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  • Who voted for these idiots? c'mon own up.
  • Bazz
    Full Member

    loum – Member
    who someone chooses to marry is no one else’s business.
    I’d like two wives please. Bigamy should be legalised now.

    Glutton for punishment!!

    I admit i have only scan read the last couple of pages of this thread, but i really find it hard to believe that in the 21st century the simple notion as all having the same rights can spark such debate. Sad really.

    Free Member

    we cannot all be equal remeber the religious have a special place and a special book that means they can be mean to folk. Despite the fact tjey are wrong we cannot be mean back to them though as that would be intolerant apparently.

    Free Member

    JY – that is wrong on so many counts. For instance, have a read through this thread and see when the term bigot was first used.

    In this case, we may agree that they are being mean to folk, but just as we have an opinion, so do they. Our tolerance, is their intolerance and vice versa.

    Full Member

    I dont’ have any issues with Gay folk, I work with them daily, count several as friends

    Oooh, the ‘some of my best friends are X’ argument. That’s 10 points in the I-Spy Tedious Internet Arguments book, and with the 5x ‘Political Correctness Gorn Mad’ multiplier in play too, 50 points, smashing!

    Free Member

    Our tolerance, is their intolerance and vice versa.

    Why should we have to tolerate their intolerance?

    Free Member

    Because that’s a downside to a free society I’m afraid.

    Their intolerance = our intolerance in a mirror perhaps?

    Free Member

    In this case, we may agree that they are being mean to folk, but just as we have an opinion, so do they. Our tolerance, is their intolerance and vice versa.

    What would they do if they were directly discriminated aginst? Can you name another group apart from the religious that discriminate leggally like this.

    They are the only intolerant ones..I am not suggesting their ludicrous views be banned or condeming them all to an eternity of persecution and hell for it[ like they lovingly condem me fir disagreeing with their view and not following their code ].

    They want tolerance from us towards their beliefs but they dont want to tolerate those who disagree and think gays folk are ok and should adopt for example. They want exemptions from the law and I see no tolerance in them [ though I see them asking for it ] I see them rigidly adhereing to an archaic moral code written thousands of years ago.

    Are you just trying to get me to react here we have the trilogy of evil now in my world, inequality, tories and the religious..I am going to lie down now here have some pics to raise your blod pressure

    Free Member

    Take a cuppa and a digestive and relax for half an hour.

    Free Member

    more mocking he everyone knows digestives are not vegan 😉

    Its mainly faux rage

    Full Member

    that’s a downside to a free society I’m afraid.

    Is it a free society for gay people wishing to get married?

    Free Member

    JY. Are you a vegan? (serious question – the digestive thing wasn’t meant to be rude)

    I recognise the first picture – a lot of relevance today (you obviously didn’t read my posts on the last € thread!!) But sadly JMK too often misquoted and misunderstood. I also commented on Stiglitz’s comments this morning – and he is a classic JMK-ian.


    Second picture – nah, got me there. Can’t see any relevance!! What is it? How long will it last? 😉

    Free Member

    The term ‘Scene’ Gay is from within the shall we say more flamboyant of the Gay community, scene gays were the active oft more promiscuous as against the more down to earth everyday person who is just living a normal life with a gay partner rather than clubbing, parading, and ‘queening’ didn’t realise it wasn’t widely known.

    I’m one of those attention-seeking gay chaps you talk about.

    And you are so wrong, especially when you talk about ‘scene’. I LOL’d mightily at that.

    If you want to know something without such strange generalisations just ask. I can answer from my experience in the gay side and I’m sure emsz can give a view from the ladies’ point of view.

    Free Member

    chapaking – well lets hope so. See my first post.

    Free Member

    Adam, I think what Derek’s saying is that there are those for whom being gay is just a part of what they are. There are others who assert their sexuality rather more stridently.

    Two guys I know would rather run a mile than go to the Sydney Mardi Gras, but they’re no less gay than the draggiest of queens. They’re just very straight-acting blokes. Well, reasonably straight-acting, anyway. There’s a certain fondness for Erasure in their household.

    Not that it matters – this debate is about whether gay people should be able to marry, and not about whether being gay automatically makes you a massive attention whore.

    Full Member

    JY. Are you a vegan?

    does the pope refuse to wed 2 laydeez?

    Free Member

    Sorry D0NK, only just seen the bear going into the trees with a copy of the newspaper!

    Full Member

    derek it was all going so well you sounded like a reasonably balanced person, til about page 4, what happened?

    Free Member

    he is only saying that because he gets my Haribo’s

    I ride with behind DONK to apologise to the startled walkers

    Free Member

    I can only apologise 😳

    I can’t work out whether being a workaday gay is a good thing or not 😆

    Full Member

    you tell us. Is it working out for you OK? Would you recommend it to others on STW for example?

    Free Member

    I don’t think one can suddenly turn gay. Some people struggle with their feelings which may conflict with a conventionally strict upbringing, but even if emsz and AdamW were to recommend it, surely, you would have to be a boy that likes boys or a girl that likes girls to try it, no?

    Free Member

    Well CLEARLY she chose her orientation for attention-seeking so I’m sure it must be or she’d have switched to being straight sharpish.

