Home Forums Chat Forum An end to A&A / Friday Kylie please

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  • An end to A&A / Friday Kylie please
  • dan1980
    Free Member

    The thing I don’t get is this…

    The majority of the A&A pictures are of ladies or men, going about their athletic activities, and only a few are posed in a modelling sense. So if TandemJeremy wants this sort of thing banned, then perhaps we need to look at banning all sports coverage in all forms of media to ensure that the easily offended never have to come across the sight of a boxer in his shorts, or a runner in a vest.

    Free Member

    for you sv


    2/3 of the way down

    CRC banned then? Very nice shorts though 😉

    Free Member

    Or maybe you just can’t help yourself, get offend & then have to go off & punish yourself or something?

    Possibly not punish himself but he might secretly spank his monkey!!!

    Full Member

    Really? Quick, ring the RSPCA!

    Free Member

    Well this makes a change. Instead of getting halfway through a thread only to find it’s been taken over by TandemJeremy and his “if you don’t agree with me then you are wrong/stupid/puerile (delete as applicable)” attitude, it was obvious from the start this time!

    But, as we’ve seen on many an occasion, it’s impossible to have any form of reasoned discussion with TandemJeremy because, in his opinion, only his opinion is valid. Your opinion, if it differs from his, is obviously wrong.

    I’m sure TandemJeremy perceives himself in a way that is very different to the way I perieve him.

    He is one of the very, very few people on this forum I would avoid in real life, because he’s a virtual bully.

    And, I have to say, I suspect he has been responsible for scaring more people away from this forum than any number of Friday Kylie/A&A threads.

    Free Member

    ha ha TJ same time next week then 😀

    Free Member

    Just in case you missed the first one TJ.

    Free Member

    The aim was and is to provide something nice to look at on a Friday but crucially it was always intended to cater to all genders and sexual persuasions.

    “… it’s not sexist, it’s sexy

    Free Member

    Blimey. Peace and love. Going back to parent baiting on the aeroplane thread…

    Free Member

    Told you we need this

    Free Member

    TJ, why don’t you become the leader of a great nation and run your commie utopia instead of lowering yourself to talk about something you don’t get, i.e. beautiful people?

    Free Member

    Who is this TandemJeremy you all speak of?

    Free Member

    End Kylie, might as well end the forum too!

    Full Member

    ………just don’t look 😯

    You choose to open the thread!

    Free Member

    The majority of the A&A pictures are of ladies or men, going about their athletic activities, and only a few are posed in a modelling sense.

    To be fair to TJ, that’s not always been the case. I learnt to ignore the A&A threads quite a while back because they’d always start with pictures of sportswomen (and occasionally men), but normally end up with oiled up nameless glamour models with huge plastic bazongas and wearing wet t-shirts and a g-string, straddling a bike.

    So, yeah, I pretty much see the A&A thread as being a bit pervy (dunno if it’s changed much?), but as they’re a regular thing I just ignore them. I never say owt, because a) ultimately Singletrack is a lot less of a boys club than some other biking (and certainly gaming) forums that I visit, and b) if a woman ever objects to stuff like this on forums, she’s normally told to get a thicker skin, or called a prude/a humourless dyke/a feminazi, or people start saying that she must be fat/ugly and therefore jealous, because that can be the only reason she’d be objecting. I think that the odd 1 or 2 dodgy threads a week that are easy enough to ignore are far outweighed by the awesomeness of the frequent border terrier threads.

    Free Member

    It is all a bit Sid James.

    Full Member

    I can’t believe anyone is actually bothered by them!

    Personally I really like the A&A / Kylie threads…

    Full Member

    TJ said,

    And you wonder why women don’t come on the forum much

    That maybe what TJ is actually on about, why don’t women actually visit the forum?
    Maybe it’s because of the Kylie thread, and actually nothing to do with what tyres I should be using at some makeshift off road place, or any other some middle aged wanna be XC racer (that’s me by the way) wants to post

    Free Member

    Thank you Mrs Toast.

    b) if a woman ever objects to stuff like this on forums, she’s normally told to get a thicker skin, or called a prude/a humourless dyke/a feminazi, or people start saying that she must be fat/ugly and therefore jealous, because that can be the only reason she’d be objecting. I

    This is why I challenged this behaviour. I am prepared to take the flack and boy have I copped it.

