I think you're talking waffle !. Look again at the pictures of the inside of this light. Glue, hand filed edges on plastic lenses held in with silicone and wire from the skip doesn't put this light in the same category as product from Hope, for example.
Development, yes, well don't forget this light is more than the product of one person. This thread has two examples of how the OP has borrowed ideas from others and used them to turn quite a tidy profit.
However the marketing strategy is sublime. This thread gets nudged every other day to pop back up onto the front page of the forums, just to keep reeling in the sales, even though all the first batch are allegedly sold out.
A light using new LEDs, which has not yet been tested, and there are some who are parting with proper money for this.
Each to there own, you pays your money….
But "it's gone from a fairly typical homebrew with a bit of sophistication, to a truly professional, quality light that would happily sit alongside a Hope or Exposure light in a shop display case" is a little much. IMO.