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  • Where's the STW summer budget thread?
  • stevomcd
    Free Member

    Err. If minimum wage is, £7 ph and “she” works 45 hours a week. Then if it goes up to £9 ph, a weekly difference of £90.
    Then that £90 pw is going to sink the business? Or the business makes less than 5k profit a year??

    Edit: Numbers above were simplisticwrong, for illustrative purposes.


    Increasing an employee’s hourly rate by £2 costs the business much, much more than that due to employers NI, pension, etc. contributions. Can be as much as double.

    Full Member

    Looks like they are going to stop paying people to breed.


    Free Member

    Looks like you cannot get free money if you cannot feed them after having 2 children. No more free breeding. 😛

    Free Member

    Yeah brilliant, just what you need when you’ve got a ageing population: a disincentive to rejuvenate. Oh hang on it’s OK we can ship in some fully grown drones from the former colonies AND they’ll be cheaper.

    Free Member

    buy to let reforms are long overdue and also a poke in the eye to the “tories are the party of the rich” camp… can think of a lot of people I know who have massively over extended themselves on buy to lets without ever really thinking about the affordability / returns if interest rates and tax allowances change.

    The change should see a cooling off on prices for smaller properties with more coming back on to the market for sale as the returns from buy to let diminish.

    Free Member

    I love a bit of spin – one of the first measures out of the blocks – £10k a year reward for VC and GC Medal winners, paid for by fines levied on Banks.

    Was there a ever a more right of centre vote winner – it’s “flags for Orphans” only in real life!

    Yes, VC and GC medal holders are very worthy of their allowance, but there are currently 10 living VC holders and 20 living GC holders, with no Wars we’re currently involved in, it’s not likely we’ll see anymore soon – they currently get about £2500 a year so it represents a £7500 a year increase for them – collectively it’s a little over £200k a year.

    A £200k a year increase in spending it’s worthy of a memo, let alone a budget and certainly not an ‘Emergency Budget’. It’s pure spin.

    Free Member

    thestabiliser – Member
    Yeah brilliant, just what you need when you’ve got a ageing population: a disincentive to rejuvenate. Oh hang on it’s OK we can ship in some fully grown drones from the former colonies AND they’ll be cheaper.

    Or work harder and longer. 🙄

    Full Member

    buy to let reforms are long overdue and also a poke in the eye to the “tories are the party of the rich” camp.

    They still get basic tax relief and 2 years notice of losing higher rate, so not much of poke, more a gentle nudge….

    Full Member

    thestabiliser – Member
    Yeah brilliant, just what you need when you’ve got a ageing population: a disincentive to rejuvenate. Oh hang on it’s OK we can ship in some fully grown drones from the former colonies AND they’ll be cheaper.

    As @cassetteboy said, they have the bravery to bring back slavery. Will solve all our servant needs and very cheaply too!

    Free Member

    Or work harder and longer.

    Oooh, yes please!

    Free Member

    thestabiliser – Member

    Or work harder and longer.

    Oooh, yes please! [/quote]

    And get the children to look after their elders.

    edit: I need to kick someone’s head in if I hear the term “Northern power house” again. Which ZM(s) started calling the North … Northern power house shite?

    Full Member

    Pay rise capped at 1% for public sector workers for another 4yrs.

    Meanwhile… the Guardian reprted yesterday that boardroom pay, as submitted to their Renumeration Comittee’s* is set to rise by yet another 20 – 30% this year. We’re all in this together, right?

    * otherwise known as their mates

    Full Member

    mrchrispy – Member
    Looks like they are going to stop paying people to breed.


    better get more immigrants then or how will our old age costs be paid for?

    Free Member

    Loving the bitterness on this thread! 🙂

    Full Member

    Northern power house shite?

    The numbers say it all really:

    Northern power house my arse by Ben Freeman[/url], on Flickr


    Full Member

    The resurrection of the road fund and a hypothecated “road tax” is worthy of a thread all by itself!


    or two


    Free Member

    9 pound an hour living wage by 2020, it was due to rise to 8 by then anway. Yay, they gave the oiks an extra pound an hour!

    Who wants to bet that the real living wage will be 11 pounds an hour in London by 2020?

    Full Member

    edit: I need to kick someone’s head in if I hear the term “Northern power house” again. Which ZM(s) started calling the North … Northern power house shite?

    Indeed…. Georges real commitment to the ‘Northern Powerhouse’

    He must think we’ve all just fallen out of a ****ing tree, oop here in’t north, the patronising ****!!!!! 😈

    Free Member

    Wow, that’s an interesting graph….we need those Norverners to pull their fingers out! 😮

    Free Member

    Over 10% increase in minimum wage, plus national living wage 😯

    Free Member

    N E Fink on Fagz n Beer ?


    Free Member

    I’m so very skeptical of all this, I don’t think we will ever see American levels of pay or a “high pay low welfare society” – we’re just going to get British pay with American welfare.

    Free Member

    I do love all this left wing grumpiness.

    “Yeah, we wanted a rise in the minimum wage, but we didn’t want it from you, you bastards!”

