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    No, to be fair at my workplaces (current and past) a disciplinary procedure ends after the sanction is agreed/confirmed, until then it’s still ongoing.

    It might be dubious that it takes 5 months to agree the sanction and only now fixed now it’s become a time limited issue with the upcoming election, but I can see a version of the truth where they were still coming to the end of the disciplinary procedure last Friday.

    Full Member

    BBC reporting that she’s been readmitted to the party.

    Though apparently hasn’t yet been selected as candidate. If she doesn’t get selected she should stand as an independent.

    Full Member

    Well, who’d have thunk it?

    So a subset of Boomers, not all Boomers?

    Full Member

    she should stand as an independent.

    I could be wrong but I doubt that she would stand as an independent, I get the impression that she is too committed to the Labour Party.

    Edit: Although that could change post July 4th, depending on how things pan out. I think it is plausible that there might be a new, small, but credible, left-wing party by the time of the 2029 general election.

    Full Member

    Anyway – what is the procedure where she has the whip restored, is readmitted to the party, and yet is unlisted from the seat she’s held for (checks Wiki) 37 years.

    And if that happens, does it really impact on black voters? Is her treatment because of her race or what she did and said? I think we have to be careful to assume black voters will automatically side with her, do we not risk stereotyping? Black voters can have opinions on antisemitism that see beyond the race of the person that made the comments.

    Full Member

    I think you’re being dismissive of the gingers.

    She outed herself as a blatant gingerist. A gingerphobe

    We need answers though. This whole election campaign so far the entire country has been asking only one question….

    ”what’s going on with Diane Abbot?”

    Full Member

    Is her treatment because of her race or what she did and said?

    Well she was suspended for telling the truth and then apologizing for telling the truth.

    You would need to be out of your mind to believe that someone like Rachel Riley has been the victim of prejudice and racism throughout her life to the same extent as a black woman such as Diane Abbott.

    I think that Diane Abbott would not have been suspended by Starmer had she been Jewish, look at the stuff that Margaret Hodge got away with!

    And remember this is now all playing out against the background of the warm welcome that Elphicke received from Starmer, so we know that he is very flexible when it comes to tolerance of varying political opinions.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    That’s not my point or my question though. I don’t deny she has been victim to horrific racism; I agreed a month or two back after the Hester comments. My question is whether irrespective of that, it’s right to assume that black voters will automatically side with her over a different matter.

    Full Member

    entire country has been asking only one question….

    ”what’s going on with Diane Abbot?”

    Obviously not. But some people are asking “what’s going on with Diane Abbott?” In fact on the news on the telly this evening there was quite a lengthy segment on that question.

    Full Member

    The problem is that the Tories see her as a gift, ignoring the daft article she wrote (and fwiw, she apologised, did the training, so that should be the end). They see her as an asset to them in the same way corbyn is.

    Starmer is on a mission so putting abbot in the lords is not surprising

    Free Member

    I could see the point Diane Abbott was trying to make, it was badly made, she apologised, move on. The way Labour has handled it is as clumsy and prejudiced as the original “crime” IMO.

    Colour is more visible than being Irish or Jewish. You can change you headware and your name by deedpoll but you can’t change the colour of your skin.

    Starmer is so paranoid about being accused of anti-semitism he just mumbles about Gaza. Even Biden is more forthright.

    Full Member

    This evenings tory policy plan is to shut down underperforming uni courses & boost apprenticeships

    attacking woke universities is red meat to the gammony base

    Full Member

    This evenings tory policy plan is to shut down underperforming uni courses & boost apprenticeships

    if they did get re-elected,which the won’t, how on earth do they propose doing that?

    Let me guess… there are no actual details about that because they literally dreamt it up about an hour ago

    Seriously, these two had a better planned and more coherent election campaign


    Full Member

    Seriously, these two had a better planned and more coherent election campaign

    Dynamite was definitely a better dresser than Sunak.

    A better dancer too.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    We all need to be more Dynamite.

    Though id give the time machine a miss.😂

    Full Member

    I now want to see Rishi do a “sweet jump” on a bike

    Full Member

    the victim of prejudice and racism throughout her life to the same extent

    Oh, well that makes it ok then… 🙄

    My wife is from the Travelling Community and  the abuse I’ve had to put up with for marrying her is a disgrace and nothing compared to the contempt that that subset is held in general. But it’s ok because it’s not as bad…

    Full Member

    Oh, well that makes it ok then… 🙄

    That is what was said is it? That is the conclusion that you have come to?

    Life must be hard for people who struggle with simple comprehension.

    Full Member

    Condescending much?

    While you didn’t type those exact words your meaning was pretty clear.

    Full Member

    While you didn’t type those exact words your meaning was pretty clear.

    I typed the exact words which you copied and pasted. However you chose to lift them out of context and put your own interpretation on them.

    I initially thought that it was a lack of comprehension on your part but I can see now that it was deliberate.

    This is what I said in its full and unedited version:

    You would need to be out of your mind to believe that someone like Rachel Riley has been the victim of prejudice and racism throughout her life to the same extent as a black woman such as Diane Abbott.

    I stick 100% to that comment. And I think it is insulting and offensive to black women such as Diane Abbott to pretend that someone like Rachel Riley has experienced the same level of prejudice and racism.

    It’s pretty disgraceful imo.

    Full Member

    The only person making comparisons on levels of racism and abuse is you. It’s also you who is belittling the racism and abuse that others experience when compared to a black woman. That’s disgraceful.

    Free Member

    This whole election campaign so far the entire country has been asking only one question….

