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    Free Member

    Ffs we did all this with “not all men”, get over it. We’re not talking about YOU, stop making it about YOU.

    Free Member

    Anyway, I see Farage managed to get a rise out a BBC presenter, disappointed to find out she only said

    Nigel Farage with his, erm, customary inflammatory language there at a Reform UK press conference.

    Rather than

    Nigek Farage with his usual racist contbaggery, how about invoking the white cliffs of Dover and taking a long walk off of them?

    Full Member

    if you’re using a catch-all term like “boomer”

    Boomer was just a term for people born in a certain period like millennial or Gen-Z.  It had no negative connotations for a long time.  The voting record of boomers as a group is what has caused it to have negative connotations and therefore to be seen as an insult.

    Like it or not, we all get lumped into groups.  That’s literally what political parties are doing.  They don’t care about the views of you as an individual.  They only care about you as a member of a voting group.

    That’s why it’s so difficult to not talk about groups when you talk about politics.  It’s baked into the concept.

    You can scream, ‘I’m not a number, I’m a free man!’ all you like but in terms of politics I can 100% guarantee focus groups and political parties have assigned you a number and are targeting you based on that number, whether it applies to you as an individual or not.

    Interestingly, this is the first election in 50 years where the boomers aren’t the largest voting bloc.

    Full Member

    Not while a huge mass of rancid jingoistic pensioners continues to vote tory there isn’t.

    They are not a “huge mass”. They are not even a majority. They have a disproportionate hold on Tory policy, which is being exposed and ridiculed now, but again, if all you can do is call people names because you disagree with their unpleasant views, that says as much about you as it does about them.

    You’re setting up to play your part in the next intergenerational battle, not working constructively to reduce division and inequality.

    Full Member
    Free Member

    Thanks Bruce.

    This arbitrary division into named generations is so annoying.  I am so close to fitting an era which has not got a name.   There is also a lack of recognition that many of us coming on to the jobs market in the early 1980s may have had something of an “experience”. All lives are different and to assume you are a T*** based on DoB is very offensive.

    Finally for those older than myself – remember Johnson: take it on the chin, bodies pile up, they have had their lives. This is a group that did not just suffer silly collective names from the 1950s – they were all but culled when the Covid opportunity came round.   Our anomalous death rates were not accidental.

    Full Member

    All lives are different and to assume you are a T*** based on DoB is very offensive.

    No one is doing that.

    Once again, it’s very difficult (or impossible) to discuss politics without breaking people into voter groups.

    Full Member

    Lighten up S K, we weren’t all being entirely serious.

    Full Member

    People’s consciousness can change. It’s probably more useful to define people by class in relation to the means of production, buyers and sellers of labour power. That cuts across ages, ethnic groups, regions etc.

    Full Member

    It’s probably more useful to define people by class

    Maybe once. But when a lot of people doing middle class jobs think they’re working class (presumably because they have a job) it’s less helpful.

    Full Member

    It’s probably more useful to define people by class in relation to the means of production, buyers and sellers of labour power. That cuts across ages, ethnic groups, regions etc.

    The trouble there is at the last election there wasn’t much difference across this classification:

    Screenshot 2024-05-28 140437

    Like it or not, age is the single most reliable indicator* of the way you are likely to vote (again, not you as an individual).  Not talking about age is like trying to discuss politics in the 70s without talking about what people did for a living.

    *with the possible exception of education level

    Full Member

    such as? I’ll be a pensioner in a couple of years, and I’d hate to see any unexpected costs coming my way…

    Higher tax if educator gets his way 🤣

    As an up and coming pensioner have you factored in having the heating on all day if you can’t get out, more dentistry & opticians costs, care costs, travel insurance,  travel costs once you are no longer able to cycle or drive – just a few I can think of off the top of my head & yes there are reductions in costs in many areas too but suggesting it’s a one way street & old age is a bed of cheaper roses is not the full picture.

