Home Forums Chat Forum What is it about Michael Gove…

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  • What is it about Michael Gove…
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    …that makes my flesh crawl?

    Free Member

    He’s a ****.

    Free Member

    He’s a hateful turd.


    Full Member

    IMO his most annoying characteristic is the way he keeps breathing. He’d be much more bearable if he stopped that.

    Free Member

    Every time he speaks all I hear is the sound of oxygen being wasted

    Full Member

    He is truly awful.

    Full Member

    Is he being kept there because he attracts so much attention that the Tories can get up to all sorts of odious naughtiness in the background and get away with it?

    Full Member

    Is it because he is a complete and utter tw@, what have I won? eh?eh?
    So having scrapped SATS at Y9 we will give te little feckers a different exam to see how many would pass the common entry test to Private school so we can measure just how much better they are than state schools. What BS will he make up tomorrow?

    Full Member

    but he is giving a king james bible to every school 😆

    he is a tool of the highest order 🙁

    Free Member

    It’s been done before, but I mean… look…

    A face you could never tire of slapping.

    Full Member

    did all the people who voted for Gove, Maud, Gideon etc. really expect anything different from them?
    They’re a shower of twunts. I suppose most MPs are self-serving so-and-sos but c’mon why are we shocked by all of this?

    Full Member

    I don’t see what the problem is, I read the headline that he wants to make state schools like public schools, I for one approve of the increase in spending on state education he is proposing.

    I take it that is his proposal? I haven’t had the time to read the full piece yet, but it can be the only logical way to achieve his rhetoric, so it must be.

    Full Member

    So having scrapped SATS at Y9 we will give te little feckers a different exam to see how many would pass the common entry test to Private school so we can measure just how much better they are than state schools.

    nail head interface

    Full Member

    he does seem to have a way of alienating and offending people

    Free Member

    Our MP pointed out that half the state schools in our town out-perform the independent on headline GCSE performance:

    Polam 61.4%, Carmel 90%, Hummersknott 71%, Haughton 63% and Hurworth 83% pupils with 5 A*-C GCSEs.

    I’m sure they’d be happy to lower their performance to bring themselves inline with the private school, so long as they get the same funding as the private school.

    Free Member

    It is part of the tory mentality that everything private=good and everything public=evil. Same as that is happening in the NHS. The first thing I heard of when he mentioned 10-hour school days was “You’re going to need to near double the staffing to cover that.”

    Though there is a special place in Swansea (my atheist Welsh version of hell 😀 ) for Nick Clegg for allowing extreme right wing policies to go unchallenged.

    Free Member

    STW = The Blob?

    I think he’s doing a good job, which is more than can be said for the teaching establishment.

    Free Member

    because he is uniquely unqualified to be undertaking the role he is supposed to be doing.

    grade A useless twunt

    Free Member

    I like him 🙂

    Free Member

    As always with Gove a potentially good idea mixed with bollocks. Close the gap between different types of school – fine no argument. How? (among other things) get everyone to take CE. What for? That is an entrance exam. Why more exams? Aren’t there enough already.

    …oh and while we are at it, lets go for the PISA tests as well.

    If only he paused and though before making such silly comments!!!!

    BTW – lets take the piss out of silly ideas but not about someone’s appearance – that’s poor.

    Full Member
    Free Member


    Come and spend a day in my school and she how much of a bad job the teaching establishment does and the impact it has on my inner city non selective school getting 100% A*-C grades.

    I’ll await your generic troll response.

    Full Member

    I did love the way he talked about state schools giving pre-school & weekend detentions.

    Like pupils are really going to turn up for them, eh? He seems to think that they’re all boarding schools with no escape for the kids.

    Post school detentions work (or they did in my day 😳 ) because the kids were already there but who would make the extra effort to turn up? it’ll just breed a worse group of disobedient scrotes as they will stop turning up all together.


    Free Member

    I’ll respond when you get your teacher to correct the spelling in your post.

    Don’t tell me teaching standards are anything other than poor, please, I hire the results, it’s pathetic.

    This guy is trying to do something about it and all he gets is the sort of childish abuse you see above.

    Free Member

    I bet it was so much better in your day.

    Are we all supposed to be impressed with your peacock display of ignorance to what actually goes on in the classroom.
    I’d love to watch know it all idiots like you flail your way around an inner city comp.