    ”what’s going on with Diane Abbot?”

    To be fair, you can’t blame her for being dismissive of prejudice suffered by other racial minorities. Her uncle Russ was a terrible anti-ginger, anti-Celtic, English cultural imperialist.

    Full Member

    I and everyone I know live in non-Tory safe seats. Should I be doing anything to help?

    In the Brexit vote I assumed Remain would be an easy win, so I didn’t do or say anything to anyone about the whole thing.

    All the projected Tory wins on https://electionmaps.uk/nowcast are a fair distance away from me and I don’t have any real connection with them. Seat covering the Tweed Valley is projected to be a Tory win by 5 percentage points, which is a bit irksome as I do spend quite a few weekends a year and money in that and the also Tory neighbouring constituency.

    Free Member

    To be fair, you can’t blame her for being dismissive of prejudice suffered by other racial minorities. Her uncle Russ was a terrible anti-ginger, anti-Celtic, English cultural imperialist.

    Close the thread, we’re done here.

    Full Member

    So, Rishi’s plan so far is

    • Reintroduce National Service
    • Alter taxes for pensioners
    • Cut university courses to boost apprenticeship

    Quick question, does doing an apprenticeship exempt you from National Service, or do you start afterwards, at say 20 years old? Not forgetting you’re at school to the age of 18 doing maths.

    Full Member

    Until the manifestos appear this is a really dull and incoherent campaign.

    Proof – this thread is no different to the Sunak thread.

    Labour are in a twist over anything remotely economically logical and the Tories are just being useless.

    I’m guessing the Tories manifesto will be done with magnetic letters on a fridge and Labour will be lifting stuff from a 90s Tory garden party conversation.

    And why is Ed Davey falling off a SUP?

    I mean are we meant to look forward to more bullshit/lies in a suit from Starmer?

    Full Member

    Someone got out of bed the wrong side this morning…

    Full Member

    And why is Ed Davey falling off a SUP?

    For the same reason that Rishi Sunak is failing at playing football.
    Some advisor somewhere has arranged a photoshoot to show how Man of the People he is and he’s gone along with it.

    Ed Davey, action dad figure. Oh no, he’s fallen in. Again.

    Actually being fair to him, he was there to highlight the serious issues of pollution and water companies dumping sewage, it generated more headlines than Ed Davey going for a scenic paddle around and he also managed a joke that even falling in he still wasn’t as wet as Rishi Sunak.

    Which was quite funny for a politician.

    Full Member


    God that map has my blue till it dies area as only having a predicted .6% majority for the scum.

    Looks like I need to go and volunteer

    Full Member

    So, Rishi’s plan so far is

    Reintroduce National Service
    Alter taxes for pensioners
    Cut university courses to boost apprenticeship

    For an avowed libertarian, he doesn’t sound very…  erm… libertarian, does he?  More Kim Jong Un than Ayn Rand

    I’m half expecting him to announce the new apprenticeships will be used to bolster tractor production figures

    Full Member

    I’ve just read that Labour have confirmed that they will see through the ‘dangerous cycling’ law which the Tories started.

    Are our politicians really this thick?

    Full Member

    The only person making comparisons on levels of racism and abuse is you.

    Absolutely I am making comparisons with levels of racism, you would be living in a very strange world if you thought all levels of racism were equal.

    I used the example of Rachel Riley precisely because she is a white woman, not black like Diane Abbott. The idea that they have both suffered the same level of racism throughout their lives is patently absurd.

    I arrived to the UK on a boat at the age of 6 unable to speak any English, do you think I have experienced racism throughout my life? Do you think the fact that I am white and not black has had a bearing on the issue? My father’s poor English and extremely strong accent did occasionally draw some abuse, do you think that was comparable with the racist abuse that Diane Abbott has experienced?

    I’ll remind you that the claim by the Tory Party chief doner that Diane Abbott made him hate all black women and that she should be shot made the news recently. It is pretty offensive to suggest that black people don’t suffer more racism than white people.

    And that sort of nonsense is likely to alienate black people from the Labour Party, understandably.

    Full Member

    Screenshot_20240529-080612First post National Service announced poll…. Has Labour extending their lead to 27points!


    Full Member

    So the National Service “bounce” is all Labour’s!

    Full Member

    More stereotyping of voting intentions by the Gaurdian this morning


    My wife is now proper upset as she always thought Waitrose was the supermarket of choice by progressives and liberal thinkers! She’s not happy this morning :-)

    Full Member

    Are our politicians really this thick?

    That’s a rhetorical question right?

    Full Member

    Absolutely I am making comparisons with levels of racism, you would be living in a very strange world if you thought all levels of racism were equal.

    Since members of the Travelling Community were specifically mentioned, I’d say they experience racism differently to black people and in this specific case applying a hierarchy is not really possible and understandably causes offence.

    It may not be immediately obvious that someone is a member of the Travelling Community.  However, racism toward the Travelling Community is accepted in a way that racism toward Black people is not.

    Pretty much any thread involving the Travelling Community shows this racism is accepted even on a liberal place like STW.  That’s why the threads get closed straight away (and I’m not sure but I think they completely disappear).

    So yes, not all racism is the same but you have to be very careful when you start talking about hierarchies.

    Full Member

    First post National Service announced poll…

    Seems like the electorate is interested in delivering some kind of ‘national service’, just not the one Rishi envisaged.

    Meanwhile, the LibDems are even more desperate for attention than usual. Chucking yourself into a lake full of sewage intentionally just to get your picture in the papers instead of Nigel.


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