I had a very similar experience on the Trans Penine Trail on Saturday afternoon.
A couple with a newly born in a push chair and a Weimerana dog off the lead, As i approached the female was alerted to me by her dog, she then told him, as i got closer i started thinking he’s deliberately blocking the trail here, i shouted “excuse me” to which he replied “get off and push” i asked to get past again but he started ranting and raving about not being able to go anywhere without there being Cars, lorries, busses, cyclists, horses, i told him to stay at home and not look out of his windows, which he couldn’t quite compute.
I then asked him if he did his grocery shopping on the internet so he didnt have to mix with others, whilst he was ranting on his Mrs was trying to get the dog on its lead and get hold on to the push chair as some walkers were approaching from the other direction. Whilst the other walkers were listening in i asked him if he knew it was the Penine Trail and if he knew it was shared use.
He said he was aware but that you cant ride bikes you have to push them,
I pedalled off and told him that i hoped he stood in a pile of dog shit.