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  • UKIP's 'Common Sense' bus hits Portsmouth Railway Station.
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    the ukips are a bunch of idiot bitches


    Free Member

    konabunny – Member

    What definition of majority would mean UKIP supporters (let alone voters) were in the majority?

    I said not majority but largest group.
    As ernie pointed out, majority (especially in the context of politics) would be more than 50%.

    Interesting that several posters chose to comment on that but managed to completely ignore the pertinent part of my post; the link to the latest poll results.

    UKIP: 38%
    Labour: 27%
    Conservatives: 18%
    Liberal Democrats: 8%

    Care to comment on that konabunny?
    Or would you prefer to continue trying to make an argument with me over something I haven’t said?

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member

    I am Nelson Mandela apparently and can accuse Hollande of being both more RW and more authoritarian than me! (Just)

    So you also lie about your right-wing views to online political compass tests !

    Now that’s what I call covering your tracks ! 😉

    Free Member

    Maybe not majority (depending on definition), but perhaps largest group.

    majority (especially in the context of politics) would be more than 50%.

    You seem to be saying that whether or not it is a majority depends on one’s definition of majority, and that majority might mean something other than more than 50% outside the context of politics. What definition of majority would mean UKIP supporters (let alone voters) were in the majority?

    Free Member

    Sbob, the yougov polls still put ukip way behind in the general election.

    Full Member

    and in a long line of yolk based British political protests Farage is egged in Nottingham;

    Free Member

    What definition of majority would mean UKIP supporters (let alone voters) were in the majority?

    I am loathe to help them out here [ or discuss word meanings with you 😉 ] but
    simple majority

    A majority in which the highest number of votes cast for any one candidate, issue, or item exceeds the second-highest number, while not constituting an absolute majority.[ ie more than 50%]

    my addition in []

    personally I think it is brilliant UKIP get lots if EU MP’s and not one UK MP – that must really annoy them

    Free Member

    Lie, Ernie?? No but the test must be bollox. More libertarian that Hollande, sans doubt, more left wing, pas de tout.

    Take the test several times for fun – always bottom left quadrant. Frankly only one axis means anything to me.

    Free Member

    A majority in which the highest number of votes cast for any one candidate, issue, or item exceeds the second-highest number, while not constituting an absolute majority.[ ie more than 50%]

    I think if you had understood what you had posted you would realize that it does not say what you think it says.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I think if it meant something different you would have beaten me with something other than your [ excellent] use of sarcasm like say facts?

    Free Member

    Lie, Ernie?? No but the test must be bollox.

    Well I did add a winky to my post, which is something that I rarely do. Yes the test is bollox imo. For a start it consistently categorises people more to the left than they really are, imo.

    Free Member

    I did notice the winky!!

    Full Member

    this relates to only the egging above but deserves a wider audience;

    Free Member

    konabunny – Member

    You seem to be saying that whether or not it is a majority depends on one’s definition of majority, and that majority might mean something other than more than 50% outside the context of politics. What definition of majority would mean UKIP supporters (let alone voters) were in the majority?

    I thought we were discussing UKIP?
    Why are you going off on a tangent about definitions?
    Are you just after meaningless argument?

    I’ll invite you again to address the pertinent part of my earlier post; that UKIP are garnering support.

    I’ll also remind you that I said UKIP were not a majority.

    If you don’t want to discuss the pertinent issues that’s fine, I’ll just file your posts under W and be done with it.

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    Sbob, the yougov polls still put ukip way behind in the general election.

    Absolutely, and the majority 😉 of people who will vote for them in the Euro elections will not in the general.
    Hats off to you Tom for keeping it vaguely on-topic.

    Free Member

    As voters seem to be voting for UKIP based on a single issue…the EU….. then it would seem that the majority of United Kingdom voters are pro europe.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure you can assume that TW. If there are still the traditional Labour voters like those with whom I worked yonks ago, they’ll still vote Labour but might have strong doubts about some aspects of Europe.

    Full Member

    sbob – Member

    I’ll also remind you that I said UKIP were not a majority.

    You actually said “Maybe not majority (depending on definition)”, but hey.

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    As voters seem to be voting for UKIP based on a single issue…the EU….. then it would seem that the majority of United Kingdom voters are pro europe.

    Or, lots of people might be anti-europe, but unwilling to hitch themselves up to UKIP because they see them as bawbags.

    Full Member

    and another, but he does like curry….


