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  • Why do people do it!!
  • Albanach
    Free Member

    Sports club near me used to put signs up saying ‘Stupidity is not a disability’…always made me laugh!

    Free Member

    I’m all for firing selfish lazy people into space from a cannon

    The world would be a very empty place if this happened …

    Free Member

    yeah but I’d get a free ride in a cannon.. 😀

    Full Member

    I’ve ranted on here about the guy who works opposite a few times.
    He has a badge but can also run, climb ladders and carry heavy loads.
    When I tried to grass him up, the relevant authorities informed me that he may have a disability that is not visible. “Such as? “I asked. He may be blind was the reply. At that point I gave up.

    Free Member

    is it for his wife..?

    Full Member

    I’m making a couple of assumptions here but first of all if the car park is private property owned/leased by the business and you have (signed and marked) rules for how it is to be used by customers this can be enforced; ultimately as it’s private property you can refuse access to your store or ask them to leave the car park or even call the Rozzers if they refuse/get abusive… Right?

    Secondly, as much as it falls to your Management Team to ensure this policy is enforced it doesn’t necessarily fall to managers to confront these arse-holes directly in every instance, doing so appears to be placing you/them under greater risk of injury (I doubt getting run over by some irate tosser in a hurry for some Donuts is actually in your JD), I expect you have a security firm contracted to deal with security issues on your site, You can’t miss them these days, they’ll be the tubby buggers sat looking at a couple of monitors (these days placed right next to the entrance) and eyeballing everyone who enters the store in an effort to make us all more aware that we are being watched (I assume)…
    If anyone under your management is “Qualified” to deal with dificult aggressive or violent individuals it’s supposed to be your security team, task them with enforcing the rule/ejecting those who fail to comply…

    And as a side note, if you do work for any large organisation and need to vent your anger about certain minorities within your customer base on an open public forum, its probably best not to name the actual organisation “A large Retailer” may have been a wiser choice of words…

    Full Member

    It may be but I’ve never seen anyone near the car apart from him.
    I did have a word with robo traffic warden and he told me that badges were being handed out to people with ADHD.

    Free Member

    And as a side note, if you do work for any large organisation and need to vent your anger about certain minorities within your customer base on an open public forum, its probably best not to name the actual organisation “A large Retailer” may have been a wiser choice of words..

    Why? tesco=evil empire according to most on here, but here’s someone from said evil empire trying to take some action about something that boils most people’s piss.

    Free Member

    Sports club near me used to put signs up saying ‘Stupidity is not a disability’…always made me laugh!


    I’ve also seen “Can’t Park Straight Is Not A Disability”

    Full Member

    Are people with ADHD allowed to drive if they’ve been diagnosed as such? 😯

    Full Member

    Are people with ADHD allowed to drive if they’ve been diagnosed as such?

    Being unable to pay attention or concentrate doesn’t stop the majority of drivers. 😆

    Free Member

    My local Sainsbury’s was redeveloped a few years ago. They decided to move the P&C spaces from outside the store to the other end of the car park. This was done after various consultations with parents who had young children.

    After this was done the feedback was really positive from the parents. They didn’t mind walking or pushing the kids for an extra couple of hundred metres, as their main requirement was extra space to open the doors and get the kids and or baby seats in.

    Needless to say there are always P&C spaces available now, as the mums with the 15 year olds now park nowhere nears these spaces, as they are too far from the store (Although they probably park in the disabled spaces now, which are still outside the store).

    Full Member

    move the P&C spaces from outside the store to the other end of the car park

    Yep that’s a good plan – provided that there is a safe pedestrian walkway from the P&C spaces to the store.

    Many supermarket car parks have no walkways at all, you just walk in the traffic, which is fine for (most) adults but not ideal if you have three toddlers running rings around you while you struggle with the shopping.

    Likewise I think some of the disabled spaces could also be moved away from the entrance for the same reasons, as some folk in wheelchairs need the extra loading space but aren’t bothered by rolling an extra few metres.

    Full Member

    I did have a word with robo traffic warden and he told me that badges were being handed out to people with ADHD.

