Sorry – bit slack on the updates as I have had family down for the weekend. Managed to get the board for the roof down and some of the cladding completed.
Not sure how one piece of cladding grew between being cut and being fitted but there is a bit of trimming to be done
The green stuff is vapour wrap to stop the dampness getting in. I will need to fit this to the inside too to stop the steam escaping out.
You might also notice that the tricky last length of cladding beneath the roof hasn’t yet been fitted. That should be fun as it involves cutting one 4.8 metre and two 3.6 metre pieces of cladding along the length and along the grain and ensuring a flush fit with the roof board.
The roof board then gets trimmed flush with the cladding and the rubber roof and edging is fitted.
Hoping to order the double glazed glass units today. Not looking forward to paying for 9 big windows though.