    Full Member

    Yep completely insulated muppet. Means well I’m sure but has absolutely no useful insights or experience applicable to the real world. Get standards up, Hurrah, how, more testing, doesn’t that come at the end of the process not the start?

    As for getting state schools to perform like private schools, two issues:

    1. There are plenty of mediocre private schools out there.
    2. The better performing private schools perform better because they are selective (extra resources help but aren’t a panecea).

    If he doesn’t get to grips with no 2 (i.e. stop treating everyone the same and start accepting not everyone is academically equal and people learn in different ways) nothing will change.

    And to answer the OP, it’s his lips, and probably his ears….and his eyes and glasses. Infact it’s just him, it doesn’t matter what he says, coming out of that face is going to devalue it.

    Full Member

    so he’s going to make private schools indistinguishable from state schools. What planet is he on! Private school students get twice as much spent on their education as state schools, nevermind any other issue. Is he going to double the education budget? No. End of idea. Oh and MrsG is a teacher in a really good state school but even her students in leafy middle class surrey get the level of teaching of good private schools.

    Free Member

    I don’t see what the problem is, I read the headline that he wants to make state schools like public schools, I for one approve of the increase in spending on state education he is proposing.

    I assumed that he meant that he wanted more buggery in state schools…

    Full Member

    I think he’s doing a good job, which is more than can be said for the teaching establishment.

    care to explain why you think these things

    Full Member

    Blimey, good job his name isn’t Tristram.

    Free Member

    Call him Tristram and we would be flip flopping on free schools and introducing testing for teachers every 5 years. They are full of such good ideas.

    Free Member

    I think he’s doing a good job, which is more than can be said for the teaching establishment.

    To be fair derekfish, this is your standard answer on Gove threads isn’t it? (or something along these lines)

    You’re more than welcome to back your assertions up with some facts, or some policies of his that have been actually enacted and will improve results. All I ever hear are half-baked ideas. His advisers tell him that he needs to do better. He fires the advisers who he hired to give him intelligent criticism and keeps re-hiring until he gets a bunch of yes-men surrounding him that agree with him. Is this how an intelligent and successful education secretary should act?

    (I also think he looks a bit weird, but he’s not the first Tory to be guilty of this. He’s just not up to the job – combine this with looking a bit weird and he’s on to a loser…which is a sorry state of affairs. I mean it’s not like right wingers on STW ever had a pop at Gordon Brown for having a slightly wonky eye is it?)

    Free Member

    Did anyone see Michael Gove on TV tonight and get a Ghostbuster flashback?

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    To be fair derekfish, this is your standard answer on Gove threads isn’t it?

    Er, what other threads on Michael Gove, don’t think I’ve seen any, but if there had been then yes probably, I do have a thing about teachers, probably unfair, but then what would life be like without sweeping generalisations?

    deadlydarcy – Member
    I mean it’s not like right wingers on STW

    Right Wingers? Are there any left? I thought it was a banning offence.

    And no, I don’t consider myself right wing, I just hate teachers.

    Free Member

    He said he wants every school to be above average.


    Free Member

    I just hate teachers.


    Were you in education today, you’d be required to back up your position with evidence. Care to do so?

    Free Member

    He said he wants every school to be above average.


    That’s one of my favourites. When asked how, he said “by continually improving”. Genius.

    Free Member

    Don’t tell me teaching standards are anything other than poor, please, I hire the results, it’s pathetic.

    This guy is trying to do something about it

    Examples of his good ideas are welcome. Does doing something count as a good idea? Testing.. yes lets do lots of testing of everyone and see where that gets us… and errrr shurrrup you advisors with the good ideas at the back i prefer my own ideas. Gove is a a funkin muppet.

    Free Member

    What I would like to see, is his vision of ideal teaching environment / standard.

    Then I could work out if a) I like what his vision of perfect is and b) If there are any plans / steps in this constant stream of changes the blokes trying to make.

    I mean, there must be a reason behind it, but I’ll be buggered if I can work out what it is.I may even agree with it, and maybe even the steps he’s trying to take, but it’s so seemingly random, that I cant work it out.

    Free Member

    I just hate teachers

    All teachers? No matter how hard working and dedicated they might be?
    I think I might also irrationally hate all trolls called Derek.

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