    Full Member

    I wasn’t far off with Farage. He hasn’t yet advocated carpet bombing the French coast but he has said the Royal Marines should be deployed to intercept and turn back boats

    Righto Nige. That’s not remotely mental.

    But the senile, racist pensioners of Eastbourne now want that to happen, not whatever Rishi is offering

    Full Member

    Can’t use the term pensioners now – that’s ageist

    Free Member

    If she buys say a cheaper £400K property, or even rent somewhere for rest of her life (she is over 80) then she is very well off isn’t she.

    Yeah, absolutely, but it requires someone to realise the paper/nominal value of their home by selling it instead of living in it! As long as someone just wants to carry on living in their home, or even if they just want to sell it and buy something similar, then it’s fair for them not to feel like they’re any “richer” day to day, because they’re not. We all need to live somewhere.

    Obviously it’s better than not to have a bunch of unearned wealth in the equity of the house in which you live – but you can only really “cash it in” once, by moving to live somewhere smaller or moving to live somewhere cheaper or not needing to live anywhere any more…because you’re dead.

    Full Member

    Would people prefer it if we used the generation’s full name?
    Babyboomers – rather than just Boomers? Or we could call them Babies? but that might get confusing

    Free Member

    You can access home equity via an equity release mortgage, no need to move out your home.

    Full Member

    I think it’s deliberate but not for the reasons stated.

    There’s nothing left

    You might be right.  You need Labour back in to rebuild a little bit of the state so you can come back in and strip it out later. The only problem is that I’m not sure Labour are going to do much rebuilding. It seems more like they’re going with ‘we won’t change anything at all’ rather than ‘we will rebuild’, so will there be anything to asset strip when the Tories get back in?

    Also I’m very, very wary about the glee in relation to the Tories haemorrhaging votes to Reform. A sharp swing rightwards should be a cause for real alarm, not seen as ‘ah, a return to sensible politics, I can’t wait for the calm and normal times that are surely ahead’.

    Free Member

    As an up and coming pensioner have you factored in having the heating on all day if you can’t get out, more dentistry & opticians costs, care costs, travel insurance,  travel costs once you are no longer able to cycle or drive – just a few I can think of off the top of my head & yes there are reductions in costs in many areas too but suggesting it’s a one way street & old age is a bed of cheaper roses is not the full picture.

    Just use your free bus pass to get you down to the local ‘spoons.

    Just £1.58 will buy you a  refillable cup for hot drinks. Spend all day there. Take your laptop for STW browsing . You can easily get 10,000 steps in by simply going to the toilet a few times

    Full Member

    The only problem is that I’m not sure Labour are going to do much rebuilding. It seems more like they’re going with ‘we won’t change anything at all’ rather than ‘we will rebuild’

    Labour at the moment seem to be going with “marginally less cunty than Tories” rather than anything actually aspirational.

    They’ve already said they’ll push that Tory-led Dangerous Cycling bill through in the next parliamentary term.

    Way to go Labour, focus on the big issues of the day there.

    Free Member

    The thing about stereotypes is that they work. Sure there are exceptions to prove the rule but as a boomer I recognise the traits of my own cohort in those around me . Brexit polling was some of the most interesting I’ve seen because it broke down voters into groups based on age and declared political leaning. The geography of the final results gave us the rest. The people I know who voted Brexit conform to all of the mainly negative traits attributed to the stereotypical Brexiteer. The Remainers didn’t conform to that stereotype.

    I had a chat with my middle-aged, Dutch, oil industry neighbour today. As we talked he ticked all the boxes you’d expect a middle-aged, Dutch, oil industry worker to tick. The assumptions I’d made meant I made no major faux pas and we got along fine even though we’re at oppposite ends of the political spectrum. He no doubt made assumtions about me too, however he was surprised to find someone with a British background doesn’t drink beer or anything alcoholic.

