Been busy today built up a LL with the last of my XPEs and took lots of pics to do a how to build it thingy some time soon .
also went walkabout with the hound so used the oportunity to get some sample beam shots so I will be able to compare the old leds to the new
I will try a few combinations to see which you all prefer but it will take a few days
first up is the side on shot requested .
I am as far away from the camera as I could get in 9 seconds with a dog trying to trip me up
a similar shot from behind
now a shot normal on high with 6 narrow optics
and a shot with 4 narrow and 2 eliptical
when I take pouch out tomorrow i will do
2 narrow 2 med and 2 eliptical .which is my preference for on the bars
Remember these are not the XPG leds
Oh and the tree at the back is well over 100 metres away will measure tomorrow