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  • Top Gear's Clarkson suspended by BBC
  • martinhutch
    Full Member

    So our prime minister thinks it’s ok to come out in defence of a boorish racist who assaulted someone because they didn’t get their dinner when they wanted it.

    He currently has 650,000 reasons and rising…

    Free Member

    My god is this still going,haven’t you chattering classes got some gravel to eat or something. 🙂

    Free Member

    He currently has 650,000 reasons and rising…

    Cohen wont care. He wants something different for Sunday evenings. Cars are prehistoric.

    Free Member

    mingling with his fellow racially insensitive types

    Full Member

    Cars are prehistoric.

    Mine certainly is. Hasn’t even got an aux in on the stereo.

    Free Member

    Richard Littlejohn should hits the a nail on into the his head.

    Full Member

    rbc87 – Member
    Richard Littlejohn hits the nail on the head.

    Aftr reading it, I don’t agree.

    James May is equally as right wing as JC, have a read of his Telegraph columns.
    No one dislikes him.

    No one dislikes Clarkson because he’s right wing.
    Perhaps they dislike him because he’s a tasteless, thoughtless, arrogant, egotistical bore?

    Full Member

    So our prime minister thinks it’s ok to come out in defence of a boorish racist who assaulted someone because they didn’t get their dinner when they wanted it.

    Well our Dave has never been shy of a bit of populist opportunism.

    But then they are besties so he would stick up for him

    Full Member

    James May is equally as right wing as JC, have a read of his Telegraph columns.
    No one dislikes him.

    No one dislikes Clarkson because he’s right wing.
    Perhaps they dislike him because he’s a taseteless, thoughtless, arrogant, egotistical bore?

    I imagine that May at least makes a passing effort in meetings to disguise his distaste for BBC management, whereas Clarkson feels no such obligation.

    Free Member

    Cars are prehistoric.
    Mine certainly is. Hasn’t even got an aux in on the stereo.

    Mines got a tape player FFS.

    Free Member

    I imagine that May at least makes a passing effort in meetings to disguise his distaste for BBC management, whereas Clarkson feels no such obligation.

    Yes. No. So that’s all good, then.

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner nails it – I dont mind James May either, quite like him in fact.

    Free Member

    Interesting, if you look at BARB figures, top gear is not only BBC2’s biggest programme by a long chalk, but bigger than anything ITV have except coronation street!

    Free Member

    Depending how Cohen handles this it could sink him. Interesting to watch what happens next.

    Free Member

    Interesting, if you look at BARB figures, top gear is not only BBC2’s biggest programme by a long chalk, but bigger than anything ITV have except coronation street!

    50 million Germans can’t be wrong.

    Full Member

    Just seen a picture that’s convinced me Grayson Perry is the right person for the job;

    Free Member

    So our prime minister thinks it’s ok to come out in defence of a boorish racist who assaulted someone because they didn’t get their dinner when they wanted it.

    “I don’t know exactly what happened. He is a constituent of mine, he is a friend of mine, he is a huge talent. I see that he said he regrets some of what happened. All I would say, because he is a talent and he does amuse and entertain so many people, including my children who’ll be heartbroken if Top Gear is taken off air, I hope this can be sorted out because it is a great programme and he is a great talent.”

    he said defending the boorish buffoon censored for racism who has just punched his boss.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Stewart Lee ‘why I hate Top Gear’ <—- what he said. Actually made me spit coffee, so there is that.

    Full Member

    Yup Malvern that joke has been done too. Top Gear haters are very repetitive.

    Full Member

    Top Gear haters are very repetitive.

    They ran out of fresh ideas after about series five.

    Full Member

    They ran out of fresh ideas after about series five.

    They use to make jokes about cars but now the just do hamster jokes.

    Free Member

    whilst the lovers are so original[ just like the show]

    Full Member

    whilst the lovers are so original[ just like the show]

    This is like some sort of race. Will it be a close finish I wonder?

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Top Gear haters are very repetitive.

