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  • 9/11 documentary
  • jam-bo
    Full Member

    The thing I like about these threads is that you can chuck in a weapon from Star Wars as part of a theory and people aren’t really sure if you’re serious.

    but they probably also argue that there is no way that only a pair of proton torpedoes could have destroyed the deathstar, the subsequent explosion defied their understanding of physics, where is the debris anyway and did you know there was a power outage on level 42. definitely an inside job.

    Free Member

    But, it at least made some people consider their position

    Free Member

    What is it with the empire and their inability to build planet sized weapons that can’t be taken out by a small handful of assailants with light weaponry. Bizarre choices by the design team.

    Free Member

    What is it with the empire and their inability to build planet sized weapons that can’t be taken out by a small handful of assailants with light weaponry. Bizarre choices by the design team.

    inside job, but the question is, how many were in on it?

    Full Member

    Bizarre choices by the design team.

    covered in this compelling documentary

    Full Member

    Just over magnitude 2 according to This piece

    So what are you saying? They didn’t actually collapse at all?

    still, a power down took place, which in itself is of interest.

    We have annual power downs where I work. The building is still standing.

    Anyone qualified enough on here, who could assess a 46 storey building’s likelihood of collapse, whilst fighting raging fires, and can predict the time of imminent collapse so as to tell, workmen, policeman anyone around to get clear,….please step forward

    It’s all in the report. Computer analysis, model tests, etc.

    Free Member

    Anyone qualified enough on here, who could assess a 46 storey building’s likelihood of collapse, whilst fighting raging fires, and can predict the time of imminent collapse so as to tell, workmen, policeman anyone around to get clear,….please step forward

    The point is they were trying to clear the building out full stop, they were not working to a time or a plan. And unfortunately, many people were still in the building when they collapsed, including those trapped on the floors above where the aircraft went in. Office workers and firefighters were killed. They were picking bodies out of the rubble for months after. And you don’t need to be an expert to take the hint after the first tower collapsed that the second might not be too far behind it.

    Free Member

    So what are you saying? They didn’t actually collapse at all?

    No, that would be stupid to a truther level!

    The article features a seismologist who looked at all the data from the seismometers in the region and analysed the events. The impact of the aircraft was roughly a magnitude 0.7 event for example. Magnitude 2 is still a lot of energy being released though the article makes the point that the progressive nature of the collapse reduced the absolute magnitude.

    Free Member

    wobbliscott i think you are responding to a point about wtc7 not the towers. So your answer is miss focused, ” And you don’t need to be an expert to take the hint after the first two towers collapsed that the third burning creaking bulging one might not be too far behind them.”

    Full Member

    I raise a flag to surrender in the face of overwhelming evidence.

    Free Member

    Bbbbbut how can a flag flap when there is no wind? It’s a conspiracy I tell you!!

    Full Member

    shadows in the wrong places shirley?

    Full Member

    you know seismic events aren’t measured a linear scale right…

    Free Member

    You don’t say 🙄

    Full Member

    I like that website, they propose a subterranean explosion as the cause. Because obviously the buildings collapsed from the bottom, we’ve all seen the videos…

    Free Member

    So where did the passengers end up?

    Sorry to repeat but still no actual answer

    Full Member

    where did the passengers end up?

    offered cake or death by the CIA/FBI/lizardy overlords, they sensibly chose cake…and going into hiding forever, never to speak to anyone ever again, not even on birthdays, and Xmas, scout’s honour…

    Free Member

    ah that explains it then…. bugger the real questions keep going on the silly ones. If a feather falls slower than a brick then JFK was killed by Galileo

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    So where did the passengers end up?

    Nazi moon base? 😕

    Full Member

    TurnerGuy – Member

    Seismic evidence implies controlled demolition on 9/11

    Posted 6 minutes ago # Report-Post

    brilliant, something approaching a scientific paper. Did he submit it for peer review by any chance? thought not.

    Interesting is that there is now an argument that the seismic shocks were to large to be caused by a plane impact and collapse, whereas previously it was being claimed that the seismic shocks were too low.

    Anyway, Dr Rousseau believes in a round earth, so he’s obviously full of it.

    Free Member

    Did he submit it for peer review by any chance?

    Are there many academic papers on this topic?

    Full Member

    A subterranean explosion might not be heard, but the ground would shake and initiate a
    series of waves (body and surface waves). If we distinctly hear an explosion, it is either
    aerial, which does not give a seismic signal, or it is subaerial, in which case surface
    waves could be generated. The seismic wave data provided by Palisades prove the
    occurrence of surface waves radiating outward from the World Trade Center. In addition,
    witnesses reported hearing explosions very close to the times at which planes struck the
    Towers and when they collapsed (see particularly MacQueen, 2006).
    Given these two types of evidence we can affirm that subaerial explosions occurred close
    to the base of the Towers almost or quite simultaneously with the crashes into the Towers
    by the planes. The sound coming from these explosions would have been mixed with the
    sounds generated by the impacts of the planes.

    this is worth a read, just so you can put your head in your hands and sigh

    Full Member

    @turnerguy. Let’s take a trip back to page 1.

