Getting a bit miffed at this guys!
We're looking for a mate who's gone missing…. Whatever his issues I dont really care, if he wants my help or opinions once we've found him thats fine, if he doesnt ask ill keep them to myself. Im sure he knows what he's done.
Secondly why are the news kicking off at the Police about this Dog search? The police did all they could and have to exhaust all options before putting someone down as missing. Whereas the dog can be reported immediately because it just buggered off and didnt have any other agenda!
If they released the report straight away and we found him 2hours later out on his bike they'd have looked rather silly!! (And the news would be full of missing people who'd actually just popped to the shops!)
They have also checked any transactions, they were doing that when I got there on sunday. They've dealt with it pretty well. I'd just like to know he was 100% ok!