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  • Would Nuking Israel Solve the Problems in the Middle East
  • duckman
    Full Member

    Jings,I have just read that again,that is a proper rant for me.I had just finished reading a blog on conditions in Gaza city.Wanders off to the soft play area…

    Free Member

    I think they just need a good peace anthem.

    Sorry if it's been done but I wasn't going to check all five pages.

    Free Member

    When u go to Tesco, just don't buy anything with country of origin marked Israel or West Bank.

    Free Member

    Damn have you seen the response on BBC website regarding this situation, never seen so much.


    Free Member

    When u go to Tesco, just don't buy anything with country of origin marked Israel or West Bank.

    'When you go to Tesco'.

    No thanks.

    Free Member

    And where did I last see the zionist-octopus? Somewhere in central Europe? 1930s was it?

    Yes, well done…….that is precisely the connection…….give yourself a gold star.

    And that is precisely why some of the Zionist State's most vehement critics are Holocaust survivors.

    Israel is a racist fascist state, and it uses the tactics of ethnic cleansing, military conquest, occupation, and expansionism.

    It also uses the Nazi-style tacit, in violation of the Geneva Convention, of collective punishment of civilians in retaliation for any resistance to occupation.

    And again in classic Nazi-style, and also in violation of the Geneva Convention, Israel moves its own civilian population onto occupied territories. Israel uses its civilians as instruments of conquest.

    The attempt to break the Palestinian people into submission by creating a blockade and causing a humanitarian crises, has far more in common with the behaviour of a fascist pariah state, than the international norms which we would be right to expect. The Gaza Strip is in effect, an giant concentration camp.

    And I for one, will not excuse, or shy away from denouncing, the Zionists …….. simply because of what the German Nazis did to the Jewish people.

    A little while back there was another racist pariah state – in the form of the Apartheid Regime. The people who made up the backbone of that regime were the Boers, and they too were a people who had experienced persecution, slaughter, and concentration camps. But never at any time did I think it in some way, excused the racist and brutal behaviour of the Apartheid State. The Zionists are not special.

    Free Member

    Israel is a racist fascist state

    Don't know where you get your political definitions from (the Socialist Worker street seller's manual perhaps?)but I'd have thought a parliamentary democracy is quite some way off being a fascist state.

    Free Member

    I'd have thought a parliamentary democracy is quite some way off being a fascist state.

    Doesn't act like many other parliamentary democracies I've seen (this side of WW2 anyway)

    Free Member

    Don't know where you get your political definitions from (the Socialist Worker street seller's manual perhaps?)

    The Turkish Prime Minister has described Israel's recent actions as "State terrorism". Do you think he also gets his political definitions from the Socialist Worker street seller's manual ?

    But anyway, let's try again…………here is the definition repeated again :

    "it uses the tactics of ethnic cleansing, military conquest, occupation, and expansionism "

    Free Member

    Norton, you do know that the Nazi party was democratically elected? that Apartheid era South Africa was a democracy?

    Democracy and extremism are not mutually exclusive.

    Free Member

    The Turkish Prime Minister has described Israel's recent actions as "State terrorism".

    Israel being described as state terrorists by Turkey – words fail me…

    Free Member

    words fail me

    Ah well, never mind……………..give it a while – you might think of something 💡

    Free Member

    Norton, you do know that the Nazi party was democratically elected?

    Yes I did know that (well through a plebiscite which is not quite the same thing as parliamentary democracy) However, I didn't think you could vote out the Nazi government every 5 years in free and fair elctions with universal adult suffrage (unless of course you are reading the Nick Griffin guide to 20th century history, which given your views on Israel I guess you may be doing)

    Free Member

    give it a while – you might think of something

    How about Armenia?

    Free Member

    Ernie, Israel is a heinous state but to compare it to the Nazis is massively politically naive when one pauses to consider the legacy of actual, real Nazis in fomenting anti-Semitism in Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iran etc. This has been a huge contributing factor in creating the poisonous atmosphere in which Israel exists and in which anti-semitic propaganda still circulates. Whilst there are a good many opponents of Israel who are not anti-Semitic, there are huge numbers who are and who use the sophistry of claiming to be anti-Zionist when really they are straightforward neo-Nazis hiding behind the bourgeois respectibility of being "anti-Israel".

    As I said, this doesn't make any excuses for the reprehensible state violence of Israel, instead I'm suggesting that the enemy of your enemy is actually, sometimes, also your enemy.

    Free Member

    OK just to check..Who on here is suggesting that the isreali's are treating the palestinians fairly ( & yes i do consider it fair for the palistinians to bomb an agressive country who is occupying their country)

    Free Member

    How about Armenia?

    How about it ?

    No country which in history has been responsible for slaughtering people has the right to use the term state terrorism ? Is that it ? Do you extend that rule to the US and Britain ?

    I'm disappointed, I thought you were going to tell me that the Turkish Prime Minister used to sell the Socialist Worker.

    Free Member

    A word on the legal position, which is very plain. To attack a foreign flagged vessel in international waters is illegal. It is not piracy, as the Israeli vessels carried a military commission. It is rather an act of illegal warfare.


