Don’t worry Aleigh, he’s a nasty and horrible man. I’ll look after you.
(Gives Aleigh a nice cuddle)
Personally, I woon’t not meet someone off here, based solely on their online persona. If someone was organising/proposing a ride, and they were someone I’d ‘locked horns with’, that woon’t put me off at all, as I woon’t judge them until I’d got to know them. And meeting up would be a good way to get to know them better, surely.
There was a feller recently, pulled out of going on a ride, and has disappeared off here, because SFB was going to be on the ride. I don’t know the full ins and outs of the case, but it did seem a little silly. Especially if the bloke haddunt even met SFB. Denying yourself having fun, just because someone you may have disagreed with on an internet forum is pathetic. **** it, go on the ride, enjoy yerself. If someone wants to carry things on from a silly forum, that’s childish and ridiculous.
I’ve probbly met a few STWers who might think ‘who the **** does he think he is?’ before they’ve met me, and possibly after. I don’t really care. Those who I get on with, I’ll keep meeting up with and having fun.
As for someone needing to ‘convince me that they aren’t an arse in real life’, well, I just see it as they may be an ‘arse’ on here, but always give someone the benefit of the doubt until you’ve actually got to know them a bit.
This is JUST a forum. It is not the be all and end all in life.