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    What a thoroughly nasty bitch this woman is…

    Be more Abbot, less Braverman.

    Full Member

    Farage being an arse taking pot shots already… everyone else managing positive comments only.

    Full Member

    Oh dear. Farage couldn’t help but throw some irrelevant shit in the air.lol

    Full Member

    As graceless as ever

    Free Member

    Edit – the blue labour label may well be some of the front bench.  Its not really an ideology tho is it?

    Who determines when something becomes an Ideology?

    Full Member

    She’ll be leading the Tories into an absolute civil war… and they will still be outflanked by Reform on the right.

    She is effectively already the Conservative wing of the Reform Party, given her comments on ‘welcoming’ Farage. It’s been obvious for some time that a chunk of the most awful Tory MPs are expecting Farage to take a senior role in the party pre-2029, and so they are fawning over him now.

    All Farage wants is the historical Conservative brand. It’s his only route to power. He’s like the Mike Ashley of politics, waiting for the party to fail (which it now has) and popping in to take anything of value.

    Moderates (and yes, there are still some) will leave of their own accord or be purged, and the likes of that weird AI candidate will be parachuted in as Conservatives.

    Full Member

    Oh dear. Farage couldn’t help but throw some irrelevant shit in the air.lol

    Was that Bercow he was having a pop at?

    Full Member

    ^ Yep.

    Full Member

    Cruella holds views that even most Reform voters probably find a bit much. We’re getting into proper EDL Tommy Robinson territory here. What she’s saying today is sailing close to her being able to be charged with hate speech. I’m sure she’d absolutely love that and wear it as a badge of honour about her being silenced by the ‘woke mob’ or something.

    The problem for the Tories is, as the truce before the leadership bids dissolves, the Tory mebership all asolutely love her and agree with what she’s saying. If she ends up on the final ballot, she’s in with a real shot of the leadership. Add to that the fact that Badanoch and Jenrick are only slightly less extreme in their views, they’re just a bit more coy about voicing them

    Full Member

    Good noises coming out from the doctors/Streeting meeting. :good:

    (Oh lord, those emojis! I must apologise to all concerned. Lol)

    Full Member


    Is the house speaker obliged to give a question to every pussy at PMQ’s… you all know why I’m asking. Lol

    Full Member

    I don’t even think she believes most of what she says

    Wasn’t it Maya Angelou who said, when they tell you who they are, believe them. I think Braverman believes in every thing she says.

    Full Member

    I think Braverman believes in every thing she says.

    So do I. I still can’t quite believe that someone as obviously unhinged as that was enywhere near one of the most senior offices of state. Twice! That in itself stands as a testement to how insane this present incarnation of the tory party is

    Full Member

    Who determines when something becomes an Ideology?

    good question.  I love it when I get questions like that :-)


    Full Member

    Full Member

    Is the house speaker obliged to give a question to every p**** at PMQ’s… you all know why I’m asking. Lol

    I mean, party, party, not *****. Sorry mods!

    Full Member

    That is an amazing typo poopscoop

    Full Member

    I mean, party, party, not *****. Sorry mods!

    Predictive text letting you down by bringing up commonly used words?

    Full Member

    I bloody hate this mobile sometimes. ;D

    Full Member

    Was that Bercow he was having a pop at?

    ^ Yep.

    Ah of course. Brexit. I forgot.

    I was watching it with subtitles of and sound off and at at the end of his “speech” the subtitle “CHUNTERING” popped up.

    Full Member


    Lol, nice word.

    Free Member

    Is this the under promise / over deliver the Starmer fans were saying would happen?

    I hope so. The advantage of being vague and not saying much is that you can do loads of things that weren’t mentioned during the campaign without breaking any promises.

    Free Member

    Is the house speaker obliged to give a question to every p**** at PMQ’s… you all know why I’m asking. Lol

    No, IIRC the precedent is:

    1st MP’s question

    6 questions from the LOTO if the 1st question was asked from the governments benches, if not the 2nd MP’s question gets asked, then it’s LOTO

    The remaining 13 questions, alternating sides.

    If the random ballot doesn’t produce an even number the speaker selects from the MP’s who stand after the PM has finished speaking.

    2 questions from the 3rd largest party (so this time the SNP won’t automatically get a question)

    I’ve no idea if some other horse trading goes on behind the scenes to establish which other questions get asked, they have to submitted the week before so I presume there must be some way to ensure that some current questions get added.

    Full Member

    Who determines when something becomes an Ideology?

    Are you new here?

    Full Member

    I presume there must be some way to ensure that some current questions get added.

    I guess that falls under ‘urgent questions’ https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/business/urgent-questions/ but I don’t know if there is any other mechanism.

