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  • UK Election!
  • thecaptain
    Free Member

    I saw that kimbers but the way they split the refuk voters didn’t really look realistic to me regardless of what the survey said. Only about a third moving to Tory, really?

    Full Member

    I’m still on a 26″ wheel Mk1 Soul. I fear I’m the cycling equivalent of Rees-Mogg.

    Free Member

    I don’t know.  You are not as right wing as them but that doesn’t mean you are left wing.  What stuff do you believe in?


    Full Member

    I’m still on a 26″ wheel Mk1 Soul. I fear I’m the cycling equivalent of Rees-Mogg.

    Why, are you also making a reality tv show about your family?

    Full Member

    I’m still on a 26″ wheel Mk1 Soul. I fear I’m the cycling equivalent of Rees-Mogg.

    that would be a penny farthing.

    Full Member

    I saw that kimbers but the way they split the refuk voters didn’t really look realistic to me regardless of what the survey said. Only about a third moving to Tory, really?

    Thats been pretty consistent for a while now, yougov were polling on it last year and said only about 1/3rd of Reform voters were winnable for the Toires

    more recently they took a deep dive into it


    Full Member



    As expected the NWF is phoney financial vehicle to shift private money in and out with the losses if any taken by government.

    It’s apparently so easy to create 3bn for Ukraine every year but not so for public investment in the UK.

    A National Wealth Fund is completely unnecessary. There is a system already in place for government spending.

    Labour are as expected lying about the way things are funded.

    This will simply end with poor outcomes.

    Full Member

    that would be a penny farthing.

    Or a hobby horse

    Full Member

    Why, are you also making a reality tv show about your family?


    Unless Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse are writing it, I’m out.

    Free Member


    I was asking about political beliefs!  A right wing person can also believe in facts, but you are implying your friends don’t I guess.  They sound like **** but then we knew that as soon as you mentioned Reform.

    Free Member

    I saw that kimbers but the way they split the refuk voters didn’t really look realistic to me regardless of what the survey said. Only about a third moving to Tory, really?

    It’s sliding doors really, who knows what would have occurred as if Farage/Reform hadn’t popped up then maybe the Tories wouldn’t have gone further to the right, or other folk just wouldn’t have bothered voting at all etc.

    Free Member

    The Labour disaster starts. Mad Milliband has banned all new oil and gas drilling in the north sea, wrecking the industry, increasing our reliance on imports, increasing fuel insecurity and cost. It was widely predicted as he is a fully paid up member of the climate cult.

    And to reduce prison overcrowding they’re going to release more prisoners. Minimum sentence likely to drop from 50% to 40% of tariff.

    They’ve only been in a week. The terrifying Annalise Dodds is feverishly working on her woke identity politics legislation, which we are all really looking forward to.

    Roll on 5 years

    Full Member


    Free Member

    a fully paid up member of the climate cult.

    :Him and scientists eh?

    And to reduce prison overcrowding they’re going to release more prisoners. Minimum sentence likely to drop from 50% to 40% of tariff.

    Buying about 18 months on climbing prisoner numbers. Not really long enough to build more prisons, possibly long enough to come up with something more productive to do with them.

    The terrifying Annalise Dodds is feverishly working on her woke

    Woke ? ?  terrifying ? ??

    Sorry I know this is unimaginative trolling but it really did make me smile…


    Full Member

     Mad Milliband has banned all new oil and gas drilling in the north sea, wrecking the industry

    I feel like I’m wasting my time here, but the industry itself already knows its time is up.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    It was widely predicted as he is a fully paid up member of the climate cult.

    It was widely predicted because that’s what the’ve been saying they’d do for years now… …and we the people support it.

    And to reduce prison overcrowding they’re going to release more prisoners.

    Yup, awful, isn’t it. Now… why isn’t there enough prison space…?

    The terrifying Annalise Dodds is feverishly working on her woke identity politics legislation, which we are all really looking forward to.

    You’ll have to explain what you mean there I’m afraid… what’s the legislation you’re describing as “woke” and why does it affect you? Why are you scared? Would a hug help?

    Full Member

    I know being exposed to views different to your own is healthy, but what on earth is that all about @grimep ?!?

    Free Member

    Just how insecure do you have to be, to find Dodds “terrifying”?

    Full Member

    And to reduce prison overcrowding they’re going to release more prisoners. Minimum sentence likely to drop from 50% to 40% of tariff.

    You mean they have made public a policy the previous government planned to introduce quietly, whilst being opposed by the opposition? The same opposition who have now seen how bad things really are, and have to agree that there aren’t any better options. Politics is compromise.

    Full Member

    I know being exposed to views different to your own is healthy, but what on earth is that all about @grimep ?!?

    I think the problem is that grimep knows that he won’t be allowed to make his point in a more restraint and reasonable manner so he goes all out when he expresses his opposition to a political position

    Yesterday on thread I asked if people had noticed that there are only two nonwhite faces in the new Cabinet, I said that I hadn’t until this black guy pointed it out to me.

    Even I didn’t expect the reaction because I had dared to question a decision made by Keir Starmer, although more predictably I ended being called a troll, which is the standard response to anyone challenging this echo chamber in any way.

