Is it a sort of Delayed reaction from God?
I mean the UK started amending legislation in favour of same sex partnerships back in 2010, so is the recent flooding down to that or more recent Parliamentary votes and legislative action? Has this been brewing for a while?
Or is that part of the whole mysterious logic of retribution from on high, like a parent that randomly smacks their kid and then asks “Now what do you think that was for?” and it turns out it was actually for something they did weeks ago…
If God as our supposed divine parent is Angry with some of His/her Human “Children” for being gay and the rest of us for not picking on them enough and bullying them straight. Just where abouts in the heavens should we point the antenna to summon celestial social services?
If David Silvester is right and “Our Farther who art in Heaven” is really punishing all of us by flood because a few of us are gay, then we really need to get onto the Galactic equivalent of childline sharpish… It’s pretty serious parental abuse IMO!
Who knows how angry He’ll get when he see’s all the other stuff we’ve been up to, Has God seen the internet yet?
Quick Hide it! He’s going to be furious if he finds it!