was you jumped on the anti-Trump bandwagon and shouted “Lie” rather than using your own critical analysis of the statement, which would instead have left you shouting “show your working”

    personally I find this one of the saddest things about Lefties – they just swallow the first piece of amateur and flawed reportage that comes past just because it reinforces their own preconceived opinion. No wonder there is such an epidemic of #fakenews if they can’t be bothered to look for subtle differences that entirely change the substance of the answer.

    Full Member

    Tell us what percentage of German energy is supplied by coal nitwit.

    Free Member

    Power production – 14.1% hard coal, 36.6% if you include Lignite.

    note the words ‘power production’ rather than ‘energy use’, because of course that excludes other energy consumption such as domestic and industrial gas use and oil products including transport

    Full Member

    Ninnie “Fake News”

    Full Member

    So even if Russia supplied all of Germanys fossil fuel supply at current proportions Trump would STILL be wrong, and that takes no account of rapidly increasing renewable use. Great analysis nitwit.

    Free Member

    Go on then maybe you could tell us when he last visited his failing golf course was it the day before or day after brexit? (where he claims to have predicted the result of the referendum)

    Or when he will release the tapes of him saying nice stuff about May that they didn’t print?

    Or When Regan lost Wisconsin

    Any one of these great lies will do….

    So after slating all of his allies in NATO how much do you think he will be praising Putin next week?

    Free Member

    So even if Russia supplied all of Germanys fossil fuel supply at current proportions Trump would STILL be wrong, and that takes no account of rapidly increasing renewable use. Great analysis nitwit.

    I told you, what’s your timescale? Annually I presume?

    Now track it back on a different timescale, say winter months only (higher domestic gas use for heating etc. longer nights reducing impact of renewables) and it’s easily into those figures.

    Full Member

    Nothing to add other than liam fox is a xxxx of a man

    Missing an odious but I concur.

    Full Member

    Still making it up Ninny ?

    Free Member

    And the obligatory disgraced former title.

    Full Member

    What you say makes no sense as well you know. Trump was talking about the gas pipeline. If he actually was concerned about oil and coal he wouldn’t have made such a big deal about gas. You are desperately using his sloppy and imprecise language to find some bizarre way it could be not a simple lie, but it just doesn’t work.

    Full Member

    Lessons in simple logic for a simple person,just because you feel you can prove Trump didn’t do something,doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything,or that he didn’t do a specific other thing,or is your understanding of logical thought so different from ours ?

    Free Member

    If he actually was concerned about oil and coal he wouldn’t have made such a big deal about gas.

    If he was concerned about gas he wouldn’t have made such a big deal about energy

    You are desperately using his sloppy and imprecise language to find…

    back at ya!

    just because you feel you can prove Trump didn’t do something,doesn’t mean he didn’t do anything,or that he didn’t do a specific other thing,

    I agree

    Look, here’s Trump predicting Brexit.


    Full Member

    You’ve resorted to throwing dust in your opponents eyes,a logical fail if I ever saw one.If you have clear and logical arguments,why do you need to keep changing your line of attack,or do you feel your arguments are so poor that you must try to mislead us at every turn.I think think you take after your hero,Trump.

    Full Member

    Yep. And unless I’m not mistaken, that is not Turnberry. Thanks for the confirmation.

    Full Member

    Here’s a suggestion nitwit – decide what you want to write and then write it. Don’t write the first thing that comes into your head and then go back and edit it later. It gives people the idea that you are just a time-wasting troll.

    Free Member

    Go on then maybe you could tell us when he last visited his failing golf course

    ninpoop doesn’t like dealing with Trump’s failures – it ruins his bedroom poster of Flump as the Superhuman Business Genius Of The Universe.

    Free Member

    Come on DrJ, are you really going to deny being just a little bit jealous of Donald’s money, charisma and sex appeal?

    Full Member

    No I’m not.

    Full Member

    Stand up DrJ,you are accusing him of using sloppy and imprecise language.I also think that he does,but unlike you,I feel it is a deliberate attempt to obfuscate.

    Full Member

    Oh,and just for the record,I feel the Donald has the charisma and sex appeal of a pubic louse,and how much of of his father’s money has he lost so far? Not quite the uber-businessman?

    Full Member

    I do think Donald lacks the congenial personality of a pubic louse,whose life is a celebration of the sexual act,and has never had to pay off someone for something that did not happen.

    Full Member

    Clip clop.

    Free Member

    It gives people the idea that you are just a time-wasting troll.

    Well he is 100 percent a troll but the time wasting is you lot actually ‘debating’ with him.  Not sure why you bother.

    Anyone that tries to defend Trump is clearly a troll and the only reason you would try to defend such blatant lies is to troll

    Full Member

    I know,but he is so obvious,and so loose with the truth,that sometimes I cannot resist.He also seems to shut up for a while after I post,not sure why.

    Free Member


    The one that needs it the most but plenty others could do with the same treatment

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