    But I'm sure Zulu-Eleven knows better eh.

    Full Member

    outside neutral waters – ie, in international waters!

    Aren't neutral waters international waters, or am I missing something?

    Free Member

    Ernie, Israel is a heinous state but ……..blah blah blah

    It uses nazi-style tactics, simple as ….. ethnic cleansing, military conquest, occupation, and expansionism.

    Don't like me using the term "racist fascist state" ? OK, how about "racist state which uses nazi-style tactics" ?
    I'd be alright with that.


    there are huge numbers who are and who use the sophistry of claiming to be anti-Zionist when really they are straightforward neo-Nazis hiding behind the bourgeois respectibility of being "anti-Israel".

    Complete nonsense. The whole world has condemned Israel's appalling behaviour, have a look :


    I never hear any anti-Jewish sentiments.

    Full Member

    Flaperon: "Aren't neutral waters international waters, or am I missing something? "

    Neutral waters in this definition would be a neutral country's waters.

    Full Member

    HeathenWoods;Typical zionist reaction,we will do what we want,if you complain you are a holocaust denying Nazi.
    Hear,hear Ernie.

    Free Member

    No country which in history has been responsible for slaughtering people has the right to use the term state terrorism ?

    Well if I were PM of Turkey I'd prioritise making reparations to Armenians, Kurds and Greeks for my country's genocidal past and repressive present over whining on about a handful of my terrorist-supporting citizens who picked a fight with the wrong guy..

    Free Member

    I never hear any anti-Jewish sentiments.

    Hmm, try listening harder – maybe somewhere other than cable telly?

    Free Member

    over whining on about a handful of my terrorist-supporting citizens who picked a fight with the wrong guy..

    Ah right, I see ……..you didn't support the humanitarian aid flotilla to Gaza. Well that would certainly explain your hostile reaction to my posts – you believe the people of Gaza should continue to suffer under Israeli occupation. Luckily most people in the world don't appear to agree with you.

    Glad we sorted that out, just a shame you didn't confess earlier.

    Free Member

    Well that would certainly explain your hostile reaction to my posts

    Nah – just hostile to anti-semites who dress up their racism in the language of the trendy left…

    Free Member

    Nah – just hostile to anti-semites who dress up their racism in the language of the trendy left…

    Just wondering if you consider everyone who criticises the Israeli government/military as anti-semitic?

    Free Member

    Just wondering if you consider everyone who criticises the Israeli government/military as anti-semitic?

    No just those who have readily to hand the kind of cartoons posted above…

    Free Member

    Nah – just hostile to anti-semites who dress up their racism in the language of the trendy left…

    So I am a "racist" because I dare to criticise Israel ….. am I ?

    You are an Israeli aren't you Norton ? ……..or at least a non-Israeli Zionist.

    But that's besides the point, if you didn't support the humanitarian aid flotilla to Gaza, and you believe the people of Gaza should continue to suffer under Israeli occupation, then we were never going to agree – whatever I said.

    Free Member

    So I am a "racist" because I dare to to criticise Israel ….. am I ?

    Seems fair Ernie – you've called people racist for less! 😕

    Free Member

    Hello ratty……….talking bollox again are we ? 😀

    Free Member

    is that denying it Ernie?

    Or shall we drag up your bombadillo ranting again?

    Free Member

    This has been blown out of proportion. This wasn't just food aid going to a starving country. This was a random unofficial boat with alot of passengers carrying items including cement and bricks entering a war zone. Hardly a boat crammed full of only essential human needs.

    What else do you expect? Israel to allow a boat to enter without wanting to board and atleast check it doesn't contain weapons? It was a hostile boarding so people died, that is war.

    Free Member

    LOL ! ……….you never fail with your diversionary tactics, do you ratty ? 😀

    Please, please, don't ever change ratty………..I would be completely gobsmacked, floored, utterly confused………..if you ever did !

    Free Member

    Got to admit Ernie, the worlds taken a funny turn when its you who's being branded a racist, and its me, the apparently right wing nazi, who's defending the Jewish untermensch 😆

    Free Member

    I have a fair idea who the cocks are around here 🙂

    Free Member

    Got to admit Ernie………..

    Indeed it is ratty !

    ………and I can't believe that we've found something which we can both agree on.

    Still, there's little chance that it will ever happen again, so fret not my pertinacious adversary……normality will resume I am sure.

    Free Member

    What an over reaction as usual.

    Free Member

    Just reading this discussion and there's an ad for visiting Israel on the right of the page. Oh the irony! 😀

    Full Member

    solamanda – Member

    "This wasn't just food aid going to a starving country. This was a random unofficial boat with alot of passengers carrying items including cement and bricks entering a war zone. Hardly a boat crammed full of only essential human needs."

    Er, what? Nobody's ever claimed it's carrying nothing but food aid that I've seen, but building materials are absolutely neccesary aid for Gaza, and aid that Israel has been blocking- needed to rebuild houses, hospitals, sewers, water systems and general infrastructure.

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