And where did I last see the zionist-octopus? Somewhere in central Europe? 1930s was it?
Yes, well done…….that is precisely the connection…….give yourself a gold star.
And that is precisely why some of the Zionist State's most vehement critics are Holocaust survivors.
Israel is a racist fascist state, and it uses the tactics of ethnic cleansing, military conquest, occupation, and expansionism.
It also uses the Nazi-style tacit, in violation of the Geneva Convention, of collective punishment of civilians in retaliation for any resistance to occupation.
And again in classic Nazi-style, and also in violation of the Geneva Convention, Israel moves its own civilian population onto occupied territories. Israel uses its civilians as instruments of conquest.
The attempt to break the Palestinian people into submission by creating a blockade and causing a humanitarian crises, has far more in common with the behaviour of a fascist pariah state, than the international norms which we would be right to expect. The Gaza Strip is in effect, an giant concentration camp.
And I for one, will not excuse, or shy away from denouncing, the Zionists …….. simply because of what the German Nazis did to the Jewish people.
A little while back there was another racist pariah state – in the form of the Apartheid Regime. The people who made up the backbone of that regime were the Boers, and they too were a people who had experienced persecution, slaughter, and concentration camps. But never at any time did I think it in some way, excused the racist and brutal behaviour of the Apartheid State. The Zionists are not special.