Home Forums Chat Forum UKIP Councillor: "UK storms are divine retribution for gay marriage laws"

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  • UKIP Councillor: "UK storms are divine retribution for gay marriage laws"
  • crikey
    Free Member

    Mrs Mitch has the breasts of a Greek goddess,

    I agree wholeheartedly with the Right Honourable gentleman.

    Free Member

    So it’s not man made global warming? Easy peasy. Recant gay marriage laws and turn the heating to full blast.

    Full Member

    Mrs Mitch has the breasts of a Greek goddess,

    Hora is a Greek goddess, make of that what you will.

    Free Member

    I’m very happily married, but if I was single, I’d probably have a go on hora 😆

    Free Member

    [/quote]I blame Thatcher

    She saved us from people like you.

    Free Member

    Coming from northern Ireland this seems quite normalhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-25795084

    Free Member

    Google Ian paisley says no to sodomy

    Free Member

    Does this mean Russia needs to be encouraging gayness to make sure they get storms and enough snow for the winter olympics?

    Free Member

    Which God is in the frame for this? Poseidon?

    it’s the god which dare not speak its name

    All I did was say that piece of halibut was good enough for Poseidon.

    Full Member

    Ooh, I do hope it was Poseidon., we can then have an adventure on a capsized boat with a priest who looks a lot like Gene Hackman 😀

    Full Member

    “Whether Jain or Sikh or Buddhist or Sufi or Zoroastrian or Jewish or Muslim or Baptist or Hindu or Catholic or Baha’i or Animist or any other mainstream or minor religion or movement, we are taught as a tolerant society to accept a diversity of ideologies.”

    But not sikhs, they can **** off.

    Free Member

    The guy might have a point, I mean I’m not great on history, but I’m pretty sure there were no wars, diseases or natural disasters until we legalised gay marriage.

    Free Member

    Believing god caused storms is less crazy than many other religious beliefs. If you believe there is an all powerful god then it’s a pretty small step to believe he might affect the weather.

    Free Member

    I think it’s spot on and can’t see what’s wrong with his views at all.

    Oh wait- **** nutter

    Free Member

    God told me directly that he is doing it to punish the rise of ukip. If people support ukip he is going to punish them individually by making them say stupid things in public.

    Free Member

    irc – Member
    Believing god caused storms is less crazy than many other religious beliefs. If you believe there is an all powerful god then it’s a pretty small step to believe he might affect the weather.

    But not stop murder and rape and…

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Believing god caused storms is less crazy than many other religious beliefs. If you believe there is an all powerful god then it’s a pretty small step to believe he might affect the weather.

    I don’t see why gay people should bother our supposed omnipotent Creator so much. If God really did flood large parts of our country just because we’ve managed to become a bit more tolerant of our fellow human beings, he/she is throwing out some really mixed messages.

    Free Member

    he/she is throwing out some really mixed messages

    Nothing new…

    Free Member

    Have we found out one way or the other if the gays are to blame yet?

    As I was walking to the shop the other morning, an elderly lady in wellies was checking the sandbags that were keeping the floodwater from her front door.. I asked if she needed any help and she replied ‘no thanks dear, unless you can do something about the bumders..’!!

    Free Member
    Full Member

    That is brilliant drlex, cheers!

    Free Member

    It’s mardi gras in Sydney in a few weeks….

    Should I expect floods? Or is UKIPs deity UK-specific?

    edit: points for identifying any STW “big-hitters” in the pic above

    Free Member

    Free Member

    “It’s mardi gras in Sydney in a few weeks….”

    It always rains on Mardi Gras FACT

    Full Member
    Full Member

    This storm damage is very suspicious;

    Full Member

    Thanks for the shipping forecast, I missed that! Nice.

    Full Member

    Is it a sort of Delayed reaction from God?

    I mean the UK started amending legislation in favour of same sex partnerships back in 2010, so is the recent flooding down to that or more recent Parliamentary votes and legislative action? Has this been brewing for a while?

    Or is that part of the whole mysterious logic of retribution from on high, like a parent that randomly smacks their kid and then asks “Now what do you think that was for?” and it turns out it was actually for something they did weeks ago…

    If God as our supposed divine parent is Angry with some of His/her Human “Children” for being gay and the rest of us for not picking on them enough and bullying them straight. Just where abouts in the heavens should we point the antenna to summon celestial social services?

    If David Silvester is right and “Our Farther who art in Heaven” is really punishing all of us by flood because a few of us are gay, then we really need to get onto the Galactic equivalent of childline sharpish… It’s pretty serious parental abuse IMO!

    Who knows how angry He’ll get when he see’s all the other stuff we’ve been up to, Has God seen the internet yet?

    Quick Hide it! He’s going to be furious if he finds it!

    Full Member

    Well, I happen to know that one of the largest flood risk management projects in the UK has some senior member of the project team that are gay, they are even in relationships.

    I can’t work out what this chap would make of this, presumably some sort of logic vortex will open up and swallow all of humanity.

    Full Member

    What! Gay people in charge of things?!?!

    Next you’ll be telling me we’ve given them the vote…

    Full Member

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