    Weighing people up quickly and accurately is useful skill, all the stereotypes you have in your head help. Master them well and you’re more likely to suceed, and less likely to get ripped off or punched in the face.

    I think a better term for those born 59-65 would be “Thatcher victims”.

    Full Member

    The thing about stereotypes is that they work.

    Weighing people up quickly and accurately is useful skill, all the stereotypes you have in your head help. Master them well and you’re more likely to suceed

    Does that apply to stereotypes based on race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, as well as those based on age and nationality?

    Free Member

    Ffs we did all this with “not all men”, get over it. We’re not talking about YOU, stop making it about YOU.

    I didn’t realise you were the spokesperson for others here.

    Free Member

    Yeah, absolutely, but it requires someone to realise the paper/nominal value of their home by selling it instead of living in it! As long as someone just wants to carry on living in their home, or even if they just want to sell it and buy something similar, then it’s fair for them not to feel like they’re any “richer” day to day, because they’re not. We all need to live somewhere.

    You’re looking at it form the perspective of someone who has the resultant expensive house.  Look at it from everyone else coming through below you point of view.  They have all the same outgoings, expenses and earning potential as you, AND they have to pay a £400k mortgage just to be in the same position.

    I had to explain to my grandparents why them saving up for 18months in the 60’s to buy a house isn’t comparable to me having to sign upto a 28 year mortgage and put aside £3k a month to cover it and bills and that was part of the reason why I wasn’t really considering having kids.

    Gran on the other side gets in through 😂 she quipped that thanks to rapid inflation her last few mortgage payments were the equivalent to about 50p a month.

    Full Member

    Never mind the polling, here’s the odds after the first week of campaigning


    Free Member

    How far down that list is a Con/Reform coalition?

    Free Member

    You’ve just listed them, you tell me if you apply them in that way, blokeupthe road. Some charateristics trump others. Nationality for example trumps all of those to such an extent that they’re irrelevant IMO. Nationality tells you about the education system someone has been through, the political sytem they’ve familiar with, very often the religious codes they’re likely to follow. Jobs trump all those too. Even the car you drive tells me so much more than race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation that they just aren’t worth considering. The driver of Zoé is less likely to drive like a dick that an BMW Xsomething driver and far less likely to refuse me priority as a cyclist, without knowing their gender, colour or whatever, they chose to drive BMW Xsomething, my neighbours father owns an Xsomething – Madame Edukator realisied it was his and muttered “figures”. So race/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation are useless sterotyping tools unless you’re racist, homophobic or whatever in which case you’ll probably be really crap at evaluating people.

    Full Member

    You’ve just listed them, you tell me if you apply them in that way, blokeupthe road.

    I’m not the one defending stereotyping as a useful tool to evaluate others or claiming that it’s a useful life skill. You did that, without specifying which ones you were referring to which is why I asked. So just the ones which support your own prejudices then?

    Full Member

    You’ve just listed them, you tell me if you apply them in that way, blokeupthe road. Some charateristics trump others. Nationality for example trumps all of those to such an extent that they’re irrelevant IMO. Nationality tells you about the education system someone has been through, the political sytem they’ve familiar with, very often the religious codes they’re likely to follow. Jobs trump all those too. Even the car you drive tells me so much more than race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation that they just aren’t worth considering. The driver of Zoé is less likely to drive like a dick that an BMW Xsomething driver and far less likely to refuse me priority as a cyclist, without knowing their gender, colour or whatever, they chose to drive BMW Xsomething, my neighbours father owns an Xsomething – Madame Edukator realisied it was his and muttered “figures”. So race/ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation are useless sterotyping tools unless you’re racist, homophobic or whatever in which case you’ll probably be really crap at evaluating people.

    The word you were looking for was “yes”.

    Full Member

    Craig Murray:

    I just heard Rachel Reeves launch Labour’s economic policy at Rolls Royce. Not one single word that Thatcher would not have said. And a great many words that Thatcher did say. Specifically the repeated spurious comparison between family finances and state finances.

