Home Forums Chat Forum Warning – unsolicited video download from STW ads can cost you money!

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  • Warning – unsolicited video download from STW ads can cost you money!
  • whatnobeer
    Free Member

    The Epic TV player doesn’t show on mobile devices. It’s desktop only. So it shouldn’t be using up anyone’s mobile data plans.

    I may be remembering wrongly, and I’ll check later today, but I think the EpicTV add plays automatically on my Windows Phone, but its very obvious it’s doing it as it launches the video player to do it, so it takes over the whole screen. It may only do it when using the site on wifi (I don’t use the 3g much) but I would be surprised if the site/advert knew how I was connected other than just the browser type.

    FWIW, and this is going to sound harsh I suspect, if you’re using a limited data plan of any sort you need to set your browser to stop media content loading automatically. It’s the only way to be sure. This is especially true when tethering as you wont get automatically directed to the low bandwidth versions that mobile users get.

    Free Member

    well I notice it is playing when, erm, it is playing TV..!

    I think it is reasonable to expect that viewing a forum on any platform should not use 2GB of data (assuming everything the OP says is correct)

    Agreed, it hadn’t really occurred to me it would be doing anything nefarious, I was annoyed by it’s presence though, ‘still’ ads are far less distracting than moving ones.

    Free Member

    Hi Drac,

    I’m not the most tech savvy guy, so I might not get some of the terms right here, but…

    Although I noticed there was this new ad appearing every time I looked at STW recently, and that it had some kind of video content which was always running, I assumed it was like a lot of other ads and was just a gif or flash that doesn’t use much data, so thought nothing more of it.

    Then I got an auto-notification from my broadband supplier to tell me that I’d exceeded my monthly plan and would be charged for extra data. They said I’d used 2 GB in two days. As I’d never used this much data in so short a time before I queried it, and asked them where it’d gone. I had to wait 48 hrs for their reply, but it came back that on one of the days in question I streamed 1 GB of data from a provider called “Epic TV” between 9:30pm and 11:15pm. Don’t ask me how they knew it was them – but they did.

    That didn’t ring a bell at first, but next time I logged onto STW – there it was – Epic TV! When I moused over the video this time I realised it wasn’t some flash loop or gif but was live streaming HD video like Youtube or Vimeo does. Furthermore it starts automatically as soon as you open STW, and even if you pause it, as soon as you go to the next page it starts up again!

    I’m in the habit of leaving STW on my screen all evening while I go away from the computer to do other stuff – have dinner, watch a bit of TV, etc. It turns out all that time Epic TV was downloading video – once one video clip ends, it moves straight onto the next.

    I think this is a questionable practice at best, and probably contravenes some consumer code of conduct somewhere. Either way, I’m not suggesting ads are banned, or even that video streaming is banned, but I think it should be ‘opt in’ ie you have to click on it before it starts gobbling your data allowance.

    Sorry for the lengthy explanation, but you did ask…

    Full Member

    Cheers PertMTB that will be helpful.

    Free Member

    I think this is a questionable practice at best, and probably contravenes some consumer code of conduct somewhere. Either way, I’m not suggesting ads are banned, or even that video streaming is banned, but I think it should be ‘opt in’ ie you have to click on it before it starts gobbling your data allowance.

    Bad coding and not well thought out (it will be costing them money to stream video that no one is watching) but I would doubt it breaks any consumer laws.

    Full Member

    I have to agree with perthmtb’s post above. I also assumed it was a gif or flash that doesn’t use much data. I **ahem** do much of my STW browsing at work, and if the data usage is what perthmtb claims there’s a real risk that IT ban STW. I have now obviously turned this ad off using my premier status but there is a serious risk that this site has now come up on ITs radar.

    For the avoidance of doubt I understand that ads are an important/ necessary part of a free forum and I’m not suggesting that STW should stop ads. I do however feel that video streaming, without opting in, is unreasonable.

    Free Member

    Can one imagine having to actually work whilst at work, rather than browse STW?

    Free Member

    Even on unlimited data it’s a bit annoying to have your connection slowed down by something like this.

    Free Member

    I **ahem** do much of my STW browsing at work, and if the data usage is what perthmtb claims there’s a real risk that IT ban STW. I have now obviously turned this ad off using my premier status but there is a serious risk that this site has now come up on ITs radar.

    This was my specific concern!

    Full Member

    Can one imagine having to actually work whilst at work, rather than browse STW?

    This has gone too far now.

    Full Member

    We are doing a few tests on the player now to see what the actual load is. 1GB sounds like a lot for just under 2 hours. I’ve also asked EpicTV some questions about the player so I’ll see what comes out of all that.

    Free Member

    Can one imagine having to actually work whilst at work, rather than browse STW?

    Free Member

    Perhaps a header above any ads that stream content notifying visitors, viewers, users of the nature of the ad and possible consequences might be a reasonable compromise?

    With a link to click to join as a Premium member that will enable you to disable the ad?

    I can appreciate quite clearly, that despite the altruism of Singletrackworld, when first conceived and launched, of offering a forum to encourage new and maintain readership, has become a rod for their own back at times.

    At least the default for the forum is free to use, with a few options available for those who do recognise the value of this service/resource and so by subscribing or contributing are able to control the content provided to them.

    There are many more sites out there that constantly stream ads in audio and video, sometimes loads of boxes all playing something or other and it takes me ages to click on them to find out which one is playing. I visited Bikeradar the other week and was plagued by very intrusive pop-up ads, despite my browser settings. I left there very quickly and haven’t returned since.

