67 voices and only 2 openly gay voices, ona a lady and one a man, Emsz and Adam w, well done to those two, while most are supportive of gay marrige and acceptance, not one person has said its wrong, thats probably because they dont have the ability to string a few words together or cant be bothered.
Lets not forget the footballer who made a comment about a gay rugby player in the Big Brother house, and was sacked as a kick a baller, well over the top punishment for a funny quip.
Oh theres still discrimination out there, a gang of muslims handing out leaflets in Birmingham saying all gays should be killed, now theyre being prosecuted in an ongoing case, suddenly mising off the BBC NEWS WEB SITE, also there are a lot of gay people being , attacked or ignored for promotion because of their sexuality, some are even killed.
Recently in Liverpool they got their own gay quarter, and lots of new signs and a lot of investment by the private sector, looks good and attracts metro sexuals and others to that part of the city, withoout that investment that area of the city would be run down.