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  • An end to A&A / Friday Kylie please
  • Kevevs
    Free Member

    That thing is freaky. it’s hollow eyes are staring into my soul. It’s laughing at my inner turmoil! NO, not the lollipop.

    Free Member

    So I’ve got to spend another £40 TO DO MY FRONT mech???

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t even spend £40 to do my front room.

    Free Member

    I will vehemently defend my right to be vehement!

    Have you ever seen a real woman?

    Yes. I’ve also ridden a mountainbike but that doesn’t stop me looking at the pics in Singletrack!

    Free Member

    that doesn’t stop me looking at the pics in Singletrack!

    You unfaithful slut!

    Free Member

    Technically my bike lives in my front room…

    Free Member

    You unfaithful slut!

    As far as bikes are concerned I’m entirely polygamous

    This thread should have reached it’s natural conclusion with the pic of Ethel holding her little Willy.

    Free Member

    Crikey … 😆

    Free Member

    If Chewkw is saying ‘Crikey’ then we know it’s all gone horribly wrong. 😯

    How about that film ‘Silent Running’? Now that’s an interesting concept, isn’t it?

    Free Member

    I defend my right to be pavement!

    Free Member

    But what if Hello Kitty was a prostitute? 😯

    See? It’s not so simple, is it?

    Free Member

    How does Chewkw know that the bearings in both my front and rear hub are shot to f…??

    My bike ain’t going to be fixed tonight 😥

    *goes off in search of images to lift spirit*

    Free Member

    Pavement never cut my hair, I done it myself. But it din’t turn out that well sadly. 🙁

    Then the BT woman rang, and I cried. Police never came though so not to bayd.

    I want to know why we’re not all floating on magnets, quite frankly. 😐

    Free Member

    Well, that went a bit weird.

    Free Member

    I bet TJ is trolling. 😆

    C’mon some of the chicks are trying too hard. I mean like these two here. She put me off big time with her looks. Worst is the pic of her on the bike naked …

    Full Member

    Why not just buy a copy of FHM, Nuts etc? More titillation than you can wave a ….. [insert preference] at. 🙄

    It’s all rather sad really.

    Free Member

    Can someone summarise the previous 8 pages for me? I can’t be bothered to read it. Ta.

    TJ – I’m an action feminist

    Most of STW – Get a grip.

    Did I miss something out?

    Free Member

    Er, kind of, the most important bits actually.

    But I’ll leave you to work that out for yourself….

    Free Member

    Oh, and ‘Most of STW’ doesn’t denote any kind of intelligent consensus, if that’s what you were suggesting, more a collective ignorance really. People need to think for themselves, rather than following the herd.


    Free Member

    Oh, and ‘Most of STW’ doesn’t denote any kind of intelligent consensus, if that’s what you were suggesting, more a collective ignorance really. People need to think for themselves, rather than following the herd.

    So, basically, what you’re saying is that if people don’t agree with you (even if they are in the majority) then they are ignorant and unable to think for themselves.

    Has TandemJeremy logged into your account by mistake?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    TBH I spend alot of time thinking for myself, most of the time it’s enitrely un-productive.

    I have nothing constructive to say. 😀

    Full Member

    Elfinsafety – your hypocrisy knows no bounds. The rules are quite clear “No posts of a sexual nature, including images of a sexual nature or intended to provoke a sexual response.”

    Free Member

    I can’t believe you sad old buggers are STILL BLOODY ARGUING about this when there’s a Star Wars film on TV.


    Free Member

    So, basically, what you’re saying is that if people don’t agree with you (even if they are in the majority) then they are ignorant and unable to think for themselves.

    Pretty much, yes. A majority doesn’t necessarily constitute an authority. In this case, most folk who’ve opposed TJ have fundamentally missed the point of his argument, which is that STW should be a place free from sexism, misogyny and gratuitous sexual objectification. Very few have posted a decent counter argument, merely choosing instead to resort to insults and ad hominem attacks. Pathetic.

    And I don’t believe ‘most of STW’ is actually in disagreement with TJ. Granted, the weight of opinion seems to be against him, but I reckon there are probbly many who agree with his stance.

    Trouble is, a lot of people aren’t capable of engaging in intelligent debate, so find it easier to go with what appears to be a majority. Bit like ganging up on someone. Quite cowardly really.

    Copernicus and Galileo were once ostracised for their views….

    Free Member

    Elfinsafety – your hypocrisy knows no bounds. The rules are quite clear “No posts of a sexual nature, including images of a sexual nature or intended to provoke a sexual response.”


    (I had to think about that one…)

    A Star Wars film on telly???

    (Runs off)

    Free Member

    What is so wrong in appreciating a beautifully body? Sure depending on your sexual presuasion a woman’s figure may bring a little lust, that’s human nature, its not evil. Most girls I know like to look sexy and attractive, it makes some happy and confident. Its in your own opinion tj that this is somehow wrong and Pervy. Amplify your views a little and where does it stop, the burker? You’ve taken one of lifes natural pleasures and tried to turn it into something gruby.

    Free Member

    Why not just buy a copy of FHM, Nuts etc? More titillation than you can wave a …

    but this is my point c_g. If it was titillation that folks wanted they would go to FHM. this demonstrates to me that that is not the reason for the thread

    Free Member

    What is so wrong in appreciating a beautifully body?

    Nothing. I never said there was. Neither did TJ. 😕

    You’ve taken one of lifes natural pleasures and tried to turn it into something gruby.