    Hmmm. It’s like when you take issue with intolerant people, and their best comeback is to call you intolerant for not tolerating their intolerance. Me – not a ‘hater’, more of a yawner on that one – but I did find this funny, and one of the things I like about that sketch is the accuracy re the TG ‘formula’.

    Free Member

    I’d like to see JC replaced by Guy Martin 8)

    Free Member

    I’d like to see JC replaced by Guy Martin

    Perfect if you want to see TG destroyed.

    Free Member

    I can’t quite figure out why they keep referring to TG as a ‘factual’ programme !!? It’s light entertainment sherly.

    Free Member

    So did we actually get any real info yet or are we still at the stage where people who like top gear think that punching someone is okay and people who hate it think it should be pulled off air and Clarkson fired without much evidence?

    FWIW if there was an allegation that someone at work had punched someone else, the puncher would be suspended while we got to the bottom of things. So far the only fact we know seems to indicate that the BBC are acting responsibly from an HR point of view but that’s not to say pulling the whole show makes sense.

    Free Member

    Of all the most offended by JC I’m surprised it’s not Motorcycle News leading the charge, after all they are currently fighting Israel for the (feel) most persecuted of the decade trophy and JC doesn’t really bother say much nice about the leather weirdos.

    Free Member

    I can’t quite figure out why they keep referring to TG as a ‘factual’ programme !!? It’s light entertainment sherly.

    It used to be factual. In the last 5years its become increasingly slapstick.

    As they said themselves – shades of Last of the Summer wine.

    Loved watching Plato talk about the balance of a car, how it behaved etc as he was driving it quickly.

    Thats factual. Sadly Fifth Gear suffered from C5’ism.

    Full Member

    Free Member

    So our prime minister thinks it’s ok to come out in defence of a boorish racist who assaulted someone because they didn’t get their dinner when they wanted it.

    As opposed to our former prime minister who used to throw mobile phones at people when he was having a tizzy?

    Free Member

    Loved watching Plato talk about the balance of a car, how it behaved etc as he was driving it quickly.

    It’s just not popular. If it was, fifth gear would be the show being sold worldwide.

    Free Member

    Thats its downfall. When they had the two blokes sat in a studio on a comfy settee chatting it was cringeworthy.

    For a car show to become massive it needs viewing audience which equals making a show more than just cars, broaden its appeal.

    Free Member

    Loved watching Plato talk about the balance of a car, how it behaved etc as he was driving it quickly.

    5th Gear and Top Gear cannot be compared, they are two very different programmes. I have no idea why the discussion keeps coming back around to this.

    Free Member


    It’s just not popular. If it was, fifth gear would be the show being sold worldwide.

    Yes, popularity is always a good indication of quality. Especially in the arts.

    Free Member

    For a car show to become massive it needs viewing audience which equals making a show more than just cars, broaden its appeal.

    Precisely, and what do you think the beeb would prefer; a staid car show only tolerable by hardcore car enthusiasts or ££££££££££££££££££?

    Yes, popularity is always a good indication of quality.

    Yeah because fifth gear was amazing quality. Hang on….

    You don’t see threads on canadian MTB forums discussing how to get aroung the inetnets region lock so that they can watch quentin, do you.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Yup Malvern that joke has been done too.

    Then I missed it, apologies. But I thought about what you said – and suggest that in order to be judged as ‘repetitive’ on any kind of objective scale (if TG fans may be called upon to be truly objective) then surely the same joke would have to be aired on prime time national television. At least weekly. For decades. With not one guy telling it but three, or four at once, laughing at the same old forced joke amongst themselves. Together. Forever. The End?

    Fast comeback.

    Oh it sometimes takes me an hour to remember that I mistakenly put my mug of coffee in the fridge 😛

    Full Member

    Fast comeback.

    Malvern Rider
    Free Member

    Yes, popularity is always a good indication of quality.

    It is. Youtube for the win on that scoring system. Quite convinced that only censorship prevents videos with arses and cups or machetes or men raping kangaroos getting top billing every day all of the time. Sniggering at gypsies, homosexuals other races and the homeless is the softest of soft porn. This is the BBC after all, they have a lot of catching up to do. Softly softly, catchee ratings.

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