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  • Voting BNP…..?????
  • ton
    Full Member

    has anyone ever voted or thought about voting bnp.
    just had a load of gubbins put through the door.
    are there any pros to their agenda.
    threw the stuff in the recycling……….. 8)

    Free Member

    Nope. Nasty bunch of racist bigots

    Free Member

    No, No and No..in that order

    Free Member

    Fark orf. Just saw a party political broadcast, they tried to come across as “for the people” a load of spin, lets hope people have the sense to see them for the fascists they are.

    Full Member

    TJ has given the right answer. Thread closed

    Free Member

    No. 🙂

    Full Member

    spin is not a new thing in politics matey…. 😀

    Free Member


    what i don’t unnderstand with all this political mess and the supposed gain the BNP and UKIP will get out of this is why parties like the Greens aren’t getting a look in. Are they really that bad the public knee-jerk reaction will be the far right? Weird.

    Free Member

    The greens will get a big protest vote – they have in the past. Its just the big parties cannot scaremonger about the greens

    Free Member


    Very true ton, just happens the other parties arent trying to hide that theyre fascists.

    (although ukip is getting there, or am i getting confused?)

    Full Member

    they wont get any seats, will they??
    what areas if they do..

    Free Member

    I think I might in the European Elections – there’s one of them round the corner from me…nice enough fellow, never any bother. I think they’ve got my interests at heart. Too many immigrants nicking my work and soon, they’ll be shagging all the girls too.

    A vote for BNP is a vote for Britain!

    Full Member

    The BNP will stop a flood of 80 million cheap ‘Muslim Turks’ entering the country. The total population of Turkey is 72 million.

    They are obviously a party with the integrity and honesty that we need to represent our thoughts.

    Free Member

    Get in there Pieface…the BNP gets far too hard a time on STW. Time for people to see the softer side…

    Free Member

    The drug dealing, benefit fraudulent, thuggish softer side?

    Free Member

    Pieface – they might have borrowed Gordon Browns calculator.
    Bunch of arses, vote anyone but them.

    Free Member

    No way.

    Free Member

    They’re not all bad Dave…if you look past the negative stuff, they’re thinking of nothing but the country. I’ve forwarded your post to their e-mail address. They’re sending someone round to have a chat with you about it. I think you’ll find them more than reasonable and ready to listen to any of your concerns. Best put the kettle on mate.

    Free Member

    Have a read of their manifesto, it is hilariously inadequate. It reads like school kid wrote it for a GCSE project; full of generalisations, naively thought out ideas, and contradictions.

    Free Member

    They’re in for a long journey

    Free Member

    Dave – Moderator
    The drug dealing, benefit fraudulent, thuggish softer side?

    I think the idea is to return these activites to their voters 😀

    Free Member

    They make New Labour look like a viable voting option.

    Utter, utter ****.

    Free Member

    I get the impression that Oxboy might be …..

    Oxboy – Member

    ….. The BNP and UKIP are the ONLY parties who actually, genuinely give a sh*t about the country.

    Posted 1 week ago # Report-Post

    Although despite my best efforts, he won’t elaborate and say whether non-white STW forum users should also vote for the BNP.

    To be fair …… I originally thought that it was a simple question which required a simple answer. But I now realise that what appears to be a simple question to everyone else, is not necessarily a simple question to a BNP supporter.

    I think he might be finding it a bit tricky and need more than a week to answer.

    Free Member

    They make New Labour look like a viable voting option.

    Excellent – never a truer word spoken in jest! I wont be voting for them due to their racist undertones. But maybe an increase in their support will make the other parties ‘finally’ start to listen to the people – sad it should have to come to this though.

    Full Member

    would you class someone a racist if they voted for them??
    if so, why.

    Free Member

    i wont let you bunch of lefty liberals tell me who to vote for.

    Free Member

    not necessarily racist – misguided yes

    Free Member

    soobalias – Member
    i wont let you bunch of lefty liberals tell me who to vote for.

    I don’t think anyone has ever called me that, but in this case, I’ll happily tell you not to vote BNP. I won’t tell you who to vote for however, just not them.

    Free Member

    Actually, I dont see why UKIP is getting thrown in the same pot as the BNP. I’ve seen them mentioned in the same sentance as BNP on other threads on here.

    These two parties are totally different ,UKIP is a not racist party it is committed to all of members Britains society.

    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member

    I think I might in the European Elections – there’s one of them round the corner from me…nice enough fellow, never any bother. I think they’ve got my interests at heart. Too many immigrants nicking my work and soon, they’ll be shagging all the girls too.

    A vote for BNP is a vote for Britain!

    Idiot alert! Idiot Alert! Vote BNP so foreigners won’t shag your daughters 😀

    Free Member

    would you class someone a racist if they voted for them??

    “thick” would be a better word ………. as some of their voters are too stupid to realise that the BNP is racist.

    Free Member

    I dont see why UKIP is getting thrown in the same pot as the BNP

    There is a difference. UKIP throws out any members who get a criminal conviction, the BNP doesn’t.


    Oh yeah, and UKIP members prefer blazers to bomber jackets.

    Free Member

    There needs to be a party that has the immigration policy of Australia – entry considered if a) you have money and can support yourself for a period of time so as not to consume limited state resources, and b) you are able to demonstrate ability or education to a standard which is desirable to others.

    This won’t make everyone happy but I can’t please everyone – there are too many freeloaders in this country. A quick look at The Jungle refugee camp in Calais shows that we are the soft option, and the crime that occurs around that camp proves that not all are innocent asylumn seekers. I have also worked in the centres (prisons) where those facing deportation pass their time. Many have dubious or conveniently anonymous histories.

    Having said all that, I need a party who is not taking the pith with their expense claims too 🙁

    Free Member

    would you class someone a racist if they voted for them??
    if so, why.

    No. Not everyone who votes for th BNP is an actual racist and voting BNP doesn’t make you racist. You would be accepting fellow travellers who were explicitly racist and voting for a party with a racist manifesto however, so if you were voting for them and weren’t some sort of racist it might be a bit strange/stupid of you. It would be a bit like voting Green and being a climate change sceptic.

    Free Member

    Last time the BNP came canvassing at my door i kept them talking for ages. At the end of the conversation they asked if they could count on my vote, to which i politely reply that they were having a laugh, that i was nowhere near ignorant enough to vote for such a blatantly racist party and the only reason i kept the talking so long was so they wouldnt have as much time to try an corrupt someone else who might not see how bad they were.

    They were more than a little displeased.

    Free Member

    What you mean you dont wear a blazer??? 😯

    Free Member

    The Jungle refugee camp in Calais shows that we are the soft option

    Actually it doesn’t. If anything, it shows the opposite. The reason why many asylum seekers want to leave France and come to the UK is because whilst France will give asylum seekers social assistance, they won’t permit them to work, Britain will.

    They come to Britain because they want to work and they can’t in France. So your use of ‘freeloaders’ is emotive bollox. Of course there’s also the fact because many speak english but not french, because they come from countries which once part of the British Empire.

    You’ve been reading the Daily Mail haven’t you ? Or is it the Sun ?

    Free Member

    Ukip are xenophobes at best but racists in reality. The whole premise of both parties is hating foreigners and don’t be fooled that it is anything else

    Full Member

    anyhow, i am not voting, and never have. just interested to see what people think of them.
    tell you what tho, why can people accept a scottish national party and a plaid cymru, and even a sinn fein???

    Free Member

    Well summed up TJ


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