    I have to say it also amuses me how few people understood that I deliberately went over the top in my comments to add some humour into it – adopting the Millie Tant / Dave Spart persona

    Free Member

    my mrs is a keen mountain biker i can assure you its nowt to do with the threads about lasses etc.
    it’s just that she thinks the whole thing is a bit nerdy.
    i reckon she might be right.

    Free Member

    tj she said she’s not that bothered.
    Mrs toast that is.

    Free Member

    one hundred! 🙂

    Full Member

    There’s quite a few females use the forum though aren’t there? I’d say there even seem to be more of late.

    Proportion seems about the same as the male/female ratio I see out on MTBs.

    Free Member

    No that’s one hundred and one, TJ. You is fail.

    Hang on, I need a poo, then I’ll be along shortly to sort out all this nonsense.

    Because this thread is of course nuffink without my input….

    Free Member

    “Bazongas”? 😯

    Free Member

    huh – and you reckon pictures of people with not so many clothes might put of ladies from participating in this website?

    More likely they’ll be put off by the “how high I have ridden” and “how fast I have ridden” threads…


    Free Member

    so thats two women that are not that bothered.

    Free Member

    The ironic thing is, TJ only says these things to try and impress women so he can get laid.

    Free Member

    Great trolling TJ 😉

    Free Member

    nonk – I suggest you reread mrs toasts post.

    Free Member

    Can we talk about helmets instead?

    Teej mate, just drop it. The more you go on about it, the more it’ll carry on. And the more shouting you do, the more you look like a rabid US evangelical priest!

    Dez really is that bloody minded!


    Full Member

    I have to say it also amuses me how few people understood that I deliberately went over the top in my comments to add some humour into it – adopting the Millie Tant / Dave Spart persona

    That **** well sums you up, doesn’t it. Your self righteous, looking-down-on-others arrogance.

    Free Member

    More likely they’ll be put off by the “how high I have ridden” and “how fast I have ridden” threads…

    Actually the liver and onion thread made me a bit sick in my mouth…

    Full Member

    Yep – I read Mrs Toast’s response the same way Nonk does. It’s all a bit childish but in the scheme of things pretty harmless/sad/irrelevant.

    Free Member

    Actually, it’s not the pictures that are ever the problem to me on the A&A. Sometimes, we do get the odd comment made by people that is objectionable – not often and it’s not like I’m reading them often!


    Free Member

    I deliberately went over the top in my comments to add some humour into it – adopting the Millie Tant / Dave Spart persona

    You failed.

    Free Member

    i still can’t work out it out?
    clever troll?
    or opinionated, self righteous, left brained, blinkered, autocratic sociopath?

    Free Member

    vinnyeh – Member

    “I have to say it also amuses me how few people understood that I deliberately went over the top in my comments to add some humour into it – adopting the Millie Tant / Dave Spart persona”

    That **** well sums you up, doesn’t it. Your self righteous, looking-down-on-others arrogance.

    Knowing I would get mocked I deliberately overplayed my hand for comic purposes

    Thats hardly “looking down on others arrogance” is it – setting myself up as a joke.

    Full Member

    Pfft talk about mountains and molehills. I rarely check Kylie/A&A threads as 99% of the time I access STW I’m work and it’s not too professional (less so than spending hours surfing forums anyhow…). I really don’t see the harm in them though – it’s not like there shoved in your face on the front page, you have to actively chose to look at it.

    Agreed it does need to be kept an eye on, we don’t need a thread for every day of the week but it’s a very minor part of the forum content and more worthwhile looking at than most.

    Full Member

    By the way, I run a mainstream website mostly read by women and I regularly publish pictures that might get me banned from STW.

    I think this site is very restrained and respectful compared to many others.

    Anyway we all know women are only interested in celeb gossip. They’re probably on another site looking at pictures of Kylie anyway. Now wouldn’t that be ironic.

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