    No, you’ve imagined that I/TJ have. Again, you’ve fundamentally missed the point of TJ’s argument…

    Dear oh dear.

    This Star Wars film’s not up to much by the way. 😐

    Free Member

    Trouble is, a lot of people aren’t capable of engaging in intelligent debate, so find it easier to go with what appears to be a majority. Bit like ganging up on someone. Quite cowardly really.

    Would there really be any point entering into a debate with you on this subject when you have already decided yours is the only correct opinion – much as TandemJeremy does on almost every thread to which he contributes?

    I think there are many people on the forum who are more than capable of entering into an intelligent debate on this and many other subjects with you or TandemJeremy, but don’t because they are intelligent enough to understand that to do so would be akin to flogging a dead horse.

    I wish I had their wisdom.

    Free Member

    “You’ve missed the point” without clarifying the point being made is a fantastically poor argument.

    As I see it, TJ’s initial argument(if that’s the point being alluded to) falls flat on its face fairly quickly – if the contents of the A&A threads are against the rules, then the site’s owners will surely reprimand the posters and remove the proscribed content. This would seem to be enough to eventually reduce any such posts to a negligible level, without anyone having to appoint themselves as Forum Prefect.

    Anyhow, TJ and Elfin have proved my point about some people never knowing when to stop. Back from the pub, time to carry on arguing on the internet until the early hours, you get yourself off to bed dear…

    Free Member

    There are some folks I, ahem, know who definitely consider this to be pron of the highest quality. Thanks.

    Free Member

    In this case, most folk who’ve opposed TJ have fundamentally missed the point of his argument, which is that STW should be a place free from sexism, misogyny and gratuitous sexual objectification. Very few have posted a decent counter argument, merely choosing instead to resort to insults and ad hominem attacks. Pathetic.

    Then i think you have very much missed the point. Most people would agree that STW should be free of all those. The arguments have been about what constitutes those things (or not).

    Free Member

    Grimy – no just inappropriate on this site.

    I do love this – half of you are saying its not about sexual attraction at all – its just abstract appreciation of the beautiful body. the other half that there is nothing wrong with a bit of sexual attraction and that its natural. You cannot both be right.

    Its really very simple. Its all about the context. If you want pictures of scantily clad women there are many places on the internet for this Sports illustrated for example.

    What happens to the vast majority of these threads on here is it become a leching session. Objectifying women by only giving them value on how attractive they are.

    This post illustrates this perfectly

    buzz-lightyear – Member

    “Buzz – do yu really not understand?”

    No, no I really don’t. Perhaps because I don’t have a distorted outlook on gender and sexuality. Wake up and smell the coffee: how women look is important to men. But only fool thinks that men ONLY judge women on their looks…


    Here’s a personal fav: the blisteringly fast Lindsey Vonn, who brings sex appeal to top flight women’s skiing.

    So vonn is only worthy of a attention as she brings sex appeal to sking. And folk are still attempting to say that its not titillation 🙄

    Free Member

    Trouble is, a lot of people aren’t capable of engaging in intelligent debate, so find it easier to go with what appears to be a majority

    Whereas you, Mr Elf, appear to follow your hero TJ with almost blind devotion!

    And……….I think it is you who have missed the point. This is not really about the A&A thread or its contents; it’s all about a small minority attempting to impose their will on the majority. This has been going on so long I’m inclined to believe there is some not so subtle coercive persuasion in action 😉

    Free Member

    I do love this – half of you are saying its not about sexual attraction at all – its just abstract appreciation of the beautiful body. the other half that there is nothing wrong with a bit of sexual attraction and that its natural. You cannot both be right.

    No one has said that everyone else is united. The world is slightly more nuanced then TJ and everyone else.

    Free Member

    I do love this – half of you are saying its not about sexual attraction at all – its just abstract appreciation of the beautiful body. the other half that there is nothing wrong with a bit of sexual attraction and that its natural. You cannot both be right.

    Why not? They are different points of view from different people, or are you saying that your view isn’t valid either as only one opinion matters?
    I do believe that nature plays it’s part in the whole equation, animals make themselves attractive to increase the possibilities of mating and continuing the species, the male will fight and demonstrate it’s right of leadership through power and strength. It’s all part of nature to make yourself beautiful and shag.

    Can you just remind me, I’m not sure if you’re for or against?

    Free Member

    So vonn is only worthy of a attention as she brings sex appeal to sking. And folk are still attempting to say that its not titillation

    Did you miss the bit where she was described as blisteringly fast? in fact, the primary description of her?

    Free Member

    Woody – its not about

    a small minority attempting to impose their will on the majority.

    I do not have that power. Don’t be ridiculous.

    its about wanting the forum to be free of sexism and misogyny and challenging sexism when it rears its ugly head.

    Charlie once again you miss the point. the two tendencies are contradictory to the point at which thee ones who claim its natural sexual attraction undermine the argument that its purely about aesthetic thus actually supporting my position.

    Thats my last word on it.

    Free Member

    So vonn is only worthy of a attention as she brings sex appeal to sking. And folk are still attempting to say that its not titillation

    No,no, no !!!! Her sex appeal is only being highlighted because of her skiing, not the other way round. You also make some rather depressing assumptions about the women concerned. Does it ever cross your mind that they are the ones who manipulating in order to achieve their goals? And God forbid, some of them may actually enjoy the attention.

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