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    Full Member

    I bought my flat from someone who’d bought it from the council.

    Does this mean I’m not allowed to vote for Labour?

    Full Member

    There’s more alumni from Parrs Wood High School in the cabinet (2) than Eton.

    According to my godson, who should not try and make it three!

    Good writeup on the Beeb covering this and a few more statistics including gender and ethnicity.


    Full Member

    TJ you can’t lay the blame for lack of council housing at the door of people who bought council houses. All they did was to rightly take advantage of a govt subsidy to working class people to enable them to own the home they’d been renting for years, and they are all now much better off as a result. The fault for lack of social housing lies squarely with the tory (and then new labour) govts for not replacing that housing stock with new better quality homes. Successive govts have deliberately engineered scarcity in the housing market to inflate asset prices in order to create an economic feelgood factor which fools people into thinking they’re richer than they are. It’s got bollocks all to do working class people buying council houses.

    What were they supposed to do? Say ‘No thanks Mrs Thatcher/Mr Major/Mr Blair for your generous offer of discount housing that will provide my family with a secure roof over their heads for the rest of their lives, there’s a pinko liberal in Scotland and some other middle class lefty types who don’t like it and I don’t want to be a hypocrite’?

    Full Member

    I thought is was just the Telegraph making stuff up

    But nope the Green co-leader is going full NIMBY trying to block new renewables infrastructure :scratch:

    Full Member

    The problem was that Thatcher forbid the councils from building more houses to replace the ones that were bought by long term renters.

    One of the many reasons the economy of fhooked is that so much of it is based on the housing market value (rather than actual creating something) – it’s like a giant Ponzi scheme.

    Full Member

    The Truss Moment described and the short run upto it at the count.

    For your entertainment.


    The thing that gets me here is the insistance that electoral failure is due to not delivering what they promised, rather than realising people largely didn’t want what they promised. Fine – stay out of office if you insist.

    Full Member

    Our new minister (Steve Reed – Defra) has just held a session to introduce his priorities.

    He’s normal. Doesn’t appear to resent the role, on the face of it seems to understand the issues and you’d trust him to walk your dog.

    A stark contrast from the last few years.

    Full Member

    I thought is was just the Telegraph making stuff up

    But nope the Green co-leader is going full NIMBY trying to block new renewables infrastructure

    As I understand it, the National Grid want it done on the cheap (pylons), locals want them to spend more and use underground/undersea cables instead.  Not sure why supporting the latter is a conflict of interest for Green?

    Free Member

    The ban on onshore wind lifted? I think she referred to it as nonsensical. Absolutely bloody right!

    It wasn’t a ban, but the planning conditions were so onerous that only two have been built in recent years. I played a small part in one of them.

    They’ve also said that they will rescind the ministerial statement on the disapplication of net zero planning policy. Good news.

    Full Member

    As I understand it, the National Grid want it done on the cheap (pylons), locals want them to spend more and use underground/undersea cables instead.  Not sure why that’s a conflict of interest for Green?

    tunnels through picturesque tory constituencies is what blew up the cost of  HS2 ! and has been rumbling on for over a year now, back & forth in consultation for the energy infrastructure for a new windfarm, even though tunnels are much more expensive, have a higher environmental impact,, more expensive to maintain, take much longer and have a bigger carbon footprint

    this is about protecting the view, which is a valid argument I suppose

    Full Member

    you’d trust him to walk your dog.

    A stark contrast from the last few years

    Tory MP Mark Menzies interviewed by police over claims he got dog drunk and started brawl with friend

    Friend reportedly had to spend almost £500 getting emergency vet to treat dog for ‘intoxication’


    Full Member

    Funny scenario – Imaging its 1945, and father/brother/uncle returns to Clacton from fighting in ww2 and their kid reaches 18(or voting age)
    ‘ well now son, you’ve reached voting age, so who are you going to vote for ? ‘

    ‘I’m going to vote for the fascist party’

    Demobbed soldier checks pack for army issue bayonet.

    It’s certainly something you could remind those voters on Remembrance Sunday.

    Full Member

    tunnels through picturesque tory constituencies is what blew up the cost of HS2 ! and has been rumbling on for over a year now, back & forth in consultation for the energy infrastructure for a new windfarm, even though tunnels are much more expensive, have a higher environmental impact,, more expensive to maintain, take much longer and have a bigger carbon footprint

    I believe the preferred option for the campaigners is to use off-shore cables for further, and come on-shore near Tilbury (where it’s needed) rather than go over Suffolk/Essex/Etc.

    No tunnels needed.

    Previous cable that came on-shore was buried (admittedly only covered 25 miles), was impressive to see the trench along such a distance at the time.  Would barely know it was there now (about 5 years later).

    Full Member

    the connectors then require more infrastructure

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    Full Member

    TJ you can’t lay the blame for lack of council housing at the door of people who bought council houses.

    which I didn’t.  What I said was a labour politician / activist who did this knowing the political and social implications gives me a nasty taste in my mouth.  She climbed the ladder and pulled it up after her because her actions ensured that that council house was not going to be there for a family in need.

    To me this is hypocritical

    I made no comment on general members of the public doing it

    Can I also point out I said I do believe Raynor is bright, capable and driven.  good qualities to have in government.