    “We demand a living wage!”.
    “OK, here’s a living wage”.
    “We demand a HIGHER living wage!!!”.

    Full Member

    I don’t think we will ever see American levels of pay

    You do know only the rich are paid well in the US?

    The (Tory) plan is to have US level of low pay and US levels of benefits.

    Free Member

    footflaps – Member

    Northern power house shite?

    The numbers say it all really:[/quote]

    Not much power there … 😯

    binners – Member
    Indeed…. Georges real commitment to the ‘Northern Powerhouse’

    He must think we’ve all just fallen out of a ****ing tree, oop here in’t north, the patronising ****!!!!!

    😆 True. True.

    Full Member

    “Yeah, we wanted a rise in the minimum wage, but we didn’t want it from you, you bastards!”

    I think the plan is to have killed off most of poor by 2020 so they can’t actually claim it.

    Free Member

    Is £7.20 a living wage? Is it ****.

    Free Member

    Quickly eyeballing the numbers Stoner, the living wage goes up on average 25p per annum in London I reckon. So in 5 years time the living wage will have gone from 9.15 to 10.40.

    So how exactly is George Osbornes proposed wage increase a “living wage”? It’s anything but, it’s a token PR gesture to the plebs to derail labour.

    Full Member

    Pay rise capped at 1% for public sector workers for another 4yrs.

    Except for MPs of course.

    Full Member


    Free Member

    Pay rise capped at 1% for public sector workers for another 4yrs.

    Oh. Goody.
    Glad we are all in it together.

    Free Member

    Loving the youth obligation.

    There was a story on R4 this morning about kids leaving care without a scooby and not being able to support themselves/get orgainsed. This’ll help them a lot to quickly prioritise their move into prostitution/petty crime/drug dealing. Which is good, cos it’s included in GDP now too. Win!

    Full Member

    Is £7.20 a living wage? Is it ****.

    That was calculated as a living wage, assuming Tax Credits and Housing Benefit remaining unchanged at their present level.

    Obviously thats no longer the case, so as you correctly asserted…

    Is it ****

    Free Member


    Full Member

    It’s anything but, it’s a token PR gesture to the plebs to derail labour.

    They needn’t have bothered, Labour has derailed itself and is going to spend the next 5-10 years staring at it’s own navel wondering what to do.

    Full Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    So how exactly is George Osbornes proposed wage increase a “living wage”? It’s anything but, it’s a token PR gesture to the plebs to derail labour.

    It’s particularily brazen, isn’t it. The living wage is £7.85. Announcing something less and calling it the living wage is just a barefaced lie. It’s just an increase in the minimum wage.

    More debt for the poorest students, hurrah. Justified with the same false numbers used to justify all student loan decisions- the actual cost of lending is almost certain to be higher, it always is.

    Tax credits, tax credits… It’s a completely unsound concept of course and fundamentally a subsidy for businesses. Moving to better pay and less subsidy is of course desirable. But they’ve only bothered to do half of that, there’s nothing in this budget to actually drive the compensating pay rises that are required (no, the not-living wage doesn’t achieve this)

    mrchrispy – Member

    Looks like they are going to stop paying people to breed.

    Or, that they’re going to start punishing children for wantonly being born.

    The thing is… The actual budget isn’t what they promised, 2 months ago. 12 bn of cuts in 2 years, that’s the long term economic plan. 2 months later, already backing out. Was it always a lie? Or are they just incompetent? We will never know, seems reasonable to assume the former. But that’s the headline- Government Breaks Election Promises Even Faster Than Usual.

    The odd thing is that as with much of their other policies we have to be relieved that they break their promises, because if they’d followed through, it’d be worse. But what does that tell you, that we have to hope our government is lying to us?

    Still, we have to cut this spending, and cut these taxes, because otherwise we’ll be Greece.

    Free Member

    No Binners, the living wage was 7.20 in 2011 it is now 7.85 outside of London.

    They needn’t have bothered, Labour has derailed itself and is going to spend the next 5-10 years staring at it’s own navel wondering what to do.

    There is that, but this is effectively the Tories kicking them repeatedly whilst they lay unconscious on the floor.

    At least the Tories bothered though, I guess. If it weren’t for the opposition they’d probably just be doing away with the minimum wage entirely.

    Full Member

    An interesting stat for you:

    If the minimum wage had kept pace with average boardroom pay rises since it was introduced, it would now stand at £21 an hour.

    Free Member

    Hang on, how many of you self title middle class whiney c*ockbags are actually on minimum wage?

    I’m not trying to argue the rights or wrongs of it I just wonder why you’re getting so het up about something that’s going to have minimal impact in your lives (yes I’m aware that it might impact on some of you due to being an employer/being on min. wage, I’m talking about the other middle class whiney ones)

    Full Member

    Hang on, how many of you self title middle class whiney c*ockbags are actually on minimum wage?

    I’m not trying to argue the rights or wrongs of it I just wonder why you’re getting so het up about something that’s going to have minimal impact in your lives

    Yeah… why would we give a flying **** about anyone else other than ourselves?

    There’s no such thing as society, after all eh?

    I wonder who you voted for?

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