    Full Member

    I think the problem is that grimep knows that he won’t be allowed to make his point in a more restraint and reasonable manner so he goes all out when he expresses his opposition.

    That’s very charitable of you.

    Full Member

    And to reduce prison overcrowding they’re going to release more prisoners. Minimum sentence likely to drop from 50% to 40% of tariff.

    Here’s someone who I reckon probably knows more about the issue than you do.

    Full Member

    Yup, awful, isn’t it. Now… why isn’t there enough prison space…?

    I know the answer to this one.  14 years of punitive tory criminal justice policies resulting in a huge increase in prisoners combined with not building more jails.  We jail more folk for less nasty things than most european couuntries.

    Prison poluations consist of the mad the bad and the sad.  Only the bad should be in there

    Full Member

    I know the answer to this one.

    Half a point. You forgot the cutting of family and other support, and the trashing of the economy turning more people to crime.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    I wonder how many people are in prison because of austerity cuts to mental health and social care departments?

    Anyone got a chart of budget cuts versus increase in prison population?

    Full Member

    I know being exposed to views different to your own is healthy, but what on YOUR FLAT earth is that all about @grimep ?!?


    Free Member

    Its the political centre of the UK is much further right than in most of europe

    Well this is a bit complex. For a start, there are many different ways in which you can be ‘left’ or ‘right’ and you  can have a different alignment on different issues – see the authoritarianism/fiscal policy map linked earlier, only there are more than two dimensions.

    We in the UK are overall more socially progressive than most of Europe, in my opinion, but there is a gap between that and how we vote, generally.  The Tories often exploit that to reduce the state – but most people would love there to be more government spending on the things that are important to them.  They just don’t (or aren’t equipped) put two and two together, and this is what they can take advantage of.

    We had a right wing prime minister pushing through gay marriage.  I can’t imagine many European right wing leaders doing that.

    Full Member

    Now that I’ve stopped laughing at grimep’s ridiculous post, how about some facts regarding UK oil and gas production.

    Most of the oil produced in the UK is sold on International markets so stopping any new licences will do nothing to change oil security in the UK – nor will it have any impact on pricing. As an aside, the UK does not have refining capacity for most of it’s North Sea production.

    As for gas, it’s a little different in that production enters the UK network but, thanks to interconnecters, gas can be imported/exported as required.

    Producers have been reducing their reliance on fossil fuels by expanding into the green energy sector for many years.

    In summary, the claims that a ban on new North Sea licences will…wreck the industry, increase reliance on imports, increase prices, increase fuel insecurity are demonstrably false.

    As always, the 4Fs apply here – First Find the F’in Facts.

    Full Member

    We in the UK are overall more socially progressive than most of Europe,

    Check out pensioins, benefits and emplyment rights.  Also many european states had gay marriage year or decades before we did.


    Folk in the UK like to think they are but really we are not – its just stuff we are still fighting for has been the norm in many european countries for ages and because there is no discussion on it becaujse its just an accepted part of the status quo we do not realise they have it.

    Free Member

    Check out pensioins, benefits and emplyment rights.

    I said socially progressive.

    Also many european states had gay marriage year or decades before we did.

    Netherlands was the first in Europe in 2001, there were 6 others before the UK.  But my point is that it was a right-wing premier that pushed it through.

    Full Member

    Only because the right-wing didn’t have a majority of seats. The coalition meant the LibDems (esp Featherstone) could put forward a policy, which Labour then overwhelmingly supported, and the majority of Conservatives and those from the minor right-wing parties voted against.

    Full Member

    there were 6 others before the UK.

    15 if I can still count.  I just a link to the numbers

    Full Member

    You do not think looking after the poor, pensioners and workers rights is socially progressive?

    Free Member

    I think the problem is that grimep knows that he won’t be allowed to make his point in a more restraint and reasonable manner so he goes all out when he expresses his opposition to a political position

    Or, you know, they could just be trolling.  The clue is that they make comments which are clearly going to get a reaction but then NEVER come back to any of the discussion they have just triggered.

    Pretty much the definition of trolling and something I would never accuse you of.

    If they want to actually discuss what they have posted then maybe join in with the discussion?

    Full Member

    I ended being called a troll,

    Because you were trolling. You get the same fair shout on here like everyone else, and everyone else is free to come to a conclusion about a post made by any poster. I doubt anyone – you included, lost any sleep over it.

    Full Member

    So it looks like the first things that are (somewhat predictably) about to collapse are the prison system and the water companies

    Both have been scandalously badly managed for the last 15 years and its going to be intersting to see how the government deals with these absolute shitshows that have landed in its lap.

    Theres just been a spokesman for the water industry on Radio 4 trying to play the victim card as if they’re being hard dome by that the government isn’t going to just let them carry on like the last lot did

    Full Member

    Water companies?  ~allow them to increase bills when they should let them go bust on paper then buy them back for £1

    Full Member

    Well is there any point in grimep trying to engage in a more reasonable manner? I try my best and unless I wholeheartedly agree with the consensus it gets me nowhere.

    99% of punters on here might well be “delighted” with a Labour majority government but according to YouGov only 13% of the British public are.


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