    Full Member

    Free Member
    Is the house speaker obliged to give a question to every p**** at PMQ’s… you all know why I’m asking. Lol

    No, IIRC the precedent is:

    Thank you for taking the time to type that. <Thumb up>

    Free Member

    When people say this, they mean: He does not share the same ideology with me.

    It’s pretty arrogant to assume that you know what others are thinking.

    Full Member

    BBC wasting no excuse to feature Farridge on the 6 o’clock news

    Full Member

    Time for this thread to be closed and, possibly, a new one – Labour Government 2024 onwards or similar – to be opened.

    Displaying the high levels of competency for which they’ve become renowned, the tories managed to cock–up the election of a new leader of the 1922 committee. The notification sent out by the whips showed the wrong times with the actual cut-off earlier than that notified which meant that hunt, françois and others turned up too late to vote; the general was most unhappy.

    Full Member

    Displaying the high levels of competency for which they’ve become renowned, the tories managed to cock–up the election of a new leader of the 1922 committee.

    Bless their little cotton’s. They can’t help themselves.

    Full Member

    From the Beeb:

    Starmer makes five new Labour MPs ministers – instantly

    Henry Zeffman
    Chief political correspondent

    It is highly unusual to make a new MP a minister instantly. But that is what Sir Keir Starmer has just done, five times over, before he made his way across the Atlantic.

    Georgia Gould is a parliamentary secretary at the Cabinet Office
    Alistair Carns is minister for veterans
    Miatta Fahnbulleh is an energy minister
    Sarah Sackman is solicitor general
    Kirsty McNeill at the Scotland Office

    Each has an impressive career before politics and, evidently, the new prime minister’s view is that he wants to draw on their service instantly.

    At face value, when you see their earlier careers, they all seem like sound choices.

    Full Member

    Jess Phillips makes a return to the Labour frontbench as a junior minister in the Home Office.

    She resigned over the Gaza ceasefire vote.

    Full Member

    Interesting poopscoop – there really does seem to be a change of direction over Gaza / Isreal

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Interesting poopscoop – there really does seem to be a change of direction over Gaza / Isreal

    Yeah, she should be on the front bench, I’m glad to see her return.

    Full Member

    I’ve only just realised that Mark Francois got re-elected…..how?

    Full Member

    So did Esther mcvey?

    Full Member

    Already removed the utterly stupid de facto ban on land wind turbines (clause in the regs / implementation guide said any objection at planning would = not approved. And there is ALWAYS going to be at least one objection – even if just from an oil company).

    Full Member

    Full Member
    I’ve only just realised that Mark Francois got re-elected…..how?

    His extensive military career meant he made some powerful and influential friends along the way. I’ll say no more…

    He also made powerful enemies too but they, well they end up in a place where they can do him no harm.

    He moves amongst us as of a shadow, not the hero we want, perhaps, but the hero we need.

    Full Member

    As for bars in Westminster…

    – only thing the Tories didn’t sell off to let someone else make a profit.  Wonder why not ?.

    In the early 1990s the then Tory Gov passed legislation to force drug and alcohol testing on the railway industry.   Tested (inc for traces of past use of illegal substances, not just ‘the present moment) at employment, and any change in role that is safety critical (eg drivers, signallers, controllers, etc etc).

    Also random testing, and testing for anyone involved in a safety related incident.

    Fail and it’s instant dismissal + barred from the industry for life unless there’s a fecken good reason + any prescription drugs declared before.

    Thresholds are far more stringent than normal civvy life – eg alcohol threshold is 30mg/100ml vs 80 for drink-drive (30 being the level where natural fermentation etc can  in the stomach can be the reason).

    Someone I know tested positive for opioids – which were traced back to eating poppy seed buns before the test (was not sacked for that).

    Need to roll that legislation to the Commons given they are making decisions that impact of millions and can (like with the covid clusterfest) cost hundreds of thousands of lives.  Could send thousands of military to their deaths, etc.

    Full Member

    Full Member
    Already removed the utterly stupid de facto ban on land wind turbines

    Have to agree, the costs involved in off shoring them always made the effective ban ridiculous. We’ll look back at the current contention a little like the period when telephone masts and plyons went up.. Hell, pylons are a little unpleasant asthetically but I quite like wind farms. Either way, given the need for renewables onshore farms have to be one of the least bad options.

    Full Member


    Labour has appointed one of the country’s foremost climate experts to lead a “mission control centre” on clean energy.

    Chris Stark, the former head of the UK’s climate watchdog, will head a Covid vaccine-style taskforce aimed at delivering clean and cheaper power by 2030.

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