    Free Member

    I thought is was just the Telegraph making stuff up

    But nope the Green co-leader is going full NIMBY trying to block new renewables infrastructure

    See also, any Green councilor.  They’ll talk about the housing crisis nationally, but as soon as it comes to sitting in opposition at a council meeting will block any development they can.

    I like fields. I also don’t really like that the price of a 4-bed detached (i.e. nice, but not that nice) round here is rapidly creeping towards a million.

    Free Member

    I made no comment on general members of the public doing it

    She was a member of the public when she did it.

    Full Member

    Have we done “some Reform candidates appear not to exist” yet?


    Free Member

    She was a family in need though, she bought the house eight years before she was an mp ans sold it 5 years before she was an mp. Are you suggesting labour party activists, councillors, members can’t buy their council house either? You’re off your tits if so.

    Free Member

    think TJ’s been drinking the gammon flavoured kool aid

    Full Member

    Full Member
    The Truss Moment described and the short run upto it at the count.

    For your entertainment.


    The thing that gets me here is the insistance that electoral failure is due to not delivering what they promised, rather than realising people largely didn’t want what they promised. Fine – stay out of office if you insist.

    I know, the lack of ability by Truss and other Tories to face the reality of why they lost the election is scary. Why scary? These patently incompetent ideological zealots have been running the country for years. They should never have been anywhere near government, they fact they were voted in and empowered by a morally bankrupt party is shameful and tragically sad.

    Full Member

    think TJ’s been drinking the gammon flavoured kool aid

    … the variant that temporarily turns you from a normal person to a misogynistic, Manc-hating, anti-ginger . ?

    I don’t believe he’s any of those things but continuing the argument will end up in further stupid comments. Next thing it will be that her curtains are the wrong shade of lilac and her wee smells of aspargus ‘cos she’s not a real socialist !!

    If this was a pub brawl I reckon Rayner would win !

    Full Member

    If this was a pub brawl I reckon Rayner would win !

    I’m not taking that bet!  Im a lover not a fighter

    Full Member


    Full Member

    What is going on with emojis and photos


    Full Member

    I think its the “I’m a northern gobshite” shtick

    Is that going to be the shtick to beat her with?

    Full Member

    Er. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure you were the one , a few pages back, saying that Labour losses weren’t due to a Muslim vote. Make up your mind

    No not me. Someone else called Ernie? Didn’t all five pro-Palestine independents win in seats formally held by Labour and in areas with high Muslim populations?

    Labour has lost half a million votes since the previous general election, the idea that this was all down to one single factor isn’t feasible. It was obviously down to a variety of issues, including Starmer’s preelection position on Gaza which was clearly not popular with many Muslim voters.

    Presumably some people appear to be denying or greatly minimising Gaza as an election issue because it doesn’t fit in comfortably with their preferred narrative. I suspect that 5 independents in one UK general election is unprecedented. The one thing all 5 have in common was opposition to Starmer’s stance, and the fact that they were all former Labour Party members.

    Although that stance seems to be now shifting (I don’t remember Starmer criticising the Tory government for trying to disrupt Netanyahu’s arrest) something which I greatly welcome.

    Full Member

    It’s certainly something you could remind those voters on Remembrance Sunday.

    Though come Remembrance Sunday it’s the flag shaggers that think they are the patriots.

    Full Member

    Personally I like Angela Rayner, I like her a lot. I have heard heard her speak at rallies and she is excellent.

    I certainly trust her more than most Labour MPs but I don’t trust her quite as much as I like her.

    Full Member

    Easy Tiger…..

    Full Member

    What’s she supposed to do with a house she doesn’t need because she’s got married? She can’t reasonably hand it back. There’s no suggestion she was holding a gun to someone to force them to buy at above market prices. You can’t be a left wing landlord.

    Free Member

    We should really do the ‘apparently’ ai generated reform candidate. I mean it’s clearly in no one’s interest to look into that! (Well maybe the Tories, but not labour and not reform!)

    Full Member

    In other news…cameron resigns from sunak’s shadow cabinet; what a surprise…not.

    Full Member

    locals want them to spend more and use underground/undersea cables instead.

    There is neither the time nor do I want to spend more money than necessary on this (our standing charges will fund this not central government nor national grid). Off shore may be cheaper but is more vulnerable to Russian interference and repairs will take longer than onshore. There’s all ready one transmission line along the route that has just had it’s capacity increased by 50% an extra line is not going to detract from the view it’s all ready ruined.

    Free Member

    It’s almost like a few posters can’t let go of the aggro after 14 years and are now having to pick fights over minutiae and irrelevances to satisfy that need. It’s been less than 100 hours…

    Mind you, I am interested in the Angela Rayner dancing in denim shorts footage… I can’t find it on YT.

    My FB feed is full of vids of Lauren Bell doing tiktok dances – presumably because I googled her once to prove to someone that she was also a pro-level track cyclist.


    Full Member

    Mind you, I am interested in the Angela Rayner dancing in denim shorts footage… I can’t find it on YT.

    It’s on X, GBeebies went a bit mad over it… as they basically get angry over… everything.

    Full Member

    GBeebies just couldn’t handle it.

    The only acceptable dancing for them is either gove off his tits raving, or pritti awful and niggle farridge getting their groove on

    Full Member

    Lauren Bell the cyclist is not (also) Lauren Bell the cricketer.

    Free Member

    Lauren Bell the cyclist is not (also) Lauren Bell the cricketer.

    Bloody Nora, you’re right!

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