    So a fire from office furnishings was hot enough to cause wtc 7 to perfectly drop at free fall speeds?

    There’s an awful lot of buildings at risk around the world then.

    There’s also a lot of very qualified people on the film seriously questioning how they came down.

    Creeping steel does not come down perfectly like that, with all the floors collapsing away to allow free fall speeds.

    How do you view your comments now, considering the huge amount of scientific evidemce that has been provided for you to review and consider?

    what’s your ‘informed’ opinion?

    Free Member

    More interesting is the lack of markings on those planes and the extra bits on the underside of the fuselage that were similar to those seen on military remote control planes, and the eye witneses saying no commercial markings :

    I can just imagine how it went down…

    It was a friday afternoon, last meeting of the day at Secret Conspiracy HQ, everyone was there gathered around the table, pretty pleased with the massively complex job they’d managed to plan, including the hundreds, if not thousands of people they’d managed to keep quiet, the incredible complexity of being able to rig such massive buildings covertly with explosives, arrange for false radar signals and swapping out planes mid flight, and an ingeneous plan to deal with the passengers, not to mention the rubble cleanup issue having been solved by efforts of the cold fusion demolition team, BUT then Dave puts his had up, oh here we go, it’s always Dave, why does he have to be so awkward…

    “Yes Dave, what’s up?”

    “Well, I was just thinking, isn’t anyone going to notice the planes look different, I mean there’s so many people about some of them are bound to spot it, or film it, shouldn’t we paint some markings on them or soemthing so it’s not too suspicious?”

    “Dave, Dave, Dave….come on, it’s Friday afternoon!”

    “But, people will notice won’t they? and it’s such a small thing to deal with compared to all the other work we’ve done, shouldn’t we do it just to be sure?”

    “Nah, it’ll be fine, who wants to knock off early and go for a quick beer before home?”

    “Also, those bits we hung off the bottom, they’re kinda obvious don’t you think?”

    “Dave! Do you want to be on that plane?”

    “No sir, sorry sir, i’ll be good!”

    Free Member

    From that article one of the first things I have found that is a big ASSumption

    Then we point out that it is strange that identical events (percussions of identical towers on the one hand, and collapses of identical towers on the other hand) at the same location would have generated seismic sources of different magnitudes.

    I have some comments:

    The seismic recordings of the plane impacts
    1) The aircraft whilst being the same model-ish may not have been the same wet weight, were not doing the same speed and hit the buildings in different locations both height and centre of impact.
    2) The buildings were subtly different and varied by location (I am not sure how much difference this would make, but given each plane is 1/2250th of the mass of the building a small hit like this will be attenuated by the building and its foundations)

    The seismic recordings of the collapses:
    1) The planes hit at different heights, so one tower started with 40 odd floors and the other with 16 floors, this would make a difference to the energy distribution over collapse time.
    2) the failure initiation mode was slightly different also 1st tower tipped slightly and then collapsed. The other one kinda came straight down. So that would make some difference to the energy release rate over time too.
    3) The buildings were subtly different and varied by location see above.

    The article seems predicated on this assumption with absolutely zero qualification for that assumption, apart from the rest of the horseshit in there, that initial assumption pretty much knocks it out of the park for me.

    I don’t think its obvious that they would be different, much that I don’t think its obvious they would be the same either.

    The rest of it points to timing, ie there are waves just before the collapse, indication some kind of pre explosion.
    However there are issues here too.
    1) The timing is under debate
    2) You would expect there to be a massive release of energy at the initiation of the collapse, ie as the fracture occurs between the upper and lower parts. In fact these waves are used as a method to detect fracture. And would transmit rapidly down through the structure.

    The final thing is that this geologist was long involved in the 911 truther industry before this paper was published, one might call into question his bias.

    Plus as Northwind ably states, the subterranean explosion must have caused them to collapse from the ground up. We all saw that..

    Free Member

    Not mention that they imply pre explosions just before the planes hit. That is great timing.

    Free Member

    there are conflicting first-hand reports of when building 7 was evacuated, one as early as 1pm – even firefighters statements on this matter and the NIST report conflict one another.

