Are you a employee of STW to be responding on their behalf as you seem to be making out?
No he’s not*, he’s just pulling your leg. Perhaps too hard it would seem.
Due to this … and the use of words like natch in the magazine … i am no longer (a paying customer)
Are you for realz? Plus nach is sexy**. No, seriously, language evolves and “natch” is just a modern contraction of “naturally”, it’s not even rude like ***** or the unutterable *********-****%**
Belgium man, belgium
*And neither am I. I am employed by The Centre for the Furthering of Asterisks. I would, however, not turn down a job offer*** 😛
**And o so very desirable. In fact if I had met him only once I would want to meet him again, he’s that magnetic.
***And I would use natch all the gorram time 😉