Gonna get hate mail again for this one but what the hell, this isn’t a popularity contest is it?………
I’ve rode down the carcass of a 65ft fin whale that was washed up on a local beach…..there….i’ve said it, I’ve still got the pic in my flickr account but i’m not about to post it on here again as the amount of hate mail and abuse i received from when i posted it on here 7years ago was out of proportion – I did not kill it, it was no different to poking about a dead fish or whatever washed up on the beach….if it makes you feel any better a few months earlier i found a Killer Whale carcass washed up further along the coast and i reported some of the locals for attempting to remove it’s teeth with an axe (i heard who it was in the pub)…that was sick and disrespectful of them but a bike ride of a whale isn’t that bad….. really?.
It was long dead (the smell from 1mile gave it away) and in my defence i’d like to admit to being a vegi for 20+yrs and lifelong animal lover that has never knowingly killed another animal in my life apart from pheasants with the car which don’t count really as they are stupid and the odd suicidal rabbit, So i decided to ride down it’s back and off it’s tail as a tribute to the second largest mammal on the planet as i would never get the chance again to achieve such a feat in my lifetime again unless i enrolled on a japanese research ship and that will never happen. It was rather dicey to ride on it as the oils were seeping out the skin (it was summer) and making it extremely slippery so i threw some sand over it for grip and proceeded to ride down the back but i forgot about the tail section which was sitting in a pool of whale oil/blubber and my front wheel washed right out and i slid/surfed flat on my stomach right through the most foul, retchingly throw-your-guts up oily/sticky fluid that has ever been my misfortune to land in, this is no word of a lie but i was so physically sick with the stench that i was starting to choke, i could not get the smell out of my nostrils or skin for days despite showering constantly using a pot & pan green scouring pad with a varied mixture of jif, bleach, mr muscle, milton fluid, Ajax floor cleaner etc till my skin was red raw.
I learnt my lesson and i’m not proud but i was 7yrs younger than what i am now and the thought of the stench on my skin can still make me dry retch and make my eyes water even to this day.
I apologise 🙁