    I personally feel, that while I appreciate where you’re coming from OP, claiming a lack of tech savvy is quite lame if you only want or choose to pay for a limited data plan, especially from a mobile provider. If you want to be that careful with your outgoings (and no wrong or right in that), then you have to take responsibility for finding out what constitutes data and how certain online content can affect that.

    Full Member

    Can we have a fix so that the login is persistent as well, please (or is it just me?)

    Full Member

    is it just me

    It’s just you.

    does your browser auto delete cookies when you shut it down?

    Full Member

    Can we have a fix so that the login is persistent as well, please (or is it just me?)

    Anecdotally, the only time I seem to get logged out is if I change devices or if there’s been a change to the site. It doesn’t happen all that often, to me at least.

    Free Member

    Mark, is there any way for sites to automagically profile the data use of your advertisers and thus have some way to pick up if one of them is being a bit spendy with user’s bandwidth?

    Full Member

    Not possible at the moment with the tools I have.

    Free Member

    I can’t see a way of stopping the Epic ad on Mac/Safari.

    I presume if you just pause it it still chugs away sending data?

    Free Member

    That’s pretty shocking. A large unsolicited data usage is still exactly that even if your broadband is unlimited.

    At the very least it should be limited to the UK if it’s not against the law there, since that may not be the case elsewhere. UK law probably stands but it’s pretty poor not to consider that you could be imposing on non UK site visitors in ways they might not expect. Access to and cost of unlimited broadband varies internationally, it shouldn’t just be presumed it’s ok. When I arrived in Perth 8 years ago you couldn’t even get broadband in many areas. It also strikes me as annoying that we’re locked out of all the UK on demand TV sites that we might actually want to watch, yet we can get this TV channel served unsolicited.

    Free Member

    I can’t see a way of stopping the Epic ad on Mac/Safari.

    You can get various extensions that make media click to play. “click2plugin” is one IIRC, there are a few. And possibly built in stuff in recent safari.

    Full Member

    It also strikes me as annoying that we’re locked out of all the UK on demand TV sites that we might actually want to watch, yet we can get this TV channel served unsolicited.

    I expect sorting out getting the BBC’s content delivered to Perth is next on Mark’s list of things to do.

    Full Member

    is it just me

    It’s just you.

    Just me then. Fair enough.

    Full Member

    we’re locked out of all the UK on demand TV sites that we might actually want to watch

    Not if you have a UK passport?

    Free Member

    IA – Member
    You can get various extensions that make media click to play. “click2plugin” is one IIRC, there are a few. And possibly built in stuff in recent safari.

    Ta – it’s a work mac so I can’t install anything on it.

    Full Member

    I can’t see a way of stopping the Epic ad on Mac/Safari.

    Preferences – Advanced – Internet plugins

    The ad doesn’t disappear, the video just doesn’t load unless you click on it

    Free Member

    wwaswas, cheers, that would be really good if you could get Mark onto that. 😉 A UK based VPN and RSA token for free would be perfect. I’m not so keen on potentially dodgy proxies. While he’s about it, cheaper, faster, unlimited home and mobile broadband would be good too.

    tomhoward, you’re joking right? Should I use my passport to return to the UK for the TV?

    Free Member

    maccruiskeen – Member
    Preferences – Advanced – Internet plugins

    plug-ins is under Preferences / security and I have already unticked “allow all other plug ins” (while java is allowed)

    I presumed unticking java would stop loads of stuff that’s needed for work.

    Free Member

    Just me then. Fair enough.

    Nah I got logged out on my phone periodically (and seemingly randomly).

    Free Member

    A large unsolicited data usage is still exactly that even if your broadband is unlimited.

    It would argue that it’s not unsolicited. By accessing any web page or internet service you are making a decision to have the data on the website sent to your device.

    I agree that it’s not a great advert and sucking bandwidth unnecessarily is bad practice, but I doubt you’d very far with an ‘its against the law’ type argument. Happy to be proved wrong though.

    Full Member

    Can we have a fix so that the login is persistent as well, please (or is it just me?)

    Me too – randomly forgets about me, and all of a sudden my system grinds to a halt if I open more than a couple of tabs with STW in them (and its not a slow laptop!)

    Free Member

    Nice to see the STW tradition of blame the victim is alive and well. For what it’s worth I think it’s poor form and the STW folk seem to taking it on board. I’ve just switched off EpicTV in my profile – nice one. An old man writes: does anyone else remember building 50k max web pages and measuring load times? 🙂

    Full Member

    Just switched it off now too. I was ignoring it before, but no need for huge data usage figures for no reason.

    Full Member

    does anyone else remember building 50k max web pages and measuring load times

    Fondly (and I mean that)

    Free Member

    What he said…..

    Edit….By God that delete was fast…

    Edit #2 If the revenue from ads is so important make the site subscription only.

    Free Member

    What he said…..

    Edit….By God that delete was fast..

    I wondered why no one else had mentioned it. Now I know.

    Full Member

    I wondered why no one else had mentioned it. Now I know.

    yeah – same here 🙄 although I have just read the rules – sorry STW mods 😳

    Free Member

    Edit #2 If the revenue from ads is so important make the site subscription only.

    …or do the owners the courtesy of not mentioning unmentionable. It’s not asking much.

    Free Member

    Jamie, No mention in my posts of such things.

    Free Member


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