    Still, no one has come up with a plausible reason as to how it was deemed to be very imminent of collapse.

    well apart from it was creaking… very weak…

    Full Member

    What part of the explanations you were given do you disagree with and why? you could quote them along with your rebuttal for clarity. thanks

    Free Member

    How do you view your comments now

    very successful, we are now on page 22 🙂

    Full Member

    here, straight off the top of my head, is a list of things i think could effect seismic magnitude for the two different towers:

    1) aircraft speed
    2) Aircraft weight
    3) impact angle (relative to the square base)
    4) impact height (above ground)
    5) impact location (how many “floors” did it hit, which are laterally stiff)
    6) foundation depth and pilling stiffness and evenness
    7) ground conditions (water content, clay content etc)
    8) location and orientation of seismometer
    9) Frequency spectrum of those waves due to propagation velocity and damping factor

    right off the top of my head, that’s 9 very complex factors, any of which could make the recorded information differ. To rigorously go through those factors, calculate the possible (and probable) divergence would be several years work for a qualified geophysicist.

    So to simply say “they were different that means x,y or z” is hugely erroneous.

    Free Member

    well apart from it was creaking… very weak…

    Really? Humans are expert pattern recognition machines. I’d say after seeing two buildings fall down already, the third one got twatted by some huge lumps, was on fire and creaking. I know I’d be thinking, “maybe this ones coming down too?” Maybe some dodgy contractor skimped on the bolts/concrete whatever on all three buildings in NY, I dunno, “but I think I’ll stand well back until this all sorts itself out.”

    Are you really that credulous that you think someone saying in advance, “oooh that ones coming down too,” means they had pre-knowledge of some plot to demolish the building??
    They were firemen, they have job to do, to protect. Imagine if they had said it was fine. Imagine the derision, after two buildings fell down, that they didnt just cover their arses and say the third one may well fall.

    Free Member

    “well apart from it was creaking… very weak..” and bulging and on fire.

    Full Member

    So to simply say “they were different that means x,y or z” is hugely erroneous

    indeed, the scientific method on display here seems to be ‘disagreement on the data’ = ‘must have been explosion in the basement’

    Full Member

    there are conflicting first-hand reports of when building 7 was evacuated, one as early as 1pm – even firefighters statements on this matter and the NIST report conflict one another.

    Still, no one has come up with a plausible reason as to how it was deemed to be very imminent of collapse.

    well apart from it was creaking… very weak..

    Do you know what “The Fog of War” means?

    In a complex, changing, and large situation such as that which occurred that morning at the WTC, it would have been impossible for anyone to know with any accuracy what was happening. Far too many unknowns and un-controlled situations. Then you add in the fact that a persons memory is very un-reliable. Plenty of studies have been done to show that multiple eye-witness accounts of a single event differ enormously.

    This is what was known before the WTC7 collapse:

    1) Both towers had fallen down
    2) The WTC7 building was damaged and on fire
    3) At that point no one was sitting at their desk in WTC7 saying “oh what a lovely morning, i must do some of that paperwork on my desk”. By that point, even a moron would have realised something big was happening, and attempted to leave the building if they could.

    Firefighters are not idiots. If there si the potential to save people then sure, they’ll run into a burning and unstable building to try to do that (RE: grenfell tower!) but when it’s clear to all that there is nothing to be gained from ricking their lives, then they will evacuate. The fact that multiple fire teams chose, in the chaos, different times to do that is irrelevant (and normal). The fact that some time later the building fell down is also completely normal and nto unexpected (given that two other massive buildings had fallen down earlier that day!)

    You aslo state “Creaking, very weak”. Well i f’ing bet if you were asked to go into a burning building that was creaking you’d :

    1) be s**ing yourself (anyone can be a hero from behind their desk……)
    2) Every slight creak, groan or noise would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and make you VERY VERY nervous indeed.

    After the building subsequently fell down, if asked about it i bet you’d say “yeah, it was creaking so we knew something was going to happen”

    Full Member

    TurnerGuy – Member

    How do you view your comments now

    very successful, we are now on page 22

    and there was me hoping you would have learned something.

    Free Member

    Still, no one has come up with a plausible reason as to why in the conspiracy theory the firemen in wtc7 would be warned to building was going to be blown up/down.

    Free Member

    You aslo state “Creaking, very weak”. Well i f’ing bet if you were asked to go into a burning building that was creaking you’d :

    1) be s**ing yourself (anyone can be a hero from behind their desk……)
    2) Every slight creak, groan or noise would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, and make you VERY VERY nervous indeed.

    After the building subsequently fell down, if asked about it i bet you’d say “yeah, it was creaking so we knew something was going to happen”

    I’m not a fireman, I have never seen a creaking building, but if I did, I would run a mile. I am pretty sure a creaking steel and concrete structure would tell the most experienced people that it might fall over. Creaking seems like the opposite of weak evidence, it is the kind of evidence you would take pretty seriously.

    Free Member

    and there was me hoping you would have learned something.

    learnt what – I never said the conspiracy theories were true and I questioned what the point of bringing down WTC 7 would be anyway – given a conspiracy.

    Full Member

    So where did the passengers end up?

    I’m an episode of Sherlock that had a plane full of dead passengers, maybe they just loaded up the planes with corpses?

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