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  • Tottenham Riots
  • CaptainFlashheart
    Free Member

    You should see how the thread turns nasty later once everybody’s had a chilled Chablis later and returns with his or her innovative methods. It definitely got a bit mental post watershed last night

    I’ve got a large bottle of Leffe Blonde chilling. Could get messy! 😉

    Free Member

    God this is a depressing read…..


    Millwall fans

    Heh…fair play.

    Full Member

    Rudi Giuliani’s zero tolerance policing. Worked in the Big Apple, it’ll work here.

    As others have said, it wasn’t all that. Some have suggested it had more to do with “Roe vs Wade” than “Rudi Can’t Fail”

    NYC crime drop due to demographic change after legal abortions began[/url]

    Free Member

    You know, of all the accusations and counter-accusations seen in this thread, the one which so far seems to have gone unchallenged is that all the coppers in this country are hate-filled, bent liers. Well, I would just like to go on record as saying that I think we should be thankful for the police force we have. I am sure there is a small minority of bad-uns, but looking at some of those feeds from last night, who on here would be willing to face up to one of those mobs?

    Free Member

    I’ve got a large bottle of Leffe Blonde chilling.

    Ha, I see your Belgian Effete Beer and raise you a:

    Free Member

    Interesting druidh – who made that accusation ‘cos I havent seeen it been made by anyone.

    Free Member

    You know, of all the accusations and counter-accusations seen in this thread, the one which so far seems to have gone unchallenged is that all the coppers in this country are hate-filled, bent liers. Well, I would just like to go on record as saying that I think we should be thankful for the police force we have. I am sure there is a small minority of bad-uns, but looking at some of those feeds from last night, who on here would be willing to face up to one of those mobs?

    +1. In fact, + Many.

    Kato, there’s a pint with your name on it, any time you want. The Harp, behind Charing Cross nick if you can make it.

    Free Member

    who on here would be willing to face up to one of those mobs?

    I’m sat by the phone in my Dainese armour and TLD helmet – bombers by my side, waiting for the call…

    Full Member

    dd, that beer’s only 3.9 abv ??????????????????

    ok as a driving beer I suppose.

    Free Member

    is that all the coppers in this country are hate-filled, bent liers.

    Who made this claim? On what thread? I haven’t seen it.

    sorry Druidh – normally you are a reasonable guy but thats a gross distortion of peoples positions. No one has said that at all.

    Free Member

    dd, that beer’s only 3.9 abv

    La la la la la la la la la la la la la la – I’m not listening.


    Free Member

    ok as a driving beer I suppose.

    ….or a mixer.

    Free Member

    is that all the coppers in this country are hate-filled, bent liers.

    Some people want NYPD here – now that’s a bunch of hate-filled, bent liars for ya. I know a few cops – there are even a few on STW – and I tell you, for cops, they’re alright you know 🙂

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member

    What to do?

    Death from above.

    Shurely the dove from above would be better?

    Free Member

    surely the proper drink for this thread?

    Free Member

    ….or a mixer.

    What’s one of those?

    Free Member

    Shurely the dove from above would be better?

    I give it 5 mins before it’s been stripped of all its feathers.

    Free Member

    You know, of all the accusations and counter-accusations seen in this thread, the one which so far seems to have gone unchallenged is that all the coppers in this country are hate-filled, bent liers.

    Oh who said that then? No one did really, did they? A few have questioned the motives of senior management, but I dont recall anyone saying that ALL coppers are like that. THAT WOULD BE STUPID.

    Come on, you just wanted to say something emotional and positive about the police didn’t you? Nothing wrong with that. Be brave.

    Free Member

    It’s what you drink with Special Brew to make it palatable dd 😉

    Free Member

    More an implication than an outright accusation I’d say, and aimed at the organisation rather than any individual officers.
    The police are stuck between a rock and a hard place, condemned if they stand off and villified if they go in – I certainly wouldn’t do their job under these or any circunstances…….

    Free Member

    some interesting footage on Sky News of groups of civilians prepared to apprehend looters
    power to the people!

    Full Member

    Apparently there at it at Deepdale retail park in Preston.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    and also groups of local people going out to help victims of looting with the clean up, sometimes it takes hard times to bring out the best in people, let’s hope something ‘good’ comes out of all this eh…..

    Free Member

    Oh right, I thought it was another one of your euphemisms. 😕

    Full Member

    condemned if they stand off and villified if they go in – I certainly wouldn’t do their job under these or any circunstances

    The vigilante groups in Enfield seem to be having a go, wonder how that may end.

    Free Member

    wonder how that may end.


    Full Member

    Handy tool to find out if the rioters will be near you.

    Just enter your postcode


    Free Member

    The police are stuck between a rock and a hard place, condemned if they stand off and villified if they go in

    I think the mood of the (decent) public at the moment is the only thing the police should be vilified for is not going in hard enough. You can’t carry a looted telly if you have both arms broken.

    Free Member

    According to Sky News they are kicking off in my town now. Apparently it’s bullshit according to the local police.

    If that is the case, then Sky need to have a word with themselves……idiots.

    Full Member

    The pictures don’t match the tone of reporting. Drop the dead donkey and all that..

    Not much happening in reality

    Free Member

    I wonder at which point being a publicly spirited individual turns into being a vigilante?

    Not forgetting of course that legally and constitutionally, “it is the duty of every citizen when an arrestable offence is about to be committed in his presence to take whatever reasonable measures are available to him to prevent the commission of the crime”

    Free Member

    Off you trot then Zulu – you must be itching to get at ’em after your earlier outburst.

    Full Member

    Anybody watching Sky news. The rotund old bloke in full Sikh get up with a massive sword and a smile 🙂 guarding the temple.

    Made me smile

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Does anyone know where Met press releases can be read online? (Have tried the website, struggling to find press releases in their entirety).

    Free Member

    fair play to the Sikhs!

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Can I ask where you got that flat screen Sony TV from?

    Free Member

    If that mob outside the temple doesn’t disperse, the police will be forced to use their sikh heating missiles.

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