    I like that egg chucker

    Egg-throwing is a well established form of political protest in this country. I saw the guys outside the town hall about 10 minutes ago. I went to Tesco, bought some eggs

    Free Member

    You actually said

    I’m well aware of what I said, it’s in black and white.
    You know the bit, it’s the bit you just partially quoted. 💡

    Or, lots of people might be anti-europe, but unwilling to hitch themselves up to UKIP

    You may be surprised to hear that although I am anti-EU superstate, I am not pro-UKIP.

    I hope that clarification can reduce the amount of bell-whiffery going on.

    Full Member

    Generally, I like laughing at UKIP members because they’re the sort of people who desperately want to be taken seriously.

    This time I just want to punch one of them.

    “Consider compulsory abortion when the foetus is detected as having Downs, Spina Bifida or similar syndrome which, if it is born, will render the child a burden on the state as well as on the family.”


    Free Member

    The UKIP woman on QT last night was not as awful as I would have expected (worryingly). In fact the whole panel were remarkably normal last night and even broadly sensible (within obvious limits)

    Farrage on next week. His media machine does a bloody good job.

    Full Member

    That link from Gravesend is amazing. Amongst the comments, a nugget of genius –

    Free Member

    THM Only Vince Cable has been on more times than Farage [ will be equal now iirc] – I think the green MP is about the same

    still the media is against them eh – two weeks running and still no MP’s

    I gave up years ago but still listen to any questions/answers [ i listen to it Saturday usually.

    Free Member

    Mr Clark told the Reporter: “They are a burden on the state. The NHS is no longer affordable and some services have to be cut. I’m tired of politicians saying we should cut managers.”

    Exactly. UKIP candidates say what other politicians are afraid to say, like make the abortion of foetuses with Down’s Syndrome compulsory because people with Down’s Syndrome, even though they can lead happy lives, are a burden on hardworking taxpayers. And cost NHS mangers their jobs, apparently.

    Don’t cut mangers and bureaucracy in the NHS, enforce compulsory abortion of babies with Down’s Syndrome instead.

    I’m going to rush out and vote UKIP on the 22sd because they are fearless in what they say.

    Free Member

    My neighbour is standing as a local UKIP candidate for the second time. He has just done his mail shot and outlined his key issues; more dog bins for our area (he has two big dogs), removal of speed bumps in local area that is notorious for boy racers (he has a large camper van that struggles with the bumps) are among two of his stunners.
    He also mailed our friends, who he also knows, and has contact with as all the kids play together; they are Algerian!!
    He is a real know it all and always comes out with bull**** all the time.
    We have endless joy and mirth in our house discussing UKIPS views!!

    Full Member

    It stops being funny when the feckers start winning seats… 🙁

    Free Member

    Nothing really sensible to add to the debate as UKIP are a non-issue for me. How anyone could take them seriously though is a real concern.

    UkipWeather @UkipWeather · Feb 23
    Much of the country will remain dry, but winds will pick up in the afternoon when a man unravels the homosexual subtext in Top Gun

    Free Member

    teamhurtmoreThe UKIP woman on QT last night was not as awful as I would have expected (worryingly). In fact the whole panel were remarkably normal last night and even broadly sensible (within obvious limits)

    Farrage on next week. His media machine does a bloody good job.

    Many people continue to underestimate and trivialise UKIP, very dangerous (not saying you specifically)

    Farrage is reflecting public opinion, he’s saying what people want to hear. The media is doing all it can to discredit UKIP except their poling just keeps improving.

    Meanwhile Milliband is talking about capping rent rises when Labour voters are worried about their job security and many are turning to UKIP. It’s a mistake to believe UKIP support is coming purely from the right. in France a very large number of extreme left voters are now supporting Front Nationale. The FN won control of a number of left wing districts with votes coming from the left not the right.

    Free Member

    As Simon Jenkins said on QT last night, for a guy with a PPE degree and an MSC in Economics (Dear Ed) to propose rent controls as a solution is ridiculous. Politicians eh? Under pressure they all resort to type!

    Free Member

    Farrage is reflecting public opinion

    That’s what he would like people to believe, except there is scant evidence that he is.

    As an example he was opposed to same sex marriage but even a majority of UKIP supporters, let alone the wider public, support same sex marriage.

    On the question of the re-introduction of smoking in pubs etc does that really ‘reflect public opinion’ ?

    What about a flat rate tax, bearing in mind the opposition there was to the poll tax which was based on exactly the same principle, is public opinion really behind that?

    Or the slashing of corporation tax when you consider the public outrage Starbucks non-payment of corporation tax caused ?

    What about Farage helping himself to as much expenses as he possibly can – is that really in tune with public opinion ?

    There undoubtedly is significant public opposition to the EU but on a whole range of other issues I would say that Farage is very much out of step with public opinion and doesn’t reflect it.

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