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  • UK Election!
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    Full Member

    Too soon?

    I said a while back it would be in the summer. There’s no way Sunak et al are giving up their summer hols to fight a pointless campaign.

    Full Member

    I thought they’d been on their holidays for the last two years or so, popping into the office for the occasional bit of performative cruelty.

    Anyhow, ministers have been on the phones to their journo pals already.

    Full Member

    They get summer recess in parliament so it’s free wages for tory MPs for doing absolutely nothing.

    There’s no way they will call a GE before autumn… My prediction is they will call it as late as physically possible, early 2025 I think?

    Full Member

    From the Beeb.

    Cabinet to meet and ‘diaries cleared’ as election talk grows Westminster Election Speculation

    It’s going to happen! 👍😁

    Full Member

    January election would be quite something – imagine them trying to get their elderly vote out! So no.

    Full Member

    Are you sure they haven’t just got tickets to the Euros?

    I was expecting late Sept/October, will be pleasantly surprised if we get put out of misery any earlier.

    Full Member

    I think it might be timed to make it difficult for students to vote for obvious reasons and a final F*** you too the younger generation.

    Full Member

    I think it might be timed to make it difficult for students to vote for obvious reasons and a final F*** you too the younger generation.

    Absolutely. If you have kids at uni, time to make sure they’re registered to vote in the right place.

    Full Member

    January election would be quite something – imagine them trying to get their elderly vote out!

    Postal vote – don’t even need ID!

    Full Member

    Beware,  as I have been caught out twice now. If you’re away for two weeks and election day is in your second week then your papers only arrive a week before which prevents you from voting! I’ve complained to the electoral commission but still waiting for a reply…

    Full Member

    The best possible thing for the Conservative’s long-term future is to get rid of as many of the current crop of MPs as possible.

    They’re quite obviously all complete duffers – something has gone badly wrong in the selection process and the only way forward is to start again afresh with some new faces who can disavow everything done in the last fifteen years.

    So Sunak’s goal will be a complete wipe-out at the election – just like when pruning roses, the worst thing you can do is to be too cautious.

    For that, he will want to stay in power for as long as possible in order to maximize our loathing for him and his useless self-serving chums.

    Full Member

    Beware,  as I have been caught out twice now. If you’re away for two weeks and election day is in your second week then your papers only arrive a week before which prevents you from voting! I’ve complained to the electoral commission but still waiting for a reply…

    Noted, thank you! I’ll bloody well come home if I have to, I ain’t missing this…

    Full Member

    Its going to ruin the Euros if they call it in July, or are they looking at the odds on England winning and hoping to ride that wave?

    Full Member

    I said a while back it would be in the summer. There’s no way Sunak et al are giving up their summer hols to fight a pointless campaign.

    MPs were old they copuld book their holidays as there wouldnt be a summer election, more good will burnt up by Sunak!

    Full Member

    July 4th according to a reliable source at my mate’s local Wetherspoon.

    Full Member

    By euros if you mean football that’s a good thing… Fewer racists will vote, lol!

    Full Member

    July 4th according to a reliable source at my mate’s local Wetherspoon

    Did he look like James May’s evil twin?

    Full Member

    There’s another rumour that 50letters are in with the 1922 committee so that would be a leadership contest then a GE ???!

    Full Member

    I reckon Sunak is planning it for when most of the labour voters will be out of the country (as I can imagine him seeing it), soaking up the sun in Torremolinos, not realising that due to his party’s excellent Brexit deal a lot of voters may well struggle trying leave the country, so they’ll be stuck at home, angry and ready to lash out at those who started it all, by voting them out.

    I can dream, anyway………

    Full Member

    There’s another rumour that 50letters are in with the 1922 committee so that would be a leadership contest then a GE ???!

    it would be the ultimate banter outcome

    Full Member

    Its going to ruin the Euros if they call it in July, or are they looking at the odds on England winning and hoping to ride that wave?

    …we’ll go out in the group stages so the country will be in an even grumpier mood come July the 4th! :-)

    Full Member

    If there are really 50 letters then I hope sticks two fingers at the idiots and calls a GE.  Most of the existing Conservative MPs will soon be looking for new employment

    Full Member

    Chicken and egg, is he only off to the palace because the threshold is about to be crossed for a leadership ballot? Hilarious. Imagine a tory leader announcing an election and immediately having to fend off a VONC instead of campaigning! EVEN MORE HILARIOUS! Or how about a new leader desperately trying to undo an incoming election date in a couple of weeks after the King has given permission and that date announced? STOP, I CAN’T BREATHE!

    Full Member

    multiple news sites saying July 4th  – must be enough ‘sources’ saying so…

    Full Member


    4th of July coincides with the Euros round of 16. England should still be in it so we will be riding on a wave of St George’s flags and foreigner hating nationalism. Makes sense for them to call it.


    Free Member

    he’s a spineless sniveling coward at heart, so he’ll probably bottle calling it.

    Full Member

    Lil rish has been offered a job and he has until the end of July to take it up.

    That’s my bet

    Free Member

    Do I now wish England to go out in the group stage?

    Full Member

    tory MPs desperate not to lose their seats before the summer recess ….

    Full Member

    3 possible options:

    – sunak resigns, clearing the way for a new leader to lead the tories to electoral doom

    – GE on July 4th, independence day

    – GE in autumn (October) with confirmed date

    November/December/January are, I think, non-starters; tory loyalists are unlikely to be inclined to go out campaigning in winter and the tories will need a strong ‘ground game’ to retain a shred of credibility.

    Full Member

    Widely reported we’re on for Thu 04 Jul but nothing yet official.

    Has the added bonus from the Tories’ POV that all the students will be at home.

    Full Member

    Has the added bonus from the Tories’ POV that all the students will be at home.

    One of mine is just about to move into a Tory marginal*…

    *not really marginal in the context of current polls.

    Full Member

    Paula Vennells will be pleased if this is announced – really takes away the headlines!  🤬🤬

    Full Member

    4th July is my lads 21st, and hus first GE election to vote in.

    That would be nice.

    Full Member

    He lied to loose women

    Full Member

    First Boris lies to the Queen, then Rishi lies to Loose Women. The judgement will be harsh.

    Full Member

    GE on July 4th, independence day

    Britian never defeated the Normans!

    Full Member

    Presumably an election in early July will mean that there is a chance that the Criminal Justice Act, including the IDS amendments, will not have time to make it through parliament?

    Full Member

    Yeah, no chance. Time to go out on my bike and kill with impunity!

    Full Member

    Genuinely had no idea there was a football tournament on this summer 😄

    According to, 11 days is how long it takes to register for postal voters.

    Get in early folks if you need too

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