    This sounds like something Richard Littlejohn wrote in the Daily Mail a while back (or maybe it was an actual article as opposed to an ‘editorial’). He/they claimed that thousands of people were getting free motability cars because their kids had ADHD. It turned out to be untrue, could it be linked to that? A warden’s hazy memory turning motability into blue badges?

    The Mail on Sunday’s claim that 3,200 people with ADHD have used the Motability Car Scheme is inaccurate.
    The number eligible for higher rate DLA – and therefore Motability vehicles – is recoded as 100 by the DWP, some way short of the figure given by the Mail.
    However even if we conflate behavioural disorders with ADHD, as the Mail appears to have done, it is likely that the number using the scheme would fail to top the 3,200 claimed, as only 30 per cent of those eligible end up using the scheme.
    To cap it all off, the article also downplays the severity of the disability that is needed to qualify for the Motability Scheme


    Locally, these are the eligibility criteria for getting a blue badge:

    Anyone who meets one of the following criteria is eligible for the issue of a Blue Badge without further assessment:

    -receives the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance.
    -receives a War Pensioner’s Mobility Supplement.
    -is a registered blind person under the National Assistance Act 1948.
    has been awarded a benefit (giving rise to a lump sum at tariffs 1-8 inclusive) under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and has also been certified by the Service Personnel and Veterans agency as having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking.

    Those who do not meet one of the criterion above, but meet one of the following criterion, may be eligible for a Blue Badge:

    -has a severe disability in both upper limbs, regularly drives a motor vehicle, but has difficulty operating parking meters.

    -has a permanent and substantial disability which means you are unable to walk or have very considerable difficulty in walking.

    -children under 3 years of age who, because of a specific medical condition, needs to travel with bulky medical equipment or needs to be close to a vehicle for emergency medical treatment
    So someone would ADHD, or their carer, would not get a blue badge.

    Full Member

    What?!!! A Richard Littlejohn editorial in the Daily Mail not being 100% factually accurate?!!!

    Surely not?!!!!

    Full Member

    What?!!! A Richard Littlejohn in the Daily Mail not being 100% factually accurate?!!!

    Surely not?!!!!

    I know, you couldn’t make it up could you? 😉

    The problem is that this stuff seems to sink in by osmosis, and you end up with people ‘in the know’ repeating it because they know they’ve heard about it but can’t remember where. Who would know more about parking badges than a ‘parking enforcement officer’, after all?

    Free Member

    I used to work in Sainsburys about 15 years ago and the best job to get was collecting trolleys as it meant you could be outside rather than behind a till and it was also a good skive. But the best bit was that you could dish out “Don’t park in this disabled space” stickers.

    These were very sticky and hard to remove. The challenge was to stick them in the most obnoxious and inconvinient place you could.

    Favourite spots included the centre of the windsreen right in the drivers eyeline, the centre of the rear window so the driver would only notice if they ever bothered to use their mirror. However we got into quite a lot of trouble when we stuck one over the door handle and key slot of some pricks car. It may have taken some paint of when it was removed!

    Free Member

    Yep that’s a good plan – provided that there is a safe pedestrian walkway from the P&C spaces to the store.

    The walkway was a major factor in the initial consultations and luckily it runs in front of the length of the store and has bollards to protect the mums and kids (Although the bollards are probably there to protect the big glass windows rather than the pedestrians). 😉

    Free Member

    I popped down to Tesco on me bike for a couple of bits the other night and just as Im walking into the store, a girl of around twenty five pulls up right outside, on the double yellows about twenty yards from the door, no badge or anything mind, hops out and trundled off round the shop without a care in the world. In her defence all the disabled bays were full, even tho the car park was half empty.

    For some reason it just really got on me tits.

    Full Member

    Many supermarket car parks have no walkways at all, you just walk in the traffic

    aye, stupid design most round here are like that.

    Not disability or P&C but this morning I saw a lady park in a side street about 2feet from the junction/corner with main road. If she’d driven an extra car length there were inset parking spaces so she wasn’t affecting traffic or visibility at a junction but no, an extra 6ft was simply too far to walk to the corner shop.

    Wasn’t even raining!

    Full Member

    Love that ADHD notice, binners, genuine lol at that. 😆

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