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  • Chubbly Clubbly 2019
  • mboy
    Free Member

    Well it worked last time… Managed to stick with it for the entire time and lose near enough my target weight.

    This year has been terrible for my fitness, weight, mental well being etc. for one reason or another. I’ve barely ridden a bike by my standards! I went into the Christmas period already heavier than I was last time we started the Chub Club, I’ve not indulged too much but I’ve also not weighed myself. Was close to 14st recently when I want to be sub 12!

    So yeah… Add me in!

    Free Member

    Not declaring officially yet as still have a w/e away before starting properly……. but 14.10 this am. Got under 14 early last year (or was it 2017) and aiming for about 13 1/2 or less by mid year (turn 50 in May so there’s a target) and might reward myself with a new bike if I do.

    Free Member


    Just realised I put on 10lbs in the last 2-3weeks

    I’ll need an updated nude pic for the file, please.

    Wear the Barney Rubble mask for this one xx

    Free Member

    Never done this before, so count me in!

    Free Member

    I’ll have another go this year. Got a couple of injuries last year, hoping for better this year.

    Full Member

    Hi Rob, I PM’d you my details on the 21st but haven’t received an email.

    Full Member

    I’ve re-emailed all my details Rob – Cheers for picking up the mantle yet again

    Free Member

    Does the PM system still work? When I click on Rob’s profile it redirects to “Freebird” who doesn’t have an e-mail address.

    Full Member

    how do you get in on this? ive already pmd

    Free Member

    Yo! Anyone who is a-waiting, I send out the details in batches so I don’t have to do too much admin. Off work today, so I’ll do the next lot tomorrow.

    Anyone who’s emailed, or PMd I should have your details and you’ll hear from me tomorrow.

    Free Member

    Is there ritual humiliation for failing to achieve? I need the threat of that to get going!

    Full Member

    PM sent, a terrible showing last year saw an initial loss turn into a loss of motivation and a net weight gain of just over a stone!

    With baby no2 on the way in March this isn’t going to be an easy year, but I’ve booked in a couple of big sportives (away days mountain biking is off the cards for the foreseeable) to keep a goal in sight and hopefully stop me straying too far from the path of light.

    Full Member

    PM about to be sent, I need in. Over a stone on last year due to injury and general life crap.

    Full Member


    Just Pm’d, need all the help i can get. Weighed myself last night and it’s a new record for me. No wonder getting up the stairs is such a job at the minute!

    Full Member

    Has anyone used Weight watchers, just the app not the meetings to help guide them? Or is my fitness pal and some motivation good enough?

    I excercise a reasonable amount (16 miles a day bike commute plus a couple of strength training session a week) but I also more than make up for this with food and beer so I am on the very heavy side, so I need something that helps me moderate but won’t make me hate living, or just delete the app.

    I’ll give Rob a shout too as this may help me learn some lessons from the wise!

    Full Member

    I’m in PM on the way!

    Free Member

    You lot are going to take the piss.

    I weigh 12stone but i reckon thats 1.5 on my belly and half a stone on what is shaping into a pretty good rack.

    Full Member

    You lot are going to take the piss.

    That’s not what this group is for, I’m considerably heavier than you and at 5’10” way over where I should be, so everyone has their own version of what they need to do!

    Free Member

    I’m in too if it’s not too late. PM sent.

    Full Member

    I’m in. Was gonna join in last year but didn’t & am nearly 2 stone worse off than then 🙁

    PM sent

    Free Member

    I’ll be in again, I did terribly last year – I don’t think I entered anything in the spreadsheet, but really enjoyed Rob’s weekly email! 🙂

    I’m a few stone up again, so need to get back some much needed motivation.

    Full Member

    As if being referred to recently as “my little round husband” wasn’t a subtle enough hint….

    Free Member

    I’m back in again after last year’s complete failure to lost any weight. London Marathon is in 16 weeks so my stretch (HAHA) goal is 0.5kg a week and get down to 76ish for the race.

    I’ve already had two biscuits this afternoon 🙁

    Free Member

    Everyone who has messaged me should now be included – just sent out an email to approx 30 peeps. If you haven’t had one yet get in touch.

    70 of us in ATM. I’m poorly bad & off work, so this might be the ideal time to get round to doing the fancy stuff while I convalesce.

    If anyone has any ideas about the what they’d like to see in the dashboard e.g. being able to compare against another chubbly then let me know.
    Of course I’ll either pretend it was my idea and patent it straight away, make huge bank, go and live on a desert island and feast on twinkies washed down with coke (& hookers, natch) or totally ignore your stoopid suggestion – IT’S MY FAT CLUB I’LL DO WHAT THE **** I WANT!!!!

    Love from Rob xx

    P.S. @Jamie I think you input your weight worng dear. Or you ate substantially more over Chrimbo than you realise.

    Free Member

    Hi, I haven’t received any emails.

    Full Member

    P.S. @Jamie I think you input your weight worng dear. Or you ate substantially more over Chrimbo than you realise.

    That’d be some seriously impressive competition eating!

    Oh, and thanks for the email, I’m in, in.

    Free Member

    P.S. @Jamie I think you input your weight worng dear. Or you ate substantially more over Chrimbo than you realise.

    No idea what has happened there. Looks like someone has sausage fingers and entered errant data into my box.

    Etc etc

    Full Member

    Message sent, I broke 100kg for the first time last week. Want to get back down to 90kg which is tough with a sedentary job, young kids and a wife who buys cupboards full of ‘treats’.

    Free Member

    First weigh-in day today. I for one am looking forward quite happily to being a bit hungry over the next week instead of too full, like I have been for the past fortnight 🙂

    Free Member

    In your email you said “get to it”. I’m assuming the “it” is the giant sharing mince pie I couldn’t walk past in Aldi because it was reduced and I’m weak? If so, done!

    Free Member

    In your email you said “get to it”. I’m assuming the “it” is the giant sharing mince pie I couldn’t walk past in Aldi because it was reduced and I’m weak? If so, done!

    You might want to reconsider your game-plan 😀

    Full Member

    no email for me…

    Free Member

    Email received, rather large number entered and a realistic target set (no it’s not an even higher number).

    Thanks for organising this Rob. Appreciated.

    Free Member


    no email for me…

    Have resent to you Andy. Poss. it’s in your spam fodler?

    Mmmmm…. spam 🤢🤢

    Full Member

    Some ambitious targets there to say the least. I guess those of you with average +1kg loss per week are going for the dysentery diet?

    Full Member

    Some ambitious targets there to say the least. I guess those of you with average +1kg loss per week are going for the dysentery diet?

    That’ll be nobody then! All of the weekly targets so far over 1 are for those measuring in lbs, and none of them are over 2.2 lbs.

    Full Member

    yup in the spam. cheers chap 🙂

    Full Member

    That’ll be nobody then! All of the weekly targets so far over 1 are for those measuring in lbs, and none of them are over 2.2 lbs.

    Er, yeh, good point

    Full Member

    weighed in…. didn’t look pretty…. looking at 0.8 kg per week so could be ambitious…. we’ll see.

    Want to drop a load before first baby arrives in June (currently rocking out at 132.9kg so shouldn’t be too much to ask for.

    Good luck one and all.

    Full Member

    In your email you said “get to it”. I’m assuming the “it” is the giant sharing mince pie I couldn’t walk past in Aldi because it was reduced and I’m weak? If so, done!

    Uhm, could you not have had a couple more… there was acouple left in my local and i may not have been able to refuse.

    Time to crack on this year, been promising to get back to race weight for a couple of years. Can i play still?!

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