    Free Member

    I will continue to be against gay marriage until straight civil partnerships are made legal.

    If religion wants the monopoly on marriage then surely I should have the option of telling them to take it and shove it up their collective arses whilst still enjoying all the legal benefits of commitment to a person of the opposite sex.

    Free Member

    DONK, it’s working out fine for me. 😆 I can recommend it.

    Full Member

    I don’t think one can suddenly turn gay.

    Oh I don’t know, I reckon I could be a lesbian anytime 😉

    Full Member

    Well being a lesbian kind of appeals to me but I don’t think I could be gay.

    Full Member

    oof beaten to it, damn you wors 🙂

    Free Member

    D0NK – Member
    Well watching two lesbians tipping the velvet being a lesbian kind of appeals to me but I don’t think I could be gay.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately your likelihood of finding a girl who likes other girls but likes you is shockingly low. But not unsurprisingly low.

    Free Member

    I will continue to be against gay marriage until straight civil partnerships are made legal.

    If religion wants the monopoly on marriage then surely I should have the option of telling them to take it and shove it up their collective arses whilst still enjoying all the legal benefits of commitment to a person of the opposite sex.

    You know that you can have a straight wedding and marriage without any involvement of religion at all, right?

    Free Member

    Would a short break for a non-attention-seeking but same-sex-attracted person* be labelled WorkadayGayAwayday?

    Thought not.

    *The Daily Mail says: Clearly there aren’t any gay people like this. They’re all as camp as a row of pink frilly tents, the big mincing fairies. Except for the girls. All lesbians secretly fancy blokes, are dead fit, and wear bikinis pretty much all year round.

    Free Member

    67 voices and only 2 openly gay voices, ona a lady and one a man, Emsz and Adam w, well done to those two, while most are supportive of gay marrige and acceptance, not one person has said its wrong, thats probably because they dont have the ability to string a few words together or cant be bothered.

    Lets not forget the footballer who made a comment about a gay rugby player in the Big Brother house, and was sacked as a kick a baller, well over the top punishment for a funny quip.

    Oh theres still discrimination out there, a gang of muslims handing out leaflets in Birmingham saying all gays should be killed, now theyre being prosecuted in an ongoing case, suddenly mising off the BBC NEWS WEB SITE, also there are a lot of gay people being , attacked or ignored for promotion because of their sexuality, some are even killed.

    Recently in Liverpool they got their own gay quarter, and lots of new signs and a lot of investment by the private sector, looks good and attracts metro sexuals and others to that part of the city, withoout that investment that area of the city would be run down.

    Free Member

    Lets not forget the footballer who made a comment about a gay rugby player in the Big Brother house, and was sacked as a kick a baller, well over the top punishment for a funny quip.

    Should have put them in a room together to sort it out, patriotically my money would have been on Alfie.
    If ever you want seriously rocking and clubbing night out in Madrid, get yourself down to Chueca. Those kids know how to party…

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    Free Member

    D0NK – Member
    derek it was all going so well you sounded like a reasonably balanced person, til about page 4, what happened?

    Yes, lost the plot a bit when whoever it was weighed in with the attempt to paint me homophobic again it happens all the time here, it’s standard Gay defence if you attempt to suggest there’s something they can’t have/be/whatever, wether it’s your personal opinion or sad fact of current life, and I’m trying to get some work done around this and wish I’d not posted in the first place now.

    Anyway to clarify, my point about the wedding thing is made, folk do it more for celebration lets say, in some cases paying huge sums, so marriage is public domain stuff, I spent my early wife as a wedding photographer, have been to more than most, if you want a quiet time you a)don’t bother at all, or b)registry office midweek with the witnesses and other than post bans tell none.

    Note I’m talking marriage generally here not gay specific.

    My point simply made is there will always be resistance for all the reasons already stated, no point making them again and no not my point, marry away, be interesting photographing it trying to decide which is the bride (bride should always be on the right in photographs)

    Free Member

    Anyway to clarify, my point about the wedding thing is made, folk do it more for celebration lets say, in some cases paying huge sums, so marriage is public domain stuff, I spent my early wife as a wedding photographer, have been to more than most, if you want a quiet time you a)don’t bother at all, or b)registry office midweek with the witnesses and other than post bans tell none.

    If a man and a woman take option b, they are married. If two men or two women take option b, they have entered into a civil partnership. Why can they not be the same? That’s the issue; nothing about the wedding itself.

    My point simply made is there will always be resistance for all the reasons already stated, no point making them again

    I’m yet to see a reason stated.

    be interesting photographing it trying to decide which is the bride

    I think you meant “who”…

    Free Member

    It was missing today, that was yesterday.

    Full Member

    I spent my early wife as a wedding photographer,

    Intentional or not, that made me giggle.

    Free Member

    emsz – Member

    I’m trying to work out if I’m a scene gay

    That depends, when on your bike do you wear a Hi-Viz jacket….?
    IGMC 😳
    (i couldn’t resist…)

    Free Member

    It was missing today, that was yesterday.

    Well I saw that link today, so it’s not missing today.

    I can’t find it on the ITN website though, they seem to have completely ignored it……..what’s all that about ?

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