The worst bit of the UK BY FAR…starts at Rainham, and tracks east all the way to…Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you… Southend on Sea.
It was twinned with Beirut, only Beirut pulled its self by the boot straps and go on with life, leaving Saafvend all by it’s lonesome. So bad that even the offys have cages to keep the staff away from the punters, women so rough that even Romanian gangsters give them a wide berth, a satellite town for the East End of London, a group of dwellings so violently repulsive even the Nazis tried to raze it to the ground. a huge monstrous waste of space, when the council tried to liven up the promenade the tropical plams they planted (each 30 feet high) lasted 1 night, ONE night, before they were nicked and flogged by the local chavs.
A terrible cess pit of a town.
[waves] Alright, auntie, how’s things?[/waves]