Well, until yesterday, the furthest I’d ever done in a day was 80 miles on a road bike. east London to Windsor and back. The magical ton has bin a goal of mine for years now, but never got around to actually doing it. Me and Psychle’s London to Brighton jaunt took me to 101.03 miles according to my cycle computer which is pretty accurate. So, a long-term ambition achieved, and a nice sense of satisfaction having done it. Pretty chuffed today, if a little stiff.
About a couple of miles from home, I did feel that I could possibly do another 10, even 20 miles. Not that I was going to, but I don’t feel I reached my limit of endurance.
Psy’s now on about doing stuff that is quite frankly stupid, but I’m sure there are many people on here who’s achievements in terms of distance put us to shame. TdF boys and girls do silly milage, but then they’re all on drugs and not well.
So what’s your record for most miles in one day?
Oh, and distances in real money please; not silly foreign kilometres muck like Psychle insists on sounds more but isn’t.