    Full Member

    Can I suggest a new thread on the benefits of stereotyping?

    Full Member

    Can I suggest a new thread on the benefits of stereotyping?

    That’s exactly the sort of suggestion I’d expect from someone like you ;)

    Free Member

    So just the ones which support your own prejudices then?

    You’re assuming that stereotyping is always negative.

    Sterotyping is rife on this very forum. Drac is a parapedic therefore he is a good bloke/hero with 101 likes. I don’t have a problem with that stereotyping. There used to be 7 or 8 cops on here, they got much more mixed reactions despite being members of the emergency services too. TJ was a nurse, that got positive feedback. But you may have missed the shite that was dealt out to teachers on here a few years back and still is by some. When I told people I was a teacher in the UK I knew the assumptions they’d make on the basis of my profession. How how I laughed when I heard the daughter of the most anti-teacher person I knew had become a teacher – to be fair the guy did later admit he’d been wrong about teachers.

    “Prejudice – opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.”

    My wariness of BMX Xsomething drivers is based on reason and experience. I might help me live longer and avoid injury.

    Getting weary of this attack on me now. Blokeuptheroad your posting is full of stereotyping. He who lives in a glasshoues shouldn’t throw stones, right. Just a harmless example of food based nationality and class stereotyping then maybe we can get the thread back on track:

    Foods you dislike that everyone else loves

    Full Member

    That’s exactly the sort of suggestion I’d expect from someone like you 😉


    Full Member

    Summary of Tory election campaign so far

    Day0 A dead eyed Sunak u-turns & calls a GE in a torrential downpoor drowned out by D-Ream/Steve Bray

    Day1 Sunak gets caught out taking staged qs from Tory councilors dressed as warehouse workers, fails to organise a footy chat in a brewery

    Day2 Sunak has to ditch all his flagship policies (including Martyn’s law, who’s mum he’d promised way back on Day0would pass b4 summer)
    Refuses to pay out on his £1000 charity bet with Piers Morgan
    Sunak tries a relaunch at the place they launched the Titanic
    Tsunami of MPs quitting including Gove (having told his local tory Branch he would be standing) & Leadsome CCHQ now needs to find 150 candidates
    Sunak finishes the day being filmed building a red wall at a skills centre

    Day3 Sunak plans to take a day at home, but after the press finds out, manages a photo-op breakfast with some pensioners
    1st major policy announcement- mandatory national service for under 18s- money from this taken from leveling up fund

    Day4 President of Birmingham Young Conservatives quits & joins Lib Dems in protest over National Service Plan
    James Cleverly has to clarify that 18 year olds wont face jail if they refuse National Service & that they could also chose to be fire fighters or 1st aid responders
    Boris Johnsons confirms he will be out of the country for most of the election

    Day5 Outgoing Tory MP Lucy Allan urges voters to back Reform candidate- is immediately suspended from Tory Party
    CCHQ accidentally emailed Tory MPs blaming them for their failing campaign
    Steve Baker MP says national service plan wont work & sunak said there’d be no election until autumn, so he’ll be campaigning from his holiday in Greece
    Andy Street says he won’t run as an MP
    Tories needing to find 160 candidates in 10 days (including 30 ‘safe’ seats)
    2nd policy drop- quadruple lock for pensioners
    Anne-Marie Trevelyan MP says that parents would be fined if 18 year olds dont attend national service

    Full Member

    Lib Dems doing what they do

    Full Member

    Let’s face it, the election is either going to lead to a Labour government or an attempt to establish the shittest fascist state ever

    Thems the choices on offer folks, whatever age you are

    Full Member

    And a great many words that Thatcher did say.

    In the correct order?

    Full Member

    I blame the English.

    They voted for brexit, they voted tory, time after time over the last 14 years.

    Full Member

    Not while a huge mass of rancid jingoistic pensioners